Game’s Dogma

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Dragon Alliance

Everyone’s emotions exploded as they roared, ‘Dragon Alliance! Dragon Alliance! Dragon Alliance!’

The words ‘Dragon Alliance’ resounded throughout the entire city of Yoda.

That night, Drako Yau created the alliance. Guild masters and vice guild masters of guilds that entered an alliance could chat through the alliance channel for swift communication between multiple guilds. Apart from that, alliances had no other perks or authority.

Every guild that joined Dragon Alliance retained its independent structure. If emergencies arose again, they now had a way to quickly convey information throughout the city. Also, guilds had to abide by several simple alliance ordinances, such as no in-fighting between member guilds, and that guilds were obligated to send help whenever a member guild sent emergency requests for aid.

The threatening situation this time only arose because Drako Yau hadn’t bothered to establish his alliance officially; Empyreon wouldn’t have dared to initiate the City War otherwise.

Drako Yau didn’t like being under the spotlight, but he decided that now was the time to seize this opportunity to create the alliance. He couldn’t protect Yoda forever. With the alliance in place, the guilds together could defend the city even if he wasn’t around for a while.

After establishing Dragon Alliance, he appointed Greenstone as the vice alliance master. He then dashed back to his home, slumped onto his bed, and instantly fell asleep—or to be accurate, fainted.

When Drako Yau woke up, the entire Real World was undergoing massive changes, but all he had in mind was: Hungry!

He left his home to find many players sending gazes of respect and admiration at him, and he found it somewhat uncomfortable. After taking off his mask and replacing his equipment at a hidden place, he strolled down the streets, heading for the restaurant. No one suspected that the innocent-looking passerby was the alliance master of Dragon Alliance.

Anyway, Drako Yau didn’t realise he had slept for three whole days until he checked the time. As he stuffed his mouth with food, he started contemplating with Frost Form activated; he had picked up this habit during his time in the Abyss of Durin.

One year in the Abyss of Durin was one day in the actual world.Doesn’t that mean I haven’t eaten in three years?

Players enter the game by connecting their brainwaves to the system. What about the Abyss of Durin? Is it a deeper layer of the system, more so than the usual game? How many layers does the system have?

He then recalled the time when he had just entered the game. He thought he’d die when his game pod’s nutrient supply ran dry, but here he was, alive and kicking after so long… 

Stuff about the human mind and brain waves weren’t his expertise. While Frost Form could enhance his speed of thought, it wasn’t omnipotent. He wouldn’t suddenly learn something he didn’t know before just by activating Frost Form.

Drako Yau slowly finished the plate of bread before ordering some meat.

His breakthrough down in the Abyss of Durin had brought about changes to him in the current ‘reality’ as well. In truth, he still hadn’t got used to circulating his internal forces here because there weren’t any restrictions down in the abyss. Here, he had certain limits that he couldn’t exceed.

Now, he could use Frost Form and Flame Form without receiving any backlash, but that was within a certain period. He could sustain Flame Form for around fifteen minutes and Frost Form for thirty, after which his internal forces would run dry and automatically deactivate the forms.

This explained why he was unparalleled during the City War. As only fifteen minutes remained when he joined the fray, he activated both Frost Form and Flame Form, squeezing his internal forces dry just when the City War ended.josei

Even so, he was a formidable fighter even without his two forms. His spearmanship, footwork, and Dragon Seeker had all improved vastly through fighting and sparring with Val the Balrog for all those years.

It was pretty ironic to think that the Abyss of Durin had entrapped him, but by being stuck there he made a breakthrough that saved him from death; falling into the abyss ultimately ended up doing him good.

Still, he thought, Once is enough… Hope I’ll never experience that again.

Reinvigorated by the meal, Drako Yau headed for Dragon Alliance’s base while checking the latest level rankings. The top-ranked player was, as it had always been, Barefooty Worldrunner, the player who triggered The Siege event by being the first player to reach Level 20.

Barefooty Worldrunner was currently Level 38! Below him was a Level 36 player, Tigeroar.

Drops of sweat formed on Drako Yau’s forehead. He was still at Level 30, miles away from the first-line players. Even though he had the Cryoflame Style, Real World was still a game; the difference in attribute and skill points mattered.

Thankfully, he had the Cryoflame Style, Devil King’s Cloak, the epic title Master Tactician (increases Attack and Attack Speed by 5 per cent, Critical Hit Chance by 10 per cent, Strength by 5 points, and Agility by 2 points), and the class advantage of Godly Spearmaster. If not, players who were five to ten levels above him could keep him in check with better equipment, attributes, and skills no matter how great his spearmanship was.

The thought instantly wiped away his arrogance. After undergoing the old geezer’s hellish training, he understood that conceitedness made one stagnant. In the way of cultivating, you either advanced or regressed; there was no in-between. While Real World was a game, he was trapped in this damned game and had only one life. In that case, he had to consider this the actual world and act carefully.

Having walked for a while, Drako Yau came to a stop. Countless players from various guilds walked to and fro the bustling street where the base of Dragon Alliance was gradually taking form.

Having an alliance base wasn’t a must because an alliance wasn’t a tangible existence in the first place. When several guilds banded together, they could form an alliance, and not establishing an alliance base had no impact at all.

On the other hand, guilds had to provide the funds and materials to build the alliance base, similar to building a guild base. Both types of bases weren’t mandatory buildings, but for guild members, having a guild base meant having their own place—their home. They could chat, trade, as well as build and design their unique bases that also served as their homes.

A guild base was every guild’s pride. This was why players formed guilds and alliances and why the Base Assault system existed.

However, alliances were more of a symbolic existence than guilds were. A good example would be Empyreal Alliance; while they had registered the alliance, they didn’t build an alliance base because it wasn’t necessary for the alliance to work.

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