Game’s Dogma

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Zeus

‘Two Mavericks are fighting against each other.’

Still the same mysterious hut, still the same pair of male and female sitting on those futuristic, high-tech chairs. 

‘Which two?’ the man asked.

She didn’t utter a word. Instead, the light on her azure metal eye mask flickered rapidly, apparently searching for something…

‘It’s Dragonspear and Zeus!’

‘What?’ The man’s voice turned stern. ‘How did that happen!?’

Panicking, she replied, ‘It’s probably… the Castellans’ weekly bets.’


‘I can’t go through, the interference is really strong…’

‘I’ll go with you, these two must not get hurt!’

While the golden-haired teen was still startled, Drako Yau had already turned into a tornado and was veering his way towards the teenager.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The golden-haired teenager retracted his lance and held it horizontally above his head. Drako Yau’s five-hit combo, Blizzard, made five crisp clashes. Despite blocking the physical strikes, the spear still dealt elemental damage. It was just like how fire would burn your clothes even if it was not burning you directly.

Upon blocking the third strike, the passive skill Icefrost had activated and froze the teen into a solid ice statue, but Drako Yau immediately shattered it the next moment.

The final two strikes from Blizzard landed flush on the teen’s shoulder.

Reduced movement speed and attack speed.

Right after landing, Drako Yau thrust his spear forward again, not giving the enemy a chance when he had the upper hand.

‘Hmph!’ The golden-haired teenager grunted. Having just been caught off guard, a tint of anger started swelling within him as he struck his left hand out. A heavy shockwave surged from his palm and rushed towards Drako Yau.

Shocked, Drako Yau was forced three steps back by the shockwave.

The two glared at one another, both realising what the other’s class was.

Godly Spearmaster!

They were both godly spearmasters!

The difference between them lay in their chosen paths; Drako Yau took the Icy Flame path, while the teenager took the path of Tempestuous Thunder.josei

The golden-haired teenager sized up the mosaic face in detail. With all the pixelation and blurring, all he could see was fiery redness. It was apparent that apart from the pixelation, he was also wearing some sort of mask.

‘Such an enigmatic farce.’ The teenager was clearly fired up for the fight. With a deep shout, he lifted the heavy lance and leapt high up into the air.

Torrents of wind surrounded his body, increasing his movement speed. He had the high ground; the teen looked down at the fiery youngster from above and struck with his lance… which disappeared into thin air.

No, it wasn’t gone, but instead its tracks were too quick for the naked eye.

Jungle of Lightning!

Still in the air, the teen’s arm that was holding his lance was almost invisible, replaced by countless bucket-sized lightning strikes. The bombardment of lightning covered a whole ten-metre radius!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Drako Yau swung his spear to perfection, not letting even a drop of water pass. The teen’s attack was fierce, but it was still leagues away from the swarm of bees that could seep past even the slightest of gaps in his defence.

Soon, the Jungle of Lightning disappeared. Despite intercepting all the lightning bolts, he was suffering just like the golden-haired teen had not long ago; he could block the attacks but not the elemental damage.

The lightning damage made him go numb, and deep blue arcs of electricity shrouded him. The corners of the teen’s mouth twitched up as he formed his left palm into a fist while landing.

Triggered by something, the electrical arcs exploded all at once!

Energised Grasp!


Sparks flew everywhere along with gushes of smoke.

The fatty looked grave. He took a massive bet this time; losing a total of five thousand would be a painful blow. Still, the old man had an even worse expression on his face. His underling Zeus had never lost a battle, and none of the challengers whom the others sent could exchange over ten blows with him.

This time though, the masked guy was not only also a Godly Spearmaster, but also a Maverick like Zeus. The old man’s expression was really a show in itself.

He only relaxed a bit after Zeus used Energised Grasp on his opponent.

‘Haha, fatty, where’d you find such a strong doll.’

The fatty didn’t reply, focusing solely on the ongoing battle beneath their feet. The six of them were like giants surrounding the colosseum as they watched from above.

Met with silence, the old man simply shrugged and said, ‘Even if he’s one of the three godly classes, there’s also the matter of individual superiority.’

At that moment, the fatty laughed, his already small eyes now hardly visible.

Right when Zeus landed, a shadow emerged from the dark smoke!

Alarmed, Zeus quickly lifted his lance to block it, but… he couldn’t intercept it.

It was a burst of chi in the form of a dragon—Dragon Capturing Hand!

The chi-dragon widened its jaws to seize Zeus and strapped onto him tightly like a lasso. Zeus was reeled in by the dragon, his movement creating a gale that dissipated the black smoke to reveal a charred Drako Yau.

Zeus was quick to react. Despite being bound, he still struggled with great strength and finally wrested himself free right before reaching Drako Yau. He immediately retaliated with his left palm.

It was the wind-element skill, Wind’s Breath, that could knock enemies back while dealing damage.

Zeus thrust his palm…

Drako Yau shifted his body aside. The two were now right up against one another, and Zeus’ palm missed its target and went past Drako Yau.

Thinking the same move could work twice would be underestimating him. As though it were a dragon, Drako Yau shoved his spear to the front and flicked it upward.

Sky-Piercing Flames!


The spear marked its presence on Zeus’ armour and sent him flying into the air while flames entangled his body. It was the damage dealt over time by fire-element attacks.

This person, he’s really strong!

Zeus’ eyes widened, gleaming as though they were stars that shone in the night sky.

On the contrary, Drako Yau’s gaze was calm. He coldly calculated where Zeus would land and thumped the ground with the end of his spear.

Icy Bloom: Cast a flower of frost at a specified location in front that deals damage and freezes the enemy for 2 seconds.

The skills were timed so they connected seamlessly to form a combo. When Zeus was frozen by the frost flower, Drako Yau would lunge...

Zeus… was nowhere to be seen.

The flower of frost bloomed as planned, but Zeus, who was supposed to land there, simply vanished. Drako Yau was startled for a brief moment before he subconsciously shifted his legs and placed strength into his waist. Driving his body into a twist using the gathered strength in the waist and legs, he swept his spear sideways all the way to his rear.

All that remained there was nothing but an after-image.


His golden hair fluttering with the wind, Zeus descended from above like a roaring lion and sank his fangs into Drako Yau’s shoulders. To be exact, they scratched past his shoulders and splattered a bit of blood. Along with that, Zeus’ lance pierced into the ground.

Zeus’ speed was quick enough for him to first dodge the Icy Bloom, then pull off a feint at Drako Yau’s rear. Turning into an after-image, he almost teleported into the air to appear above Drako Yau.

‘Kuh…’ Drako Yau made a low grumble as he sent an elbow strike at Zeus who now had his lance stuck in the ground.

The next moment though, Zeus disappeared again and in the blink of an eye, was already a dozen metres away from Drako Yau.

Zeus rested the end of his lance on the floor, his shoulder-length golden hair wavering in the wind while his body radiated a dim, green aura. In fact, the ‘green aura’ were like torrents of raging wind, all of them revolving around Zeus as though they were a tornado. It was such gales that brought his golden hair into their waving motions, fluttering like the mane of a crazed lion.

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