Game’s Dogma

Chapter 255

Chapter 255: Sword and Katana Combatives

Blade Tornado engulfed Bloodless Bladester. Levitating in the torrent of sword auras, he was sliced by the sharp yet intangible blades, dying the tornado red.

“Time to end this!” Yin Tin snickered. He lifted his sword high above his head and struck it into the ground.

As the ground trembled, Chan Ka Lok turned pale—Ying Tin was casting Beaming Pillar, a skill with slow cast speed but dealt devastating damage.

Level 35 Weaponmaster skill, Beaming Pillar: Shoots a one-metre wide beaming pillar of sword aura from the ground in the specified direction.

Beaming Pillar was a direction-specific skill that couldn’t lock onto players automatically and relied on manual skill placement. No matter how much damage a skill dealt, none mattered if it couldn’t hit the target. Now that Bloodless Bladester was caught in the tornado, Ying Tin could almost land Beaming Pillar for certain. A hunter might be unable to hit a moving target, but if he pointed a gun at an unmoving target at point-blank range, there was no way he’d miss. josei

A beam of light exploded from the ground like a volcanic eruption. It pierced through the tornado and up into the skies.

Ying Tin turned his sights to Chan Ka Lok and said merrily, “Your turn now.”

Chan Ka Lok made a hmph, his mind racing in anxiousness. The bandit warrior alone was troublesome enough to deal with. How could he deal with both of them alone?

“Hm?” Chan Ka Lok saw the squad Health display menu. Bloodless Bladester survived, albeit with just a slither of Health left. He’s alive?

Chan Ka Lok’s gaze was fixed on the dissipating tornado. Completely ignored by his enemy, Ying Tin also turned to look at the bloody tornado. However, the crimson blood disappeared together with the tornado moments later; Bloodless Bladester was nowhere to be seen.

Ying Tin chortled as he assumed that Bloodless Bladester had died and was sent back to the resurrection altar. But Chan Ka Lok saw something else: a bloody figure with a feral smile dashing towards Ying Tin at an alarming pace.

Ying Tin’s laughs came to a halt when he felt the eerie stare of a predator on him. With lightning reflexes, he turned his body and swung his sword along with the momentum, firing off a Crescent Arc.

The bloody figure grinned and widened his weaponless left palm. A shield of bloody mist was conjured from his palm as he blocked the Crescent Arc without slowing down.

“What the hell?” Startled, Ying Tin quickly retreated backwards.

“Do you think you can run?” the bloody figure said in a tone that could freeze one’s blood. He had a creepy yet somewhat graceful smile; the supposedly awkward combination however fit him perfectly. With a diagonal flash of his sword, Ying Tin’s chestplate produced a loud crack.

As a weaponmaster himself, Ying Tin knew it was the Level 25 skill of the Sword and Katana Combatives skill tree, Armour Breaker. It decreased the target’s Defence for a whole thirty seconds. However, skills from this skill tree were all close-range skills, which were way harder to land, compared to ranged sword aura attacks. That said, being caught in melee range with a weaponmaster who chose Sword and Katana Combatives was a nightmare for all ranged classes.

The bloody figure was none other than Bloodless Bladester. He hung a cruel smile on his face, apparently enjoying the situation. Who would’ve known that the gentle diplomat had such a side?

After casting Armour Breaker, his sword bolted through the air like a bolt of crimson lightning and slashed downwards in a perfectly straight line from above. The back of his sword struck Ying Tin’s skull—Level 20 Sword and Katana Combatives skill, Spared from Death.

A strike void of killing intent, Spared from Death stunned the enemy for three seconds. Ying Tin could no longer flee from the bloody demon.

Bloodless Bladester made his creepy smile once again and spun in a pacey dance. The sword in his hand sliced Ying Tin as he spun.

Weaponmaster Level 35 Sword and Katana Combatives skill, Gyrate: Spin quickly and attack with a fifteen-combo flurry of strikes, each inflicting rend on the enemy.

Sword and Katana Combatives was known for its quick cast speed and skill retraction, short cooldown, and limited range. Its skills mostly had ranges similar to basic attacks, but that was enough to spell doom for everyone else in melee range.

There was no escape for Ying Tin. Although also a weaponmaster, his skill points were all invested into the Battle Aura skill tree, making him a ranged fighter in a sense. He had a few melee skills, learnt back when he was still a warrior, but that wasn’t enough for him to engage Bloodless Bladester at close range. Before he could even cast his skills, Bloodless Bladester would always interrupt his cast.

It took only thirteen seconds to slay Ying Tin after landing Armour Breaker. Within the dozen or so seconds, Bloodless Bladester had cast seven skills and five basic attacks.

Just how quickly could he swing his sword? No one knew.

The five of them gathered at the village again. Apart from Greenstone, Drako Yau, and Chau Yu the spectator, the other three defenders were starting to show signs of fatigue.

On Mask’s side, everything was set in stone once he killed Phoenyx.

Yim Ho, under Greenstone’s aid, broke past Man Hing Yau’s defences and landed his tiger claws on her chest. The two stood on the spot as if time had frozen as her face gradually flushed red. Moments later, Man Hing Yau turned into a glow of white and vanished—rather than being killed, she chose to abandon the quest…

Greenstone glared at Yim Ho like he was staring at a pervert, making Yim Ho cough in embarrassment.

As for Bloodless Bladester and Chan Ka Lok, they together brought down the bandit warrior after Bloodless Bladester killed Ying Tin.

Chau Yu fanned his feather fan against his palm and said, “All of you are full of surprises. Greenstone, you first then. What was that spell?”

Yim Ho also looked at Greenstone curiously. He knew that he was suddenly immune to status effects only because of Greenstone. Chau Yu had also witnessed the skill’s effect before; back on Mount Soughslit, Mask, who was buffed by the same skill, was an unstoppable monster.

Chau Yu had always been curious: just what was this overpowered skill?

Greenstone remained silent and turned to look at Drako Yau, who nodded in response.

Now was not the time for secrets.


Description: Through borrowing powers from the souls of the dead, mages who tread this dark path become necromancers.

Skill type: Necromancers can summon all sorts of undead beings by communicating with the dead. As dark magic practitioners, they are also well-versed in dark magic.

Skill tree: Undead Summoning, Dark Magic.

Weapon type: Short staves.

Class progression: ???

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