Game’s Dogma

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: The Final Blow

The two fighters didn’t say anything because their voices were muted, but through battle, they had built up chemistry with one another.

Let’s end this in one blow!

The two had the same thought like they were the best of teammates.

A lightning strike descended from the sky and struck Zeus’ lance which he lifted overhead. It acted as a lightning rod as it greedily devoured up the incoming power, electrifying the lance and turning it purple.

Drako Yau’s Moon Breaker suddenly erupted in flames. Without himself knowing, a sliver of blue seeped from his arms into Moon Breaker, concealed by the raging fire. The moment it reached Moon Breaker, the flames exploded and burnt all the more fiercely. It had turned into a massive torch with an underlying tint of glacial blue beneath it.

The six of them were stunned as they all reached the same conclusion—we messed up!

As they were much more powerful beings than the two fighters, they could foresee the result the moment the two brought out their trump cards.

One of them cheated by bringing in a Maverick.

To counter the cheater, another one of them brought in another Maverick.

Mavericks were priceless existences; the injury or loss of a single Maverick was a serious issue. However, no matter how great the six of them were, their hands were tied.

They created this special arena to bring entertainment and relief to their boring lives. The gambling arena seemed like nothing special, while it was an independent space created by combining their powers. Their powers were so deep-rooted and intertwined in the entire space that none of them could cheat.

Yet now, it had backfired. The six realised there was no way to interfere with what was going on inside the arena. It’d take them at least half an hour to break open the space; the battle had lasted for less than fifteen minutes.

Drako Yau shut his eyes and felt the searing pain within him. Up against such a capable opponent, his body instinctively released all the powers he had within him. The Ghost Flame barrier was being eroded at a visible pace.

When both Frost Form and Flame Form activated, he’d enter the weird state. This time, the degree of integration was incomparable to any other attempts.

Moon Breaker let out its final whelp before deforming. Under such intense flames, it melted into liquid metal, but it kept the shape of a spear.josei

‘You still serve as a spear even when you’re gone…’ Drako Yau came to a realisation at that moment. ‘Thank you, Moon Breaker.’

Moon Breaker no longer existed. Even if it was just an item in a game, Drako Yau still heard its final ‘words’.

His eyes were full of vigour and battle spirit. ‘Lend me your strength to defeat my enemy!’



The two howled and charged at one another. They howled, but nothing escaped from their mouths because their voices were muted by the barrier. They both found the other to be a respectable opponent, yet they couldn’t hear one another’s battlecries.

Flame and lightning each took over half of the arena, clearly divided by a border before they clashed. The six spectators watched on as the arena turned red and purplish.

The energetic yet feral elemental forces suddenly halted as if god had frozen time itself.

‘Whew…’ The six all let out a sigh as Taoist said, ‘The Dominator intervened.’

Under normal circumstances, the six despised the Dominator’s interference, but things were different this time around took his leave together with the golden-haired young man.

The other four sent smiles and said their farewells before disappearing from the room.

It was their game room, the place where they enjoyed themselves.

Drako Yau slowly opened his eyes. An ancient European style ceiling and a fancily decorated room came into sight while he found himself lying on a soft, large bed.

The middle-aged butler stood up upon noticing that Drako Yau woke up.

‘Sir, are you alright?’

Drako Yau tilted his head in an attempt to recall the past events.

Golden hair… Lightning… Then… Nothing.

He had unsealed his powers within him, but the side effects didn’t engulf him as he had expected.

Sensing what Drako Yau was pondering about, the butler smiled and said, ‘My lord has healed you with great effort. Worry not.’

Your lord’s the one who dragged me into this troublesome matter in the first place though, Drako Yau said in his head.

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