From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Was she possessed?!

Mo Yuhan picked up her phone from the bedside table before passing it to her before glancing at the caller ID on his phone.

He furrowed his brows looking at Secretary Yu's name flashing on the screen. Why was the man calling him again?

After a few minutes: 

Tang Li came back from the balcony after she finished talking with her secretary as she sat on his lap hugging the man's neck.

"It was.." Both of them ended up saying the same thing as they paused and looked at each other.

Mo Yuhan chuckled, "Go on, I'm listening."

Tang Li playfully bit the tip of his nose, "That..." her throat felt a bit too sore to speak but she went on, "I had my secretary acquire the CCTV records of the day when your Grandma came back..cough.."

Mo Yuhan pressed his finger on her lips, "Don't speak if it's hurting."


"Alright, how about I complete what you were about to speak?"

She furrowed her brows for a bit as sudden enlightenment hit her out of nowhere.

"You know the man who has got the ancestral rings?" The man asked, to which her lips lifted slightly.

So, he knew that too!

"It was brother," She mumbled softly but he could see the happiness in her eyes.


Tang Li sighed, "But, what if.."

"No buts or what-ifs," Mo Yuhan interrupted the woman almost immediately. He has always seen Tang Yichen acting like a protective siscon, but this side of his wife was certainly new to him.

What he did not admit was that he felt jealous! Being the person that he was, if it was possible, he would want her to keep looking at him all the time. So, how would he not feel jealous? 

The chibi Mo Yuhan sulked a bit before speaking up, "Your brother can deal with his problems from here on. Don't worry." 

In other words, stay as far as possible from that man, let him deal with his issues all alone. You just have to look at me and care for me.

She nodded. Unaware of his inner thoughts, she agreed to what he said. Her brother was indeed smart, he could deal with any problem that came his way in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the time, she ran towards her bathroom without looking back. Though her body was aching a bit here and there, with the troublesome soreness included, she did not have the leisure to care about it. She did not want to be late for the office.

"Walk slowly.." Mo Yuhan helplessly looked at his empty arms before glancing at the closed bathroom door.


"Good Morning, President..." The employees on the ground floor bowed and greeted their goddess the moment they saw her walking past them.

So what if their President was cold, so what if she was the incantation of the demoness, they still adored her. Her presence was akin to that of a queen in their lives. It was normal for them to do so.

But what was certainly abnormal was the way their President didn't walk straight to the private elevator. She paused!

Indeed, she paused and turned around to look at them. Her lips curved up making her look ever so beautiful, "Good Morning," she said, her happy mood reflecting on her face as she walked inside the elevator. 

The crowd gasped. An arrow struck straight at the men's heart while the women drooled in admiration. Their President was so gorgeous! Wait, did President Tang just smile? Was she possessed?!

As soon as Tang Li entered her office, she was greeted with the scene of Lin Shi pacing back and forth anxiously.


"You're here…" Lin Shi sighed in relief as she looked at her.

"Why do you look so tensed?" Tang Li calmly walked towards the office desk. Her brows furrowed as she looked at the stack of documents kept on it, and her hands immediately straightened them.

Lin Shi was speechless. OCD is indeed dangerous. No matter how she looked, it seemed okay to her. Being reminded of something, her demeanor changed once again as she grabbed Tang Li's shoulders making the woman look at her, "It's damn serious…"

Tang Li extended her fingers as she smoothened the wrinkles on her forehead, "Don't frown too much, you will get old.."

"It's about Mo Empires," The woman said, making Tang Li pause her movements. 

"You remember those directors who sold their shares to us?"

Tang Li nodded. Of course, she remembered them very well. After what they did, she thought Mo Yuhan would do a good clean-up of the staff in the company but he did not take any action. He was the type of man who would eliminate the threats from the roots. So, knowing him personally, it confused her as to why he did not take action. 

She never asked him about it as she was sure he would share it with her when he felt the need to do that. 

But due to the events occurring in their lives, they did not get the chance to have a good talk.

Lin Shi sighed, "There is some bigger conspiracy going on. Though I'm not sure about anything in particular but one of them reached out to me today. And judging from the way he behaved, there are others involved in the whole thing," She paused before adding, "I won't buy it that brother-in-law is unaware of everything. He is known as a devil in the..cough.."

The woman choked on her saliva as Tang Li narrowed her eyes, "Who are you calling a devil?"

"Err..devil as in...Mo Yuhan is as smart as a devil," Lin Shi quickly edited her words, inwardly scolding herself for being so reckless earlier.

Tang Li nodded, satisfied by her reply but the next moment, her face became a little sullen, "Brother-in-law.."

Lin Shi creased her brows, "What?"

"Call him brother-in-law, not Mo Yuhan."

"_" Are you sure we are going to discuss this?

Lin Shi blinked rapidly, her fingers tapping her thigh. Here she was informing the woman about the potential threats in Mo Empires but she was stuck on her husband.josei

Tang Li slightly leaned back on the desk as she folded her hands in front of her chest. "Keep updating me about it," she mumbled as she stared icily out of the window.

"What if the matter got out of hand?"

"It won't," Tang Li was sure of that. Since Mo Yuhan was dragging the whole thing, then there must be something or someone complicated involved in the matter. But he won't let anything get out of his hands. If he had been a person like that, then Mo Empires would've vanished by now.

"Alright," Lin Ship nodded, "Hey, have you talked with Ying Yue recently?"

"Is there anything wrong with her?"

Lin Shi shook her head, "She is just acting weird. I am not sure about it though."

'Weird?' Tang Li raised an eyebrow.

Blue Star Entertainment:

Tang Yichen leaned back on the chaise lounge as he massaged his forehead. Last night, he was barely able to get a good sleep because of his sudden marriage, that too with the woman he loved. 

It resulted in him feeling a bit tired for the whole day. Finally, after a long day of hectic work, the man found an opportunity to take some rest.

Just as he closed his eyes, urgent knocks resounded in the office room disturbing the peaceful ambiance.

"Come in," He coldly ordered before sitting up.

The assistant walked inside with her head lowered, "Pres…" The girl paused the moment she raised her head. His bloodshot eyes shocked the girl to point that she retreated a few steps back. He looked like will kill someone the next moment.

It was completely wrong though! The girl's imaginations were rather wild as Tang Yichen wasn't angry, rather, the man was just exhausted due to being sleep-deprived and his heavy workload, which resulted in frustration.

But her fear did not bother the man as he simply did not care what others thought of him.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yichen asked impatiently.

"Th...That…" The girl stuttered, her palms turned sweaty.


The girl trembled for a bit, "P...President Mo, the CEO of Mo Empires is here..." She tried to do her best as she detailed Tang Yichen about Mo Yuhan. 

Sigh..only if the poor girl was aware of how they were related, she wouldn't have done something so foolish.

"Mo Yuhan.." Tang Yichen wondered what the man was here for, "Let him in."

Just as he said that, the assistant ran out of the door like she was chased by the ghosts. Before she could make a call to the receptionist, her gaze landed on Mo Yuhan who entered the office room.

'If President Mo could enter inside the office without permission, did I just enter the lion's den for nothing?' She shivered at the reminder of the man's scary look.

"What are you here for?" Tang Yichen doubtfully looked at the man.

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