Game’s Dogma

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Spatial Rend

‘Ohoho, who would’ve thought… People can indeed change a lot in just a while. How the mighty have fallen, guild master Hexen, now merely a dog that follows his master.’

The surrounding players of Yoda were all enraged by Mister Unfettered’s words, and King-Hit even readied his spear. Players who followed King-Hit were also people of similar nature—they were all quick-tempered and forthright, muscle heads so to say. 

However, Hexen and those from Corrupted Officials were unbothered at all. Such a petty provocation was useless against those sly foxes. Hexen kept his smile as he said, ‘If you want to go down this route, this Hexen shall entertain you. Fine birds perch only on fine trees, and our boss Mask is an unparalleled leader who’s worth our fealty. Well, if it’s you, Mister Unfettered… Ahem…’

Hexen didn’t say the rest, but that was enough to make everyone explode into laughter. King-Hit chortled and slapped Hexen’s shoulders, then said, ‘Ahaha! Never thought you’re so good with words!’

Mister Unfettered’s face fell. ‘Having heard of guild master Hexen’s spiteful tongue for so long, I finally have the chance to hear it with my own ears.’

‘Mister Unfettered is too kind, such a trifling skill isn’t worthy of your praise. It’s only useful against shameless people after all. Our boss’ aura alone could shut most people up already.’

Players of Corrupted Officials sniggered in the back. While Hexen wasn’t the best fighter out there, he compensated for his weakness with his head. Through words and sly tactics, he’d ensnare his enemies into taking losses without realising it.

Veins popped up on Mister Unfettered’s hand as he gripped his paper fan tightly. He decided to avoid talking with Hexen; he was never going to win against Hexen by fighting with words.

‘I’ll get to the point. Is Mask not in Yoda?’

Hexen still maintained his courteous smile as he gently replied, ‘Of course. I’ve said it already, our exceptional boss has many things to attend to. He doesn’t have the time to bring his subordinates and strut around other cities. Also…’ Hexen paused momentarily. ‘If the boss was here, would you still be here?’


Mister Unfettered flushed red, but he couldn’t refute. He had managed to get his hands on Moonless Night’s full recording of their fight with Mask on Mount Soughslit through special means. Despite dying in the end, Mask’s heroic atmosphere of taking on everyone alone made him shudder in fear. He noticed he couldn’t overthrow Mask with his charisma or strength, so he created The Unfettered.

What Hexen said touched his sore point, and shame turned into anger. Both sides drew their weapons as negotiations broke down.


A red silhouette walked nonchalantly through the crowd. Everyone in her way instinctively moved aside and gave way.

‘The boss is busy levelling up. There’s no need to bother him with such trivial matters,’ the lady in red said as flames stirred up around her. ‘Mister Unfettered, you want to stir things up, don’t you? This lady shall go along with you in my boss’ steed.’

The Pyrowitch, Idyllic Poet!

Idyllic Poet was in a bad mood. Though no one said it out loud, she knew it was her fault that their boss was caught in such dire straits. Things wouldn’t have turned out like this if she hadn’t invited Drako Yau to aid her in clearing the quest for levelling up Phoenix Ring.

She barely slept last night, spending most of the night searching for information about similar incidents. Most players who had similar experiences cursed the system because they had to delete their accounts and start anew. Some even quit the game once and for all out of rage.

She even read some conspiracy theories that if players insisted on staying in the game when entrapped, they were very likely to lose their minds and turn vegetative.

The theory wasn’t without scientific support. The world had only started touching on brainwave technology when the game came out, so no one could say for sure it was a hundred per cent safe despite the game publisher’s claims. The human brain remained an uncharted territory even in this age of advanced technology.

The post also mentioned a rumoured incident in the past about a hypnotised man. The man was hypnotised into believing he had lost his arm and when he woke up, his arm broke and fell off right before the experimenters.

The mind and brainwaves were simply too mysterious to be predictable.

Idyllic Poet cried after reading that post. After spending the sleepless night in tears, she heard Mister Unfettered’s arrogant announcement.

Before the boss returns, I will become the protector of his legacy!

A golden flag struck the ground like lightning, descending from the clear skies straight into the ground between Idyllic Poet and Mister Unfettered. josei

‘A duel. Get lost if you lose!’

Mister Unfettered laughed like a maniac. ‘Good, good! Show me how good Mask’s dogs are!’

Idyllic Poet’s gaze only became more hostile upon hearing him call her Mask’s dog. She stayed silent and locked her eyes on Mister Unfettered, like a predator locking onto its prey.




Mister Unfettered snickered and waved his paper fan.


A Fireball was flying straight at him, startling him briefly.

What’s with this Fireball? She can cast it so quickly that it’s like a basic attack!

Three Fireballs cut through the air towards Mister Unfettered one after another, forcing him to retreat. The ability to cast spells in such quick succession was completely against an orthodox mage’s role.

Mister Unfettered took a few steps back. However, a spell was already waiting for him—Rain of Fire! The spell was perfectly timed and cast at the right place, as if she knew where he’d move to beforehand.

‘Don’t think you’ve got this!’

Mister Unfettered knew he had to break through the spells, or else he’d be forced to go along with her rhythm, and that’d leave him with no room to retaliate. He bent his legs slightly and pointed his fan forwards, creating a torrent around his legs.

The fan was just an outfit. His real weapon was the sword, for he was a weaponmaster.

The next moment, Mister Unfettered vanished from the spot and left a streak of argent line in his path.

Level 30 weaponmaster skill, Spatial Rend. Charge in a straight line and deal great damage.

It was a powerful weaponmaster skill. His sword’s glow cut through the incoming Fireballs and reached Idyllic Poet in no time. He could see the red silhouette ahead of him.

Warriors didn’t have skills that quickly closed distances. Dash only increased their movement speed and didn’t grant a sudden strike ability like Shadowstrike. However, weaponmasters had Spatial Rend which not only didn’t require a target to lock onto, but also quickly launched the caster forwards.

Mages are still mages after all. Once I get close, I can do all I want!

The glow radiating from Mister Unfettered’s sword dispersed as he stabbed it through the red robe.

‘Good try.’

A cold voice reached his ears, shattering his arrogance. Only then did he realise he had stabbed only her robe.

Idyllic Poet looked down from above like a queen gazing at her subjects. She swung her staff—Scorching Brand: increase fire damage dealt to the target for five seconds.

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