Game’s Dogma

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: Illogical

Drako Yau only easily defeated Phoenyx because Frost Form countered her Invisible Shot. If she had spawned at Bloodless Bladester and Chan Ka Lok’s side, they’d have died for certain. Invisible Shot’s effect of concealing attacks was unheard of.

Still, Drako Yau was starting to feel the pressure at just the second wave. Considering there were ten waves in total, keeping secrets now was an unwise move.

After seeing Drako Yau’s nod, Greenstone stated, “Brute Force. Friendly target ignores all control effects for fifteen minutes.”

Chau Yu tilted his head, then made a sly grin. “I don’t think that’s all, is it? There’s no downsides to such an overpowered skill? Also, what’s the cooldown time?”

Greenstone only sent Chau Yu a glare and kept his mouth shut; it seemed he had used up today’s quota for talking. Chau Yu shrugged it off as he made no attempt to make Greenstone reveal everything about Brute Force. 

Yim Ho gave Greenstone a thumbs up as he exclaimed, “How powerful! You really are the best support!”

“If you hadn’t switched to Turtle Morph in time, Man Hing Yau’s Frosty Beam could’ve ended you too. Let’s not be overly courteous here,” said Chau Yu with a smile. Yim Ho’s bestial fighting style made him shudder.

Chau Yu then turned his gaze to Bloodless Bladester and Chan Ka Lok, curiosity filling his eyes. “You… You were inside the Blade Tornado, yet you…”

Bloodless Bladester was now putting on his usual friendly smile; the sinister swordsman drenched in blood was nowhere to be seen. He slowly turned crimson, and moments later, his voice could be heard from not far away.

“The skill’s called Blood Shadow. Leaves a clone at my current location and teleports me anywhere within a three-metre radius. It ignores all control effects and is instantly cast, so I managed to escape from the Blade Tornado,” said Bloodless Bladester as he squinted his eyes in a smile.

Chan Ka Lok was visibly confused. Who’s the real Bloodless Bladester… The friendly diplomat or the maniac killer?

In the end, Chau Yu didn’t even bother asking Drako Yau. Perhaps he had now accepted the fact that the crazy bastard could pull anything off. All Chau Yu saw was Mask charging towards an empty spot, thrusting his spear, followed by a massive explosion. Boom, and Phoenyx was dead. Frost Form wasn’t discernible visually after all.

Chau Yu nodded before saying, “Yes, this quest is totally nuts. The enemy has twenty players, three of them now dead. So that leaves seventeen of them. If I’m not wrong, the next wave will consist of a player and two Level 40 epic bosses.”

“Why two bosses instead of two players?” Yim Ho had made a habit out of rebutting Chau Yu it seemed.

Chau Yu chuckled and explained, “Think about it, there’s ten waves in total and we’ve just cleared the second. If they start sending two players to each entrance now, it’ll cost them six players per wave. Their side will be out of players after wave five at this rate. Games, normal ones at least, won’t be so illogical. I won’t be surprised if they don’t send any players until wave eight or nine before sending everyone in to take us out.”

Yim Ho clicked his tongue and stayed silent, bringing a smile to Chau Yu.

“The next wave’s about to begin. We should get ready.” Chau Yu then sent a long gaze at Bloodless Bladester. “Keep up the good work.”

Bloodless Bladester was startled for a moment before he regained composure. His eyes had turned cold, however. He felt like a gambler having his cards seen by others. While he knew Chau Yu could only guess roughly, it still made him feel uncomfortable. He returned a polite smile before leaving with Chan Ka Lok.

The two big muscles, Greenstone and Yim Ho, also left, leaving only Drako Yau and Chau Yu behind.

Drako Yau stood up and stared at Chau Yu for a good while. “You should keep up the good work too.”

Chau Yu froze; he immediately had a taste of his own medicine. Before he could say anything, Drako Yau had already left with his spear on his shoulders. Chau Yu lay on his bamboo chair and waved his feather fan, though the gentle breeze it brought couldn’t calm his troubled mind.

Despite Chau Yu’s confidence and intellect, he was in fact the least confident among the six that they could clear the quest. He found the quest way too unreasonable and illogical. At wave two, each entrance had to deal with a Level 40 epic boss and a first-rate player, with only six of them no less.

Everything didn’t make sense, but there was no turning back. All he could do was give it his best and hope everything would work out.

The third wave began with three figures emerging at each entrance for a total of nine. As if the system was mocking them, the three figures belonged to two players and one boss, the exact composition Chau Yu said was very unlikely.

The bosses weren’t weak, but their strength lay merely in their high stats. As NPCs, their system-controlled movements were dull and repetitive compared to players. Their actions could be predicted based on their movement patterns.

Players, on the other hand, were the true threat. They were living humans with individual minds, not to mention their hidden trump cards and encounter quest items or skills. Bosses weren’t that terrifying when considering such.

“How is this possible…” Wrinkles formed on Chau Yu’s forehead. The unfolding situation was unexpected despite all the simulations he had performed in his head. This is totally illogical!

Even Drako Yau couldn’t figure out what the system was on about. While he was also a smart person, he paled in comparison to Chau Yu. Instead of a tactician, he analysed it as a game designer, and his conclusion was in line with Chau Yu.josei

Which meant the quest was completely illogical and against the rules of game designing.

Apart from the bandit martial who was clearly a berserker considering his heavy greatsword, two players appeared before Greenstone and Yim Ho. The male-and-female duo was Collis and Firefly respectively.

Once Chau Yu saw their names, he immediately rattled off everything he knew about them.

“Collis, guildless. Ranked seventeenth on the rangers rankings. He’s said to wield a secret skill that inflicts slowness that stacks infinitely through his bow and arrow. Don’t get hit by his arrows!

“Firefly. Not on the rankings, but she’s fairly well known as one of the few ladies who chose to become a paladin. All we know is she’s good and probably has something up her sleeve.”

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