Game’s Dogma

Chapter 205

Chapter 205: Enlightenment

Drako Yau and Val soon became good friends. Both of them knew if either of them wasn’t there, they would’ve lost their sanity already. Void of any sound and being monotonous in colour, the space was testing the limits of all living souls. Balrogs could hibernate for a decade or two, but Val knew it’d become insane if it had to wait until it reached the Tenth Awakening.

They were the sole companion of one another, as well as their source of motivation.

In the year-long training, Val had already learnt all of Dragon Seeker, adding a terrible weapon to its arsenal. The technique was all the more devastating when paired with its Flames of the Abyss and strong physique. Drako Yau had the feeling that he was weaker even if he activated both forms and if Val were human-sized.

They were sparring as usual. Val drove its left palm at Drako Yau, which he evaded, then thrust its fiery red fingers with its right hand. The thrust was so quick that even Val itself was astounded.

I can’t pull back in time! I was too absorbed inmuch-respected the fight!

‘Watch out!’ shouted Val.

Drako Yau had been teaching Val the human language in the past year, and Val taught him the Balrog language in return.

Thing is, Val had never failed to pull back its attacks so far. Drako Yau had dropped his alertness a little, and that made him falter momentarily before the unexpected finger strike.

The next moment, his hair froze and became ice while flames erupted all over him. The explosion knocked Val all the way back. Drako Yau remained standing, his head now glacier blue and his body fiery red when looked at from afar.

Drako Yau hadn’t been idling about in the two years’ time he was stuck in the weird space. Even in the past year where he had been teaching Val Dragon Seeker, he had kept Frost Form active most of the time and kept pondering on how he could become stronger. After countless thoughts, analysis, and simulations, here he was—everything finally clicked. josei

He suddenly recalled the piece of advice Fatty the Castellan told him despite risking the system’s punishment. Two years of unlimited usage of his powers allowed him to master Frost Form and Flame Form; he finally reached enlightenment!

Drako Yau sat on the ground with his legs crossed. He was sometimes covered in frost, other times spewing sparks everywhere. Everything within a ten-metre radius from him was being devastated and torn apart by the ravaging elements.

Val, worried about Drako Yau, stayed nearby to guard him. As it sat there watching, the atmosphere he was radiating made it twitch.

No one knew what he was going through; it was the most crucial breakthrough in his entire life, and it was deadly. He was now treading the fine line between life and death.

The city of Yoda.

As beams of warm sunlight greeted the city, countless NPCs gradually filled the streets. The scene came straight out of a medieval city; this degree of realism was what made players hooked onto the game. Players who were addicted to the game were too many to count.

A global message on the global channel disturbed what was supposedly a peaceful day.

‘Yoda, your master has returned!’

Sent by: Mister Unfettered.

Albeit startled initially, everyone soon made mocking smiles. Players of Yoda all knew the master of Yoda was the legendary Mask. War God, Undefeated King, Spear God… It was somewhat scary to think that all these titles all referred to the same character.

Mister Unfettered was a familiar name as well. Back a long while ago, he had been an extraordinary existence comparable to Mask. Most guilds feared him and were more reserved when dealing with him. However, the much respected figure fled to Empyreon during The Siege, abandoning everyone in Yoda.

If not for Howl of the Tempest Wolves and the great Mask who stood out when the city needed them the most, Yoda might have ceased to exist already. It was also all thanks to Mask’s efforts that Yoda united as one and even became a publicly acknowledged commercial city.

The cash flow of Yoda almost exceeded that of Evergrand and Empyreon combined. Every guild was enjoying prosperity. Even tiny guilds weren’t being discriminated against for their scale here in Yoda, and they also had a feasible way of making a living.

As such, Yoda had long reached its maximum guild count. Some guilds tried to buy their way into the city by offering hundreds of thousands of gold coins, but their offers were shot down instantly with frowns.

Several hundred thousand gold coins amounted only to the four major guilds’ cash flow in a day. For the smaller guilds, earning a five-digit sum in a day was by no means difficult. Every member could earn several dozen to hundreds of dollars a day after dividing the profit; earning money in real life while playing a game was the dream life of many.

When they saw Mister Unfettered arriving at the city, they all grabbed their popcorn for the drama. Their lord, Mask, had already defeated Mister Unfettered in the Arena with his scorching flames. All they wished for was Mask to defeat the person who abandoned Yoda!

Mister Unfettered sent multiple messages across different channels to gather everyone’s attention. Players gathered at the plaza outside the resurrection altar, surrounding Mister Unfettered who was waving his paper fan and the several hundred players behind him. They were all from Empyreon; as they looked at the surrounding mob, they subconsciously showed disdain, which only further roused the crowd.

Still, Mister Unfettered was completely unfettered as he waited for the city’s lord to meet him. Two people soon appeared before him: Hexen of Corrupted Officials and King-Hit of Hotblooded.

It was a grand convoy considering they were both guild masters of the four major guilds. Naturally, the two guild masters brought along a good amount of guild members with them. Those who were just there for the show gave way for them to reach the stage.

A standoff with three parties.

Mister Unfettered folded his paper fan with a flick and stared at Hexen and King-Hit. With a laid back attitude, he said, ‘Where’s Mask? Bring him here, then we’ll talk.’

King-Hit stayed silent; he wasn’t the suitable candidate to speak in such a situation given his quick temper. Hexen put on his business smile and replied, ‘The boss has his things to attend to. We as subordinates naturally won’t ask about things we don’t have to know.’

Mister Unfettered was surprised. He noticed that Hexen was now referring to Mask as his boss. In other words, Corrupted Officials were no longer cooperating with Mask, but instead working under him!

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