Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: Obsession's True Form

That was the difference between a spiritual cultivator and a martial artist. Normally, spiritual cultivators were stronger than martial artists, but they were more or less useless in close combat against a martial artist. That was why an experienced spiritual cultivator wouldn’t let their enemies get close to them.

But if they had high-tier armor, they wouldn’t be afraid of martial artists below tier seven. Only martial artists above tier seven had overwhelming power compared to spiritual cultivators, who only had a few attacking moves.

The physical body of martial artists above tier seven was also stronger. Paired with their extraordinary senses and observational skills, they could see the path of every attack spiritual cultivators could use. That was why tier seven martial artists were either greater than or equal to tier seven spiritual cultivators.

As for Xiang Ning, his Keen Observation and Mental Power made him many times stronger than regular people. Obsession had also been looking down on him in the first place, which was why he’d lost an arm after Xiang Ning increased his strength.josei

“This is amazing! Do you know what this means?”

“Xiang Ning’s talent in battle is too strong!”

“Wait, I know he’s great, but why is he great?”

“I need some answers!”

The ones who commented were two top scholars in their fields. They tried their best to explain to everyone, and all of them soon understood how amazing Xiang Ning was.

Some were envious, while some worshipped Xiang Ning. More than anything, they thought that the heavens were blessing him. He’d had to suffer so much when he was young, so much so that the people surrounding him couldn’t even begin to imagine how painful it was for him growing up.

Maybe this extraordinary power was the compensation the heavens had given to Xiang Ning for suffering so much. What they didn’t know was that he didn’t believe in the heavens, but had instead relied on his own two hands to obtain what he wanted.

Obsession picked up his arm and took a few steps back. Xiang Ning didn’t dare to rush in, as he felt a dangerous aura emanating from the mutant. It was so strong that not even the aura from the Simian Sage and Sovereign’s Throne combined could block it.

Thus, he was being cautious. Sure enough, Obsession’s body was contorting! There was no word to describe how horrifying it was, but soon, the transformation ended.

Various dark tendrils grew from Obsession’s arm where it was cut and formed a new arm that was as thick as a human’s waist. First his torso, then his abdomen, head, and the rest of the body parts changed and grew, but it looked nothing like a human!

Xiang Ning’s eyes widened; he didn’t know how to describe what he was seeing. He wanted to slash and kill the mutant, but his Combat Instinct was telling him to not go any further.

“Shit! What is that thing?”

“It’s hideous! It even has wings!”

“Is he still human?!”

“It’s an Amethyst Nightdemon! “

“How could that be! That’s a beast only found in the deeper parts of the wilderness!”

“The Amethyst Nightdemons were first found in the southwestern part of China, around Nanyun City’s Sanqing region. Their voice can affect the brain of any living animal, including humans. Rather than hypnotizing them, long exposure to their voice would melt their victims’ brains! That sadistic method of killing their prey, along with their violet bodies, is where their name came from!”

“You’re too smart!”

“Isn’t Xiang Ning in danger?”

The moment the mutant Amethyst Nightdemon appeared, both humans and beasts stopped their fight as they sensed the impending danger. Even Sect Master Fang and Envy stopped and watched Xiang Ning.

“Hoho, to think he could force Obsession to transform! Xiang Ning is getting more and more delicious by the second. I must have him and keep him in my collection!” Envy’s long fingers were caressing his neck, but the mask and his crazy voice caused everyone that heard him to shudder.

“Die!” Fang Zhenyuan slashed down toward Envy’s head, but his body blurred and the attack missed. The earth shook with Fang Zhenyuan’s attack. “In your dreams!”

Six months ago, back in Hang City, everyone had been shocked when they heard Xiang Ning’s cultivation was gone, even though he’d been saved from the brink of death. Some of the elders that were closely monitoring him had even flown into a rage and sent down a wave of warriors.

Ten Beast Kings originally led the stampede, but one of them had been killed: the Beast King behind the Simian Sage. The other nine Beast Kings were also affected. If it weren’t for the risk of luring out a Beast Emperor, two more of the Beast Kings would be dead, too.

For two days following the incident, not a single beast approached the fortresses.

Since then, it was common knowledge that there was a powerful backer behind Xiang Ning.

“If Xiang Ning were to die here, the Seven Deadly Sins would be dead for good. Do you think the Federation can’t do anything to you?” Fang Zhenyuan threatened Envy.

Envy remained silent, as he hadn’t stopped looking at Xiang Ning. His greed was being displayed in his eyes. “So what? Do you think the Seven Deadly Sins are weak? Only the Eight Pillars can put up a fight against us!”

Envy’s attack was faster and harder now. He was using a rapier, which held an advantage in speed against Fang Zhenyuan’s heavy weapon.

Xiang Ning was also in a difficult battle.

Cold sweat covered his body as he was pushed back by Obsession’s attack after his transformation. If it weren’t for the arm that he had chopped off, Xiang Ning wouldn’t believe that the ugly beast in front of him was once a human.

“Haha! I admit that you’re strong—strong enough to force my transformation! I wanted to capture and give you to Lord Envy in the first place, but since you’re so arrogant, you’ll die here with everyone else!” Obsession cried out as his demonic voice carried across the battlefield. Every living being that heard it felt like their brains were chained and beaten by a wooden bat. It was torture!

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