From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 202

Chapter 202: Did I fall out of favor?

Secretary Yu, on the other side, suddenly had a bad premonition, on the other side. The call was connected. Then, why was President so silent? Why is it so eery? So scary!

"Cough...President.. that... Young Miss got married yesterday."

Mo Yuhan squinted, "Was she forced after I left?" A dangerous light flickered in his eyes, "If she was forced, then finish the man."

Tang Li frowned as she listened to the man. She wanted to open her eyes and look at him, open her mouth to ask what happened but every muscle in her body, including the facial ones, was sore. So, she just continued frowning lazily.

On the other hand, Secretary Yu shivered at his President's order. Finish...Finish?! Kill Tang Yichen? He did not have a death wish, alright!

"That...President...We can not kill him.." Afraid that the man will think he was defying his orders, the Secretary clarified himself, "T...The bridegroom happens to be your brother-in-law so.."

"Who?" Mo Yuhan interrupted the man wondering if heard it right.

"Err...It's your brother-in-law.."

Amusement flickered in his eyes for a split second before he changed the topic. "Did you investigate what I told you to?"

"Yes, President. I have got the CCTV records of the day on which Old Madam Mo returned. Now, I just have to reorganize the time of the incident and find the data about the person who helped her that day."

"Do it fast," Mo Yuhan coldly said before he hung up and glanced at a certain someone who was lazily cuddling in his arms.

" did..ughh…" Tang Li found it difficult to speak a single word. It was like one word was enough to drain her physical strength accumulated in the last few minutes. It was all his fault for making her scream so much!

Unaware of being blamed again, the man kept looking at her. Mo Yuhan's lips tilted up ever so slightly as he poked her cheeks, "Do you want to ask what did he say?"

She slightly nodded her head.

"Why should I tell you?" His fingers glided across her neck as he twirled the locks of her hair in between his fingers.

She frowned, "Diff..different rooms.."

Mo Yuhan stiffened. Her reply seemed to have gotten onto his nerves as he replied almost immediately, "Mo Jia got married yesterday."

"Oh? To.. whom?" She asked inhaling more of his manly scent, without focusing on what he said.


"Mmm...What? How...Ahh…" The person who was finding it difficult to speak a single word a moment ago, immediately sat up straight on the bed but every bone in her body seemed to have been smashed due to her reckless movement. Her long silky hair which got stuck under his arms compelled her to fall back on his chest.

He effortlessly grabbed her waist before caressing her back, "Are you fine?"

"Yes, I'm… Wait, did you just say that Mo Jia got married to brother?" Because of her shock, she did not realize that Mo Yuhan addressed Tang Yichen as a brother, or else she would have wondered when both men got so familiar with each other.

"Mm," Mo Yuhan softly murmured still stroking her back, trying to soothe her sore body to some extent.

"Don't 'mm' me. I want details," She was sure that she slept for a few hours yet the moment she woke up, the world seems to have transformed completely.

Mo Yuhan sighed before he recounted everything that Secretary Yu told him. 

"So, what you mean to say is that they had a conversation in the car after which they decided to tie the knot," Tang Li blankly looked at the man who nodded his head slightly. 

As for what they conversed about, nobody knew about it!

She sighed for the umpteenth time, "Moreover, brother used his connections to get the Civil Affairs office to operate as a normal day at midnight?"


It took her quite a few good minutes to compose herself. Here she was thinking it would be difficult for her brother to marry Mo Jia but he turned out to be an expert. josei

Despite her worldviews being a bit shaken by the shocking news, she was back to her usual self as she sat up straight. Her eyes darkening ever so slightly as a sudden thought crossed her mind.

Mo Yuhan pulled her closer to him perceiving the change in her mood. 


"How long are you going to look at it?" Mo Jia was unable to comprehend why the man was gazing at the marriage certificate so intensely. 

Ever since they have reached home after completing the marriage procedure, Tang Yichen was constantly staring at it. 

They slept in different rooms as usual so she did not have any idea that he hugged the little red booklets to sleep.

But the moment she woke up, she was met with the current scene. Tang Yichen was sitting on the sofa in the living room as kept eyeing the marriage certificates.

"Awake?" The man did not answer her question as he stood up before walking towards her.

"Mm, I just...Mmmph.." He pressed his lips against hers drowning the rest of her words.

"It's real," The man murmured against her lips again and again. Only Tang Yichen knew how sneakily he sent the text to get the Civil Affairs office to operate normally. Maybe he was insecure, but he just did not want her to change her mind.

As for what he was thinking, she was not able to comprehend its meaning, she was not in the position to think about anything else.

Weak? Yes, she was. She knew she was helpless against him, she craved for his touch the more he came closer. Indeed, he made her weak.

Her body went limp as his breath fanned her neck.

A fiery sensation pervaded her chest. The warmth of his fingers trailed through her back as his hand reached up to unhook her bra. She arched her body as his palm kneaded her waist, her breasts collided against his rock hard abs.

"Uhm…" His lips lightly brushed against hers teasing her to the core yet he did not give what she wanted. His palm glided from the side of her waist to her breasts, his palm stroking the supple bouncy skin.

"You are slow," She murmured and before he could figure out her meaning, she pounced on him, pinning the man onto the ground as she fell on top of him and her tongue intruded inside his mouth.

Tang Yichen's eyes turned wide for a bit. He did not know she preferred to take initiatives again and again but he liked the feeling of it. His hand supported the back of her head as he kissed her harder. The weight of her body on him was felt different. He could feel all of her, her curves, her breasts, her shape, her every move, her scent… 

It was intoxicating. To him, she was intoxicating.

Her fingers gripped his hair as she closed her eyes. Every inch of her body was heating up and she could feel that he too was in a similar condition. She could feel his bulge caressing her body through the layer of clothes.

"We are married," he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers.

Her blue orbs flickered with an unusual light as a shade of red-tinted her cheeks, "Indeed, we are…"

"Don't move," he murmured the instant she tried to do something. His self-control as a man had certain limits. He wouldn't even realize when he turned into a beast and pounced on her. 

He did not want to have her like that, lying on the harsh cold floor just because of some impulse. 

Their marriage was rushed but he had not lost his mind completely. Tang Yichen wanted to give her some space, for her to consider if whatever she decided was worth it or not. He did not want her to regret her later.

One chance!

His eyes darkened, 'I'll give you one last chance. Take your time, if you do not want me, back off. Or else the next time you approach me, I'll never let you go,' he thought.

Mo Jia frowned slightly. Was he trying to push her away?

Tang Yichen wrapped his hands around her waist before he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "I have to go to the company now. There are lots of pending work."

She nodded as he helped her sit properly before he got up and walked inside his room.

Mo Jia silently glanced at the direction of his room as she wondered, 'Did I fall out of favor already?'

"_" Girl, Mo Zihan is a bad influence for you. Stop being so melodramatic!

"Are you worried about something?" Mo Yuhan asked as he smoothened the creases on her forehead.

Tang Li sighed, "Even if they are married, we have yet to find the ancestral rings. Moreover, will the Mo Family accept my brother?"

Her eyes turned cold at the thought of Old Madam Mo. She remembered it pretty well how the Old lady welcomed her, or more like humiliated her by slandering her entire family.

She gripped the blankets in her clenched fist. It was fine when it came to her. But no one gets to point a finger at her brother. If they did, she will...

"It will be fine. Trust me, alright?" The man caressed her clenched fist snapping her out of her thoughts.

She looked into his eyes as her cold aura disappeared almost immediately. She trusted him! Since he said it will be fine, she believed it.

Both their phones rang right at that moment, interrupting the peace in the bedroom.

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