Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 800 Fleeing and Seeking

Chapter 800 Fleeing and Seeking

Chapter 800 Fleeing and Seeking

Not long after they took off, in a dark alley somewhere in Atlanta.

Smollett was running forward while panting and clutching his chest. A group of men in black were chasing him from behind.

Seeing a trash can ahead, Smollett took the opportunity to hide in it.

The putrid smell hit his nostrils directly, and Smollett almost threw up.

Fortunately, he managed to cover his mouth tightly and made no sound.

“Where did he go?”

The footsteps of the man in black echoed back and forth just outside the trash can. Smollett involuntarily held his breath, his nails digging deep into his flesh, using the pain to stay calm.

“He must have gone that way!”

Someone yelled first, and the others immediately ran quickly in another direction.

Making sure that the sound outside had completely disappeared, Smollett slightly relaxed but still did not dare to show his head.

Tonight, he had arrived at the dock early as per Hope’s request. He had originally thought that he was waiting for a smuggling boat to take him out of here, but what awaited him was a group of assassins in black.

They didn’t even say a word, and just stabbed at Smollett as soon as they met.

Fortunately, Smollett was well-prepared and quickly dodged the assassin’s knife, barely escaping with his life.

He did everything he could to escape and was chased by these men in black all the way to this alley.

“Damn it.” Smollett was infuriated, he had long suspected that Hope would kill to silence him, but he didn’t expect him to act so quickly.

He stayed in the trash can for nearly half an hour. After confirming that no one would appear, Smollett finally crawled out, limping towards the slums.

In Canas.

Joe and Charlotte headed straight for the master’s home as soon as they got off the plane.

According to Dorothy’s introduction, the psychological master was named

Ferdinand Garie, who had spent most of his life studying hypnosis and was very reclusive due to his devotion to academics.

When they arrived at Ferdinand’s house, the door was opened by Emma from Garie’s family.

Emma, having seen many patients, was not surprised to see them. However, noticing their well- dressed appearance, she spoke more gently.

“Dr. Garie has gone on vacation with Mrs. Garie. I don’t know when he’ll be back,” Emma said helplessly.

Joe did not expect to be met with a closed door and frowned at Emma, “Do you know where they went?”

Emma shook her head.

The master’s family going on a trip wouldn’t tell her in advance. Joe furrowed his brows.

Just then, Dr. Garie’s neighbor came home and saw Joe and Charlotte.

The neighbor was an elderly man with a white beard and hair. Seeing that

Joe was asking sincerely and Charlotte’s mental state was not good either, he could only sigh lightly, “I’ve only heard that they seem to have gone to

Halcyonland. I don’t know the details.”

“Thank you.”

Joe knew that the neighbor had already given as much help as possible and thanked him sincerely.

The elderly man waved his hand, “As long as I can help, it’s all good.”

Just at this moment, Joe’s phone rang. It was a message from Sharon.

Coincidentally, Sharon had recently been investigating famous psychologists and had found Ferdinand, even getting his current address.

Even Joe was surprised by this coincidence. He didn’t waste any time and took Charlotte to Halcyonland once again.

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