Game’s Dogma

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Soaring Suns

After the brand appeared above Mister Unfettered’s head, Idyllic Poet swung her staff, emitting a bright flash that knocked him back like punching a sandbag.

Ring of Rebounding Flames!

Idyllic Poet was already chanting another spell. Along with five rhythmic ringing sounds, five orbs materialised behind her one by one. Or rather, the orbs were small, round fireballs that shone brightly like the sun. The mages present all looked at her in awe.

This is…

Level 30 fire elementalist skill, Soaring Suns!

Soaring Suns was a strange skill among the elementalist repertoire because it was one of the few lock-on skills mages had.

Ranged skills were divided into direction-specific and lock-on skills. Players had to predict their enemies’ movement and cast direction-specific skills at the predicted location to land their skills. These include Mister Unfettered’s Spatial Rend and most mage skills such as Fireball, Rain of Fire, Scorching Brand, Ring of Rebounding Flames, Drako Yau’s Dragon Capturing Hand, and many more.

Lock-on skills were cast directly at the target once locked onto it. These skills generally had greater limitations, such as limited cast range and lock-on distance, but these limitations were compensated by the lock-on effect. Once locked onto the target, the system would determine that these skills cannot be evaded. For example, Shadowstrike and Zephyrwolf’s Dash N’ Slash were both skills that were almost guaranteed to hit once in range and locked on.

However, most lock-on skills were single target attacks, and it was a rarity among mage skills that mostly comprised area-of-effect attacks. As such, Soaring Suns was a rare single-target mage skill that served well as a tool of assassination. The skill sacrificed splash damage for significant single-target damage; it also dealt the greatest damage among all known elementalist skills.

Soaring Suns: Gather suns then release them to deal great damage to the target. The caster can gather a maximum of five suns.

Gathering five suns meant dealing five times the damage, but it usually took three seconds to gather a sun. This was why many players didn’t take the time to charge the skill and fire it off right away. Three seconds could be deadly; an assassin’s Shadowstrike could easily interrupt the cast and archers could even do so with a single arrow. There were simply too many ways to deal with an elementalist who was gathering suns.

Yet Idyllic Poet gathered each sun in less than a second. The elementalists present all felt themselves going mad as they thought, Is this an illusion?! Five… There really are five suns!

‘Shoo.’ Idyllic Poet spitted the word at Mister Unfettered. The five small suns morphed into five golden birds that took off in all directions, but they quickly converged upon Mister Unfettered who was still dumbfounded.

The two of them had exchanged less than ten blows.

It was an insta-kill! Under the effect of Scorching Brand, the fully charged Soaring Suns made his Health hit rock-bottom in an instant.

Victor: Idyllic Poet!

Idyllic Poet tidied her slightly messed up robe and said, ‘Piss off.’ She then turned on her heels and walked away, all while caressing the ring on her finger.

Phoenix Ring (Tier 2): A reward from an encounter quest, it was a gift from the mythical beast, Phoenix. Then forged into the Three Rings, the Phoenix Ring was the greatest among the three, wielding the power to command all flames of the skies and earth. It is considered weaker than none apart from Sauron’s the One Ring. It is bound to the player and cannot be traded or dropped upon equipping.

Effect: Increases power of all fire elemental skills, reduces cast time by 75 per cent for all fire elemental spells, and reduces the duration of debuffs or ailments cast on the wearer. Casting a fire elemental skill on an enemy may trigger the effect, Phoenix’s Wrath.

Phoenix’s Wrath: The skill will be a critical hit upon landing, increasing fire elemental damage by 100 per cent.

After evolving to Tier 2, the Phoenix Ring was no short of a true divine item. Idyllic Poet was no longer one of the most powerful elementalists around—she was the most powerful one.

But that wasn’t the only reward from clearing the Lord of the Rings encounter quest. She also received the skill book ‘Verity of Flames’ which turned out to be a cultivation style. If Drako Yau was there, his eyes would surely pop out. This was the second cultivation style book he had ever seen in the game when counting Greenstone’s Three Treasures Integration.

Idyllic Poet could feel her control over skill casting rising in just a few days after learning Verity of Flames. It even affected her in the actual world… but she had yet to notice it herself.

Mister Unfettered had a poor complexion; he never thought that the mage was so damn good! His guild members all shot glances at one another, unsure whether or not they should make a move.

At that moment, Mister Unfettered gritted his teeth and yelled with his face flushed red, ‘Apply for a guild base! Dammit, initiate Base Assault right away! Let’s see how Howl of the Tempest Wolves are gonna deal with that!’

Idyllic Poet turned around and fixed her gaze on Mister Unfettered. He was no longer as composed as he used to be, now showing a feral smile as he said, ‘Bitch! Prepare for battle!’

‘Sure.’ Idyllic Poet nodded and pointed her staff forwards—Fireball.


Stunned, Mister Unfettered stood there before turning into a flash of white light and vanished.

The loser in player duels was left with 1 Health after the duel according to the system’s setting, and Idyllic Poet’s Fireball finished him off. Right within the city.

The crowd all gasped; the Pyrowitch killed someone in the city!

Indeed, the city of Yoda was in an uproar immediately. Countless guards flooded out of nowhere and arrested Idyllic Poet.

Killing others in a major city always resulted in imprisonment, some for a few days, others for months. The imprisonment period was counted in actual time rather than game time no less, and being enclosed in a boring room for days was a nightmare for all.

As Idyllic Poet was taken away, she left behind the words, ‘Who dares invade our city of Yoda will meet the same fate.’

Although the guards had already taken her away, players from The Unfettered all stood there in silence.

This mad woman dared to kill the guild master inside the city!

The madness frightened not just them, but the entire crowd. She was the first known top-ranked player to have killed someone in a city. Most players who murdered in cities had low levels because they didn’t care about being imprisoned. Some even made a living by serving as contract hitmen to kill players for other guilds.

On the contrary, top-ranked players treasured their time greatly. As their levels would stagnate when imprisoned, they would never commit such a foolish deed, but Idyllic Poet killed Mister Unfettered without any hesitation.

All of a sudden, the Pyrowitch was all the storm throughout the game!


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