Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 386

Chapter 386: That Was Embarassing

Xiang Ning was slightly alarmed. Forget about his previous impression of Uncle Zhao, based on what he sensed now, the old man was at least tier eight, or even nine, basically a person who could easily kill a tier seven beast. His little acting skills might be able to trick some tier seven cultivators, but in the face of a tier eight or nine boss, would he be able to hide?

But Uncle Zhao, who was smilingly looking at him, didn’t speak.

Xiang Ning’s butt clenched under Uncle Zhao’s gaze. His butt was actually injured; in fact, his whole body was quite beat up.

Very quickly, everyone returned back to Fortress One. Xiang Ning didn’t get the questioning he thought he would, only undergoing routine examination. At least until they arrived at some more critical examinations that he refused.

“Xiang Ning, it’s still best if you let us check.” With him was an elegant, young nurse. Although she wasn’t a fighter on the battlefield, she had still witnessed the horrors of war. Plus, the battle had been shown on a livestream projected in the fortress.

The nurse quite admired this legendary teenager. His muscle lines were perfect, and although he was an injured patient, he was a masculine young man that she couldn’t resist. Even his ugly scars added to his rugged look.

Xiang Ning grinned and shook his head. “I’m fine. I know my body well and I definitely don’t treat it as a joke.” As he spoke, he put on his clothes.

Listening to the gentle voice and seeing him smile so warmly at her, the nurse swooned and subconsciously nodded without proceeding with the examination.

Just as he said, he wouldn’t take his body as a joke, since he needed it very much. Despite having the Refresh skill, the risk of hidden, irreparable damage to his body wasn’t worth it. The skill wasn’t a god.

Was a scar considered an injury? Perhaps. In his current state, whenever he took off his shirt, the scars on his body were enough to send chills down one’s spine. They were injuries that Refresh couldn’t repair. And that was in an era where repairing a scar was considered easy with the current technology.

Ten minutes later, Xiang Ning and Fang Rou walked out of the hospital together. She held his examination report in her hand, confidently reading it. In the past six months, she had changed a lot. Her face, which had had some baby fat, had sharpened considerably, her body grew curvier, and, aesthetically speaking, she possessed the golden ratio.

She wasn’t a beauty that could shake the heavens, but she was just nice. Although Xiang Ning didn’t care too much about looks, his eyes were still glued to her side profile. In the past, she would have noticed, but she was currently focused on the report. Suddenly, SLAM! Xiang Ning jumped and instinctively grabbed her in his arms, much to her glee, but she pointed at the report. “Xiang Ning, could you please explain why you only did these checkups?”

“Ma’am, I think those examinations are meaningless, it’d just delay matters.”

“What matters? What could be more important than your health?” She stood with her fists on her hips, glaring at him.

He chuckled and stepped forward. “Matters like spending time with you.” Then he cheesily grabbed her into his arms like a child. As he soothed her, Fang Rou wasn’t sure whether to cry or laugh, though she felt a sweetness in her heart. It had been six months, of course she missed him!

She patted his back, then held his face in her hands. Their eyes locked, less than ten centimeters apart.

The nurse, who was watching them, blushed and hid herself.

“Look at how close they are, I’m eighty percent sure they’re gonna kiss,” mused Chu Long, who was holding a cup of lemonade.

Long Xiaoqi, who was sitting next to him, pouted, displeased. “And is that any of your business? Where’d you get that? I want one,” she retorted.

Fang Rou gazed into Xiang Ning’s eyes, which were as deep as the vast ocean, almost falling into them. She shook her head and muttered to herself, “No way, no way, you mustn’t lose your mind to this devil.... Fang Rou, pull yourself together.”

Xiang Ning naturally heard the mosquito-like muttering and was very amused by her cute pep talk.

When she saw his sneer, she pouted, then grabbed his face with both hands and bit his lip.

The skin of his lip, then bled a little, alarming her. She cursed herself for it, but when she thought about how he didn’t care about his body, she grew indignant. When she saw how he was looking at her, she immediately wanted to run. He looked like he wanted to eat her up!

She had taken only two steps when he pulled her back, then pressed her head to his chest. Her ear pressed tightly against his chest and her cheeks burned as she listened to his powerful heartbeat that seemed to say ‘I’m fine, really’.

“I… you… there’s too many people watching.” Fang Rou couldn’t stand it anymore and struggled out of his arms, then jogged back to her dormitory. She looked so panicked that it stunned many people who saw her as a Goddess of War.

Wasn’t she the superwoman who killed beasts like they were her sworn enemy, never showing mercy? The goddess that broke into the Hunter’s Board top hundred within six months?

“Sigh, how sad.”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you see the way Goddess Fang acted? Like a little girl… sigh!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Well? Have you seen her like that before?”


“Stupid, that means the apple of her eye is here. She already has a person she likes.”

“Heh, you think you ever had a chance with Goddess Fang?”

Fang Rou ignored all the quizzical looks and questioning voices, stumbling and running back to the dormitory. She locked her door and jumped into bed, kicking her legs. “Aaaaah! That was embarrassing! Stupid Xiang Ning, I hate you!”

Five minutes later, she slowly calmed down, then thought to herself, Why didn’t that stupid Xiang Ning run after me? How long has it been already, why isn’t he here yet?

Then someone knocked on the door.

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