Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Counter Attack

With just two strikes, Xiang Ning's experience value had risen again. The number of experience points gained from an attack was always proportional to how much damage he had suffered. If it weren’t for the protection of the Devourer, Xiang Ning would have directly ascended to heaven. But instead, he advanced to tier four, seven-star.

Experience Points +4951

Experience Points +5066

Tier four, seven-star martial artist (36372/100000)

Xiang Ning’s wound was bleeding, but the blood spilled wasn’t in vain as he was also continuously gaining experience points. In that regard, he was both in pain and happy.

When Obsession saw Xiang Ning showing both happiness and pain at the same time, he felt like there was something wrong. But it was evident that his strength was greater than Xiang Ning’s, so he didn’t think he would lose. He wanted to end it as fast as he could, since Xiang Ning was important to the Federation. He would be finished if Lord Envy couldn’t hold back Fang Zhenyuan.

Obsession was also a dual cultivator, but unlike others, his cultivation as a martial artist was slowly progressing while his Mental Power rapidly grew. It was weird, because usually Mental Power was the harder of the two to cultivate. Thus, he was still a tier four, four-star martial artist, making him slightly weaker than Xiang Ning, but his Mental Power had long reached tier six, five-star. He was an extremely powerful spiritual cultivator.

He had gone for the kill the moment he showed up without any introductions. It would be a hard battle for Xiang Ning.


"Shameless brat!"

"Just you wait!"

"I’ll kill you"

Xiang Ning was frantically dodging, while Obsession’s face twitched in anger. He wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence or not, but his every attack landed on Xiang Ning and they were all superficial wounds every time. That said, every single attack would kill the brat in front of him if they landed properly! Obsession even aimed his blades at Xiang Ning’s balls! Xiang Ning was shouting like a madman, too. To tell the truth, although Obsession was a person of the Seven Deadly Sins, there was no need to be so shameless nor use such underhanded tactics to kill Xiang Ning.

"It’s too dangerous!"

"It’s the Seven Deadly Sins again!"

"They’re everywhere!"

"It's difficult, the other party is a high-level spiritual cultivator, at least a tier higher than Xiang Ning!"

A string of expletives appeared on the screen five seconds later.

“Fuck! how can this man of the Seven Deadly Sins be so perverted!"

"That's too disgraceful!"

"He dared to attack my husband! He has a death wish!”josei

"What? Who's your husband, that's my boyfriend!”

"Fuck off, he’s mine!" He said he loved me that night!”

"Dream on!"

The comments suddenly changed direction and turned into a random argument that could be found in reality. What was once only seen in markets was now being recreated on the internet.

Xiang Ning was at his limits. He originally wanted to rely on Keen Observation to farm some Experience Points, but his manhood was in danger so he went all out!

"Eight Gates! Gate of Origin, Gate of Resting, Gate of Life, Gate of Pain, Open! ”

He opened four of the gates at once.

Current Strength: Tier five, four-star martial artist

Obsession, who was still setting his trap, suddenly realized that something was wrong. How did Xiang Ning's strength grow stronger? His left shoulder inexplicably began stinging in pain. As a spiritual cultivator, his Mental Power was strong, and his sixth sense was also accurate. He had dodged many fatal dangers with it, so he believed in his sixth sense very much.

Sure enough, when Xiang Ning’s strength reached tier five, four-star, he used his Mountain-Splitting Slash. And as the attack was launched, he immediately sent out his flying knives. A stream of light flew past—it was one of Xiang Ning's flying knives! He was now down to his last ten of them.

Obsession’s knife and Xiang Ning's knife collided and Xiang Ning's knife shattered under the impact, while the blade changed its trajectory and flew toward Obsession.

Obsession was surprised by the maneuver. His blade, which could even cut through the skin of a tier seven Beast King, was powerful. Xiang Ning’s Mental Power was indeed weaker than his, but it would take some time to break the youth’s connection to the knife. And there wasn’t enough time!

A slicing sound was heard as a piece of clothing was stripped away along with some of his skin. If it weren’t for his prior preparation, he would have been stabbed by the knife. Xiang Ning had truly angered him.

However, before he could make any moves, Xiang Ning charged as the Devourer was cloaked in a strong aura. There was one goal, to kill the cult member directly in front of him!

Obsession wasn't sure if Xiang Ning had suddenly become stronger before, but he was now certain that this wasn’t a speed that a tier four martial artist could move at. And although he was powerful, he was also a spiritual cultivator. Even if he could sense it, his body must be able to keep up.

Xiang Ning landed a solid hit on Obsession. If it weren’t for using his flying knife to block the attack, the wound would have been worse. But still, looking at his bleeding abdomen, Obsession finally felt fear. Too dangerous! If I didn’t sense it fast enough, he would’ve cut me in half!

The audience that saw that in the livestream exploded in excitement.

"Here it comes! Xiang Ning begins fighting back! ”


"Cut off his dick! Let him taste how it feels!"

"An eye for an eye!"

Xiang Ning's burst of strength had almost taken out Obsession; he had obviously overestimated his enemy a bit. Originally, he felt that his blow wouldn’t be capable of killing Obsession, but looking at the blood that had begun flowing due to the Devourer, the corners of Xiang Ning's mouth turned slightly upward. "It turns out that your physical strength is so weak!"

Obsession huffed as ten flying knives burst out from his back. Everyone else would have felt despair; so what if his physical strength was weak? They had to go through his knives first.

But for Xiang Ning, he had no worries with his Keen Observation activated. He saw the paths of the blades and smiled. Then he used his remaining knives to block all ten of Obsession’s blades as he rushed forward without a care. But all of his flying knives were destroyed in that single block.

Taking two steps back, Obsession took out an eleventh flying knife. Xiang Ning said, "I already expected that!"

“Charging Toss!” Xiang Ning cried as he charged with the power of a giant able to break through a thousand enemies.

The flying knife was directly blocked by Xiang Ning's Devourer as he controlled his sword and stabbed it into Obsession’s leg. Xiang Ning sliced upward and Obsession’s arm was sent flying through the air!

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