Fled With CEO’s Twin Babies

Chapter 801 The Nightmare in the Villa

Chapter 801 The Nightmare in the Villa

Chapter 801 The Nightmare in the Villa

Joe was in a hurry, so he didn’t notice that the address was near the villa where Smollett stayed before.

Soon, the private plane stopped at the airport of Halcyonland. Joe and

Charlotte went to the residence of Dr. Garie.

At this time, Charlotte has been rushing around. She was very tired and extreme fatigue.

“Sleep for a while,” Joe put his arm around Charlotte’s shoulder and said to her.

Touching her gaunt shoulder, Joe was very worried about her health.

Charlotte was a little hesitant. During this period, the nightmare had made her full of resistant to sleeping, and she didn’t even want to fall asleep.

Joe knew what she was worried about, so he patted her gently, “If you have a nightmare, I will wake you up as soon as possible, okay?”

Charlotte glanced at him hesitantly. In the end, she couldn’t resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.

But in less than five minutes, Charlotte frowned tightly, and her hands and feet trembling slightly.

Although he couldn’t bear it, Joe still woke Charlotte up according to the agreement.

Charlotte looked at Joe drowsily, and she was still very sleepy.

“We’re almost there.” Joe didn’t want to add to Charlotte’s burden, so he changed the topic.

Charlotte looked at him and did not expose his kindness. At this moment, Charlotte suddenly saw a villa not far from the car and immediately exclaimed. “Stop.” Charlotte shouted excitedly and stared at a villa not far away.

Joe didn’t notice the villa at first, but when he followed Charlotte’s gaze, he was immediately stunned.

This villa…

The car stopped. Charlotte quickly got out of the car and ran to the villa.

Joe looked at Charlotte’s movements with a complicated expression. He finally confirmed that Charlotte was locked up in this villa, and then Hope and Martha would be confirmed to imprison Charlotte.


The gate of the villa was locked, so Charlotte couldn’t get in. She could only look at Joe helplessly.

Joe quickly walked over and looked at the lock on the villa door. “It’s not convenient now. We come back tonight.”

Charlotte hesitated for a moment. She felt that something important had been left inside, but she couldn’t remember it.

“Charlotte, I promise I’ll bring you in.” Joe stared at Charlotte seriously. Only then did Charlotte believe

him. She nodded and held his hand.

This was the first time Charlotte had taken the initiative to hold Joe’s hand since she disappeared. Joe was a little excited, but he also knew very well that Charlotte wanted him to take her into the villa.

To enter this villa, they lived in a spring hotel nearby and did not attract the attention of others.

Joe paid the boss a huge commission and hired a lock-picking expert.

When the locksmith learned that they were going to open a masterless villa, he hesitated a little, but under the attack of Joe’s money, he quickly compromised.

In the dead of night, the “expert” quietly opened the door of the villa.


Without waiting for him to speak, Joe gave him a generous reward.

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