Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 387

Chapter 387: I Love You So Much

Fang Rou’s mind was still racing when she heard the knock on her door, scaring her into burying her head in her covers. When she thought about injuring Xiang Ning’s lip and the way he looked like he was going to eat her up, her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. Should she open the door?

A voice came from outside. “Little Rou, open the door. I won’t do anything to you.”

“Wow! Stupid Xiang Ning, you’re going to bully me, right? I’m telling you, you can’t do that! It’s all your fault! You didn’t finish your physical examination!”

“Like I said, I know my body well. Why would I lie to you? And like I said, it would just delay us spending time together. Open the door, I miss you.” His voice was piercing despite the closed door, and very gentle.

At that point, her heart was no longer just racing, it was lurching like a fish on land. “Shut up, shut up, shut up! Leave me alone, leave me alone!”

Xiang Ning stood outside the door, awkwardly scratching his cheek. He could imagine the way she was rolling around in the sheets and it was a cute sight. He really, really wanted to rush inside and lift her up, but her door was in the way! He regretted using the Eight Gates skill now. If only he had opened seven instead of eight gates, he would still be able to kick the door down!

It was two minutes until Fang Rou didn’t hear any more noise outside. Then another minute passed and she panicked a little. Maybe he had really left? She got off her bed and tiptoed over to the door. Her hair still a tangled mess, she quietly leaned on the door, listening.

There was no sound, so she crouched and peaked through the crack under the door. No one was there. She panicked, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. The moment she did, there was a flash and she reacted quickly. How dare that stupid Xiang Ning trick her? He was hiding! josei

Fang Rou tried pulling the door shut but a leg got in the way and was followed by a shriek of pain. She jumped and stumbled back, then saw Xiang Ning massaging his thigh as he opened the door. She stood there, nonchalantly licking her lips as she coughed, “Ahem... I didn’t know it was you. I thought it was some pervert.”

Now that he had successfully entered her room, he grinned and looked at her guiltily twirling her hair. Her feet were bare, one twisting around the other anxiously.

“Pervert?” Xiang Ning sneered, took one step forward and closed the door, then reached out to twist the lock. Click. The door was locked.

“What’re you doing? Comrade Xiang Ning, let me tell you, it’s bright as day, what’re you trying to do?” Fang Rou burrowed into her covers like a kitten, tightly wrapping herself up.

The sequence of actions stunned Xiang Ning. Just like that, she was gone! Well, she was under her covers, at least. He only felt a gentle warmth for the girl who was hiding like a hamster. He rushed over to the side of her bed and gently sat down. Although he was gentle, Fang Rou, who was straining her ears to listen, jumped.

She backed herself into the corner of the bed.

He chuckled, then thought about all the past scenes where they were together. Every single time, he was the one who had been pressed down by her. He thought that he had lost some dignity as a man, wasn’t this the ‘best time for revenge’?

“Little Rou, stop hiding and just accept your fate.” Xiang Ning grinned, reaching out to pull off the covers. But in the next moment, the blanket was suddenly pushed away, and seeing her embarrassed expression, he was stunned until both blanket and girl pounced on him. He cussed.

He was once again pinned down, staring at the beautiful face so close to his. He tried struggling, but realized she had pinned his hands and legs so he had nowhere to move.

Most importantly, he had lost most of his strength so he was completely under her control.

Fang Rou had thought of that; that was why she decided to ambush him. He wasn’t as strong as her, now, so what was there to be afraid of? And as she thought about it, the little devil in her heart won. She looked at him pinned beneath her and grinned, tracing his cheek with a finger. “Hehe, you’re the one who bullied me first.”

Indignant, he bit Fang Rou’s finger, then refused to let go. Her cheeks reddened and she cried, “You… let go, now!”

“Oomph!” Never!

“Let go!” There was some pleading in her voice but he refused, even mischievously grinding his teeth against her finger. She felt electricity run through her body and went limp.

Due to both of them being trapped under the covers, their breath was trapped inside with them. After some time, Xiang Ning noticed something was off because she hung her head with a little more labored breathing. He could feel it, too. There was no fresh air under the covers, so he wriggled, realizing he could now move his arm, then pulled the covers down, afraid Fang Rou was suffocating.

He opened his mouth to take a deep breath of fresh air but then his brain short-circuited. His mouth was blocked….

His eyes widened, staring at the girl who had her eyes closed. She was just so graceful, so attractive. Very slowly, he fell into the kiss, carefully wrapping his arms around her tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to envelop her with his body.

Ten minutes later, she slowly opened her eyes, looking at the man pinned under her with a grin. She wanted to say something, but he blocked her mouth once more and they only broke free after ten seconds.

He caressed her forehead and smiled. “I love you so much. I really do.”

They were very coarse words, but Fang Rou was mesmerized by the warmth within. She lay her forehead on his as their eyes locked. “I love you so much too.”

The temperature was rising in the room. Although Xiang Ning had never eaten pork, he had seen a pig running. At school, there were always a few classmates who made off-color jokes. But he understood that this wasn’t the time. He slowly sat up and gave her forehead a gentle peck, stroking her hair. “I’m a little hungry.”

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