From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: Grandpa Tang on a world tour

"Congrats," Mo Yuhan nonchalantly said before sitting on the couch.

Tang Yichen leaned back on the chaise lounge, "So, you know?"

Mo Yuhan raised an eyebrow, "What do you think?"

"Fine, fine, Young Master Mo, you are great, happy?" Tang Yichen wryly chuckled. He should have known that even the smallest things can not escape the man's eyes, how would he not know if his sister got married all of a sudden?!

Mo Yuhan crossed one leg above another, "Tell my wife about it."

"What?" Tang Yichen was confused. Was this man sick or what? Why is he talking in puzzles?

"Call Lili and inform her about your marriage."

"You have not told her?"

"Uh-huh, she knows."

"Then?" Tang Yichen frustratedly sat up, "Mo Yuhan, can you speak a few more words? I'm unable to comprehend your intelligence codes." josei

He wondered why the man was so stingy when he spoke. Would it kill him to explain the things more clearly?

Mo Yuhan pursed his lips before he explained, "I don't want Lili to feel sad that her brother has not told her about his marriage."

Tang Yichen was stunned for a moment as realization struck him. He has yet to inform his sister personally. It was not that he wanted to keep his marriage a secret from family or something like that. It was just that the whole thing was rushed, they got married at midnight. And the day after, he had to deal with piles of workloads. He just did not get the time to call her.

"So just call her and tell her about your marriage."

Tang Yichen snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at Mo Yuhan. His black eyes held a deeper meaning. He was sure this man did not come here just to congratulate him, but instead, the main purpose of his visit was to remind him to call Tang Li since he couldn't bear to have his wife sad about anything.

"I'll tell her myself, you don't have to remind me about that," Tang Yichen snorted, "You should worry about yourself right now."

Mo Yuhan remained expressionless as ever as the man continued, "Don't pretend that you don't know about anything. You're betting on your life to find the mastermind, did my sister ask you to do so? No, right?! Mo Yuhan, get it straight in your stubborn head that even if we stopped the intruder last time, a small amount of data was not restored properly, which menas they have already acquired it. If that faction got a small hint of your link with the military, then you'd be done for. Do you get what I'm saying?"


Tang Yichen raked his fingers through his hairs, "What are you 'en'ing about? Can't you realize how serious this matter is?"

"Lili will be safe," Mo Yuhan spoke up, for the first time looking straight in the man's eyes. 

Tang Yichen frowned. Of course, she would be safe. But he suddenly had a strange feeling, like there was some other meaning to what the man said.

Before he could open his mouth to ask, sudden knocks were heard before a solemn Li Han entered inside.

At this moment, Tang Yichen never would have imagined that Li Han's sudden interruption today would make them go through countless troubles in the future.

Li Han bowed to both the men before looking at Mo Yuhan," President... the assassin committed suicide by biting his tongue."

Mo Yuhan's brows knitted as Tang Yichen asked, "Was it the man involved in the shopping mall incident?"


"Did he confess anything?" Mo Yuhan asked Li Han.

"I am not sure of that. Li Yu has not informed me about the details of the situation.

Mo Yuhan stood up before looking at Tang Yichen. The man nodded, "Go ahead."

With that said, Mo Yuhan walked out of the office leaving Tang Yichen in contemplation.

"Young Miss.."

"Yes?" Tang Li swirled her swivel chair around as she rechecked the caller ID on her phone. Why would the butler call her at her time like this? Something flashed in her mind all of a sudden, "Did something happen to Grandpa?" She stood up from the chair.

"No, no...Old Master is fine…" Just as Tang Li was about to let out a sigh in relief, the old butler added, "But… The Old Master is packing his luggage.."


"I am not sure about anything else but Master said he wants to go on a world tour and break all the contacts with everyone to stay in isolation.." The butler seemed to be making the call secretly as he whispered, "He warned me not to tell anyone… and this time, he looks serious about it.."

"I got it," Tang Li replied before hanging up.

Just as she was about to put her phone down, a notification came making the display flash twice. As she looked at the message, her face darkened a bit.

Her fingers stroked her chin as she mumbled, "I should just go to meet Grandpa first, after that…"


She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her phone before answering the call, "Brother.." 

"Princess, where are you?" 


Tang Yichen sighed, thinking about how to break the news to her. Even though he knew she was aware of it, it was a completely different matter when he personally said it, "Well..that I…"

"Do you have anything to say?" Tang Li asked in an emotionless tone.

Tang Yichen frowned. Was she angry? Thinking up to that point he quickly blurted out, "I... I got married to Mo Jia yesterday."

Tang Li nearly rolled her eyes; love sure had his eyes, when had she ever thought that her brother would stutter one day when exposing his sneaky deeds.

"Oh~I thought you did not have any intention of sharing it with me," Her tone was laced with sarcasm.

"No...It's not like that. I did not.."

Tang Li chuckled as she interrupted the man, "I know brother, you must have been busy. Anyways, if you did not tell me about it today, I would have ignored you for a year."

Tang Yichen was relieved as he inwardly thanked Mo Yuhan. Luckily, the man was there on time to remind him.

Even though Tang Li did not show it, she did mind the fact that her brother did not call her to inform her about such a big good news. She wasn't an emotional person, she just felt certain things too deeply.

But, the moment her brother told her about it, she felt better in an instant. At times, she could be as simple as that.

"Brother, I am going to meet Grandpa. Will you come with me?"

"Didn't he slap you? I thought you were angry because of that?"

Tang Li sighed, "It was me who provoked him first.

Tang Yichen chuckled. "I can't go today…" he said.

"Are you fine?" She was certainly confused as her brother was not someone who would deny her requests without any reason.

"Yes, I just need to have a good sleep. Why don't you take your man with you?"

"He is busy today," Her eyes flashed with a strange light as she calmly continued, "I don't have the heart to disturb him."

Tang Yichen frowned. Mo Yuhan left his office a few minutes ago, then how did she know that he was busy unless…"How did you know?" He asked.


"How did you know that he is busy?" As if noticing the error in his sentence, the man quickly added, "Did you ask him to go with you?"

She smiled somewhat mysteriously as she looked out of the window, "Maybe I've planted a mole in his men. What do you think, brother?" She hung up as soon as she said that leaving Tang Yichen dumbstruck.

Tang's Ancestral Mansion:

"Old Master.."

"What is it?" The old man frowned while glancing at the butler standing beside the door, as he pushed his suitcase off the stairs.

"Where are you going, Grandpa?" Tang Li pushed open the huge door slightly as she stepped inside the living room.

"You.." The old man's eyes turned wide as he looked at her, "Who are you calling grandpa? Humph!"

Tang Li calmly walked towards the sofa before taking a seat, "You were the one who slapped me. So, logically, it should be me throwing tantrums here, right?"

"Who is throwing tantrums?" The old man snorted as he walked towards her.

"Then, didn't you say you were going on a world tour?"

Grandpa Tang narrowed his eyes as he glared at the butler. His actions showed that it was supposed to be a secret.

But the old man would never admit that it was all a part of his scheme. Although he was going out, but the world tour part was a lie, and the poor butler was a pawn in his gameplan. Just as he expected, the man surely called his granddaughter. And just as he expected, she came.

The butler shivered at his old master's glare as he quickly dismissed the servants before swiftly fleeing from the place. 

Tang Li glanced at his suitcase looking at her grandfather. She suddenly felt nostalgic as she looked at his get up. The old man wasn't wearing his casual homey clothes but rather he was dressed in a black retro-suit with his perfectly trimmed hair and beard, he was exactly the mysterious legend that everybody spoke of. It has been decades since she last saw him like that.

"Where are you going, Grandpa?" She asked as her voice softened.

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