Game’s Dogma

Chapter 190

Chapter 190: No Way Back

The six exclaimed in admiration at the fight going on at their feet.

‘A little monster indeed… The ability to control his powers to such an extent at his age is really something…’ Clown commended.

All of a sudden, Taoist frowned and said, ‘Someone’s interfering.’josei

Gramps snickered. ‘Isn’t that all thanks to Fatty bringing over a big shot? Look, he must be that old geezer’s disciple. I can see that disgusting yet unforgettable spearmanship in him.’

Fatty sneered and retorted, ‘You’re the one who brought over a Maverick first. Now you’re blaming me?’

‘Shut it.’ Taoist furrowed his brows. Today was his turn to maintain spatial stability. ‘Hope these two kids can get it over with quickly. Their interference is getting stronger…’

His words brought their focus back to the two tiny humans below them.

Drako Yau focused his eyes and analysed the golden-haired young man’s tornado. It felt similar… to his Frost and Flame form…

‘Get up, I know you won’t be defeated so easily… Forgot you can’t hear me.’ Zeus made a self-mocking laugh.

Drako Yau could see Zeus’ mouth moving through the blurring effect and guessed that Zeus was saying something, but he couldn’t hear anything.

Blurred out faces and muted voices… How mysterious.

Zeus, seeing that his opponent remained still, grinned and said, ‘If you’re not coming, I will.’

Zeus disappeared from the spot; the power of wind granted him speed befitting of his powers. In a breath’s time, Zeus was already behind Drako Yau. The heavy lance was like a toy in his hands as he thrust it at Drako Yau’s back.


Redness flashed before the lance; it was the afterimage of Drako Yau’s mask as he turned around and met Zeus’ attack with Moon Breaker. Zeus tried to pull back, but Drako Yau pressed on and grappled him with his left hand.

‘Guh!’ Zeus grunted as a verdant aura exploded from his body, knocking away Drako Yau’s hand. He quickly vanished once more.


Again, Drako Yau read the incoming attack and swung his spear in a crescent to block Zeus who appeared above him in the air.

Sounds of spear and lance clashing resounded throughout the battleground. As Zeus fought, fear slowly sprouted within him. Drako Yau was the first person who could fight head-on with him after activating ‘Garan Galeborne’.

Frost invaded Drako Yau’s fiery red mask and split it into two halves, the left turning icy blue from the frost while the other half remained red.

Frost Form—Drako Yau activated it to counter Zeus’ agility. His aim wasn’t to keep up with Zeus, but to analyse and predict Zeus’ movement with his enhanced mind and senses. The flow of air, the vacuum created by quick movements, everything was just like the time he fought Ichor Hon. Apart from his greater proficiency with Frost Form that is.

Weapons clashed again. Drako Yau cast Soaring Flames the moment he met Zeus’ lance. He flicked his spear upwards but missed the target; Zeus’ speed truly spelt despair for his enemies.

Drako Yau suddenly pointed his left palm at a vacant spot and shot out a golden dragon chi which seized the utterly surprised Zeus who just reappeared. Drako Yau turned his palm into a fist and swung it downwards, slamming Zeus heavily into the ground.


Zeus spewed a mouthful of blood and bounced back up into the air; an icy flower was already blooming beneath him. This was why Drako Yau pursued a complete understanding of his skills. He now knew the timing, rhythm, and sequence of using his arsenal of skills well enough that he could cast them without thinking.

Zeus was frozen stiff within the flower of ice as Drako Yau spun towards him like a top—Blizzard!

The series of attacks completely caught Zeus off guard.

I’m going to lose?

I’m going to die?

How is that possible? I’m Zeus!

Just when Gramps was turning pale, Zeus exploded out of the icy flower. Lightning crackled and gushed out from within. He broke free and levitated in the air, his body surrounded by a dark green aura. Lightning seemingly replaced his arms as it shrouded them.


Zeus’ pupils had turned dark green and violet respectively. He glared coldly at Drako Yau and pointed his lance at the spearman. Lightning tore through the skies and struck where Drako Yau stood.

Drako Yau wasn’t dumb enough to stand there and quickly moved to dodge it. However, Zeus had the advantage in speed apart from the power of lightning.

‘Jungle of Lightning!’

Hundreds of lightning shot at Drako Yau like laser beams. They bombarded and overwhelmed the region he was in. His eyes scanned the lightning bolts while his mind calculated their trajectories like a supercomputer to determine where he should move to.

Unable to dodge was the conclusion—there were simply too many lightning bolts. The lightning bolts also seemed to carry a lot more energy after Zeus’ change.

Unable to dodge… is it… A tiny flame emerged in Drako Yau’s gaze. Then I’ll fight!

As if his heart was on fire, flames seeped from his heart to his torso and limbs. Flame spurted from his arms, reached Moon Breaker, and continued to burn. He swung the burning Moon Breaker downwards at the dense Jungle of Lightning.

Flameblast—a smashing attack to the front which triggers the power of flames, dealing area-of-effect and burning damage.

Moon Breaker struck the ground heavily and erected a wall of flames. Lightning and fire confronted one another as they tried to erode and consume the other force. In the end, both powers dissipated into oblivion.

The entire Arena battleground was in ruins, full of burnt soil from the flames and craters from the lightning.

Two young men were facing one another with spear and lance in hand respectively.

One had fluttering golden hair and a dark green aura of wind around him, while his violet arms seemed to be lightning.

One wore a mask, half fiery red and half icy blue, while his burning arms seemed to be flames.

A standoff between a god of fire and a god of lightning, as depicted in legends. The air around them boiled and crackled.

The six spectators held their breaths. The two were unbelievably powerful, almost against the laws of nature, to have such strength at their age. The most terrifying thing was that there was not only one, but two of them!

Even the instigators, Gramps and Fatty, were regretting their move. The two young men were raw jade that had yet to be processed into true treasures. It would be disastrous if they were harmed in the fight, but as things stood, there was no choice but to go on. Five thousand was too much of a bet.

There was simply no way back now!

And the same went for Drako Yau and Zeus.

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