Game’s Dogma

Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Song of Battle

(BGM: Song of Battle by Mayday)

‘Here I go!’ Moonnight shouted eagerly.

The speakers buzzed and blasted waves of impassioned music across the battlefield. Though consisting of various musical instruments, the symphony was clean and energetic.

Bass drum, janggu, bronze drum, clapper, sheng, flute, hichiriki, pan flute… A myriad of classical oriental musical instruments together formed the orchestra behind the music!

Everyone turned their sights to the heavily surrounded teenager. Moonnight was no longer as hyped as he had been moments ago—his mind and body were invested entirely into the microphone in his hands.

When a wall stands only to obstruct all yearnings for freedom,

When belief can no longer withstand the spread of war and famine,

The teenager’s voice was low at first, but the classical oriental music continued to resound throughout the battlefield thanks to the two speakers behind him. Every Yoda player felt their bodies heat up.

Amidst the chaos in Lanling, the heavens and earth divide as all is forgotten.

I fear not a lonely death, but the grief of my countrymen!

Stressing the word ‘grief’, the teenager’s eyes burned passionately. Drako Yau was surprised to find his heart pounding heavily!

With the night still long, the dawn yet to come, 

I stand alive on the battlefield,

Only hoping to see the faces of those I miss the most!

The two speakers radiated formless soundwaves that whirled through the battlefield like tornadoes. The players of Yoda all gleamed with passion as they subconsciously sang along to the song that they probably had never heard in their lives.

‘My tears aren’t dry yet, my heart’s still warm; what is it that continues to boil within? Song of battle, accompany my regretless arrogance!’

Over a hundred thousand players sang in synchrony, yet it wasn’t enough to cover the teenager’s voice! His voice raged like blasting flames and struck like crackling thunder, spreading the sparks of fiery passion among every Yoda player.

Every Yoda player throughout the battlefield received a 10 per cent buff to every attribute and stats!

All the big shots observing the battle shot up from their seats. A skill that buffs all friendly players regardless of range? That’s way too overpowered! Who is that teenager!

The teenager shot to fame on the battlefield: Moonnight, Song of War!

When Moonless Night was still taken aback by the pounding music, a silver magic array appeared behind him. A person appeared from the array and swung his magically imbued greatsword downwards.

‘Moonless Night! I’ll end you!’

Danting alone launched a decapitation strike on Moonless Night, one of Empyreon’s generals. He then scrambled back to the magic array and fled back to safety alive.

In Empyreal Spire, Chau Yu was leaning against the back of his chair, his eyes shut tight.

‘We’ve lost.’

If Tripurity, Moonless Night, and the others had heeded his order and retreated to stall for time, Empyreon would still have won the war. Chau Yu had considered almost everything happening on the battlefield into his calculations, but he underestimated an important factor—human nature.

Tripurity and Moonless Night were elites who believed they were above others. Still, they all faced defeat after defeat when up against Mask. They feared yet hated Mask, and such emotions had led to their loss once again.

As the leading generals, their decisions greatly affected their army’s performance, so it wasn’t wise to be too emotional when in a commanding position. A decision made on impulse and emotions led not only to the general’s demise, but also to his entire army.

The hundred thousand players from Yoda swept away the Empyreon players like a tsunami. It happened too quickly for the Empyreon guilds that had been keeping an eye on the war without sending in their players to react in time; it was too late by the time they wanted to send in reinforcements.

Moonnight’s advent also played a major part. The 10 per cent buff to all attributes and stats buffed everything from Attack, Attack Speed, and Defence, to skill power and cast speed! Dakki’s Dancer class was a powerful support class, but she was like a candle before a sun when compared to Moonnight.

The scores between the two cities drew closer rapidly. When the war finally came to a close, everyone’s jaws dropped to the ground.


No one could believe their eyes. Yoda… Yoda really won.

In the final fifteen minutes, Yoda massacred the Empyreon players with their overwhelming numbers.

Empyreon didn’t send more than what they thought were enough players to battle because they thought the win was already in the bag. They couldn’t have sent in too many reinforcements anyway; while Empyreal Alliance consisted of several major guilds, thirty or forty thousand players, including volunteers who joined because they hated Yoda, were about all the people they could muster.

The same went for Yoda, at least before Mask’s return. Thanks to Mask’s call for battle, almost the entire Yoda sprung into action and followed him onto the battlefield.

A hundred thousand against thirty thousand—there was no need for techniques or anything. All they had to do was storm the field and trample over their enemies with numbers.

The number of combat players in Empyreon was comparable to Yoda, but over half belonged to the major guilds that didn’t take part actively in the war. They saw no need to waste their efforts on what was originally a certain win. However, things were against them after Mask made his appearance, and all was too late.

‘Winner of the City War: Yoda.’

Zephyrwolf, as the chief commander of Yoda, received the system notification. He told Drako Yau about the spoils of war: the authority to change tax rates in Empyreon for a month and receive thirty per cent of taxes.josei

Drako Yau laughed coldly. ‘Of course we’re going to turn up all taxes to the maximum.’

‘Brothers and sisters of Yoda, you will be rewarded for your efforts on the battlefield. Every guild will receive a proportional share of Empyreon’s taxes based on the contribution of their players.’

When Drako Yau made the announcement, everyone cheered merrily.

He wasn’t greedy or selfish, and that was why Yoda respected and admired him. He could’ve claimed all the spoils of war for Howl of the Tempest Wolves and no one would dare utter a word of objection, yet he generously shared it with everyone. Some might call him dumb, but some might call him clever; it was all about perspective. What he chose was everyone’s fealty and trust over wealth.

When the war was over, every player was forcefully teleported back to the resurrection altar, flooding the nearby plaza and roads with players. They all looked silently at the centre with fervent gazes. Even when all they could see was just a tiny dark spot, they felt that the man they were looking up to was there—their king was there.

Drako Yau also got emotional when he saw the many players who entrusted their lives to him. Despite his silent personality, he had much to say to the crowd on such an occasion.

‘I, Mask, am not a player from Howl of the Tempest Wolves!’ He shouted and pointed at his shoulder, the location where a player’s guild emblem would appear. ‘I never belong to a single guild, for I am everyone’s friend! Yoda’s friend!

‘However, if those outsiders think they can bully us Yoda because of that, they couldn’t be more wrong!’ Drako Yau’s voice reverberated throughout the city. With many players live streaming the post-war speech, the entire world was listening to him.

‘Enough is enough. We’ve gone through times when every city has set their eyes on Yoda. I, Mask, do not seek to vie over anything with anyone. But life doesn’t always go as planned; being peaceful doesn’t mean others won’t turn hostile on you. In that case, we can only protect ourselves.

‘I hereby announce the formation of the Dragon Alliance! Brothers and sisters of Yoda, together we shall defend ourselves from those who seek to reap the fruits and destroy the foundations of our hard work! Who is with me?’

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