Game’s Dogma

Chapter 264

Chapter 264: Meteor Fist

Everyone from the assaulting side perched up their ears at the sound of battle. A legendary item could drive any player mad. 

“Quick! Don’t let others steal the prize!”

Chau Yu saw everything. He ordered, “Greenstone, push then go to the twelfth. Yim Ho, push then come back, you’re the main dish. Mask, what’s taking you so long to kill that noob!”

After the third wave had ended, Chau Yu had been busy conversing with the villagers. His efforts finally paid off when a construction worker in the village told him about a quarry not far away from the village. A stockpile of round boulders, reserved for the village’s construction work, was stored there.

Seeing the six of them defending the village with all their might, the villagers volunteered to help move the boulders, which were system items that could only be moved about by the defenders. For attackers, the boulders were impassable walls.

Still, Chau Yu didn’t feel optimistic; it was only better than having nothing. What triggered him the most was that once the boulder formation was complete, the villagers chickened out at the start of the fourth wave. He wouldn’t have sent his precious fighters to push boulders otherwise.

The three groups of attackers all heard the sound of a boulder rolling behind them upon reaching a certain point in the maze.

“Dammit, someone’s controlling the rocks!”

“We can only move on.”

Without a way back, they could only continue forwards. The village, when looked from above, was a complex maze that morphed according to Chau Yu’s commands. 

It took the three groups of players fifteen minutes to find the exit. They were met by an open area past by the boulders.


The three groups of players converged at the ten-metre wide area at almost the same time.

“You guys…”

Before they could finish, Chau Yu shouted through the squad channel, “Now! Push!”

Bloodless Bladester, Drako Yau, and Greenstone all pushed their boulders. The ground shuddered. When the grumbling faded, the three groups of attackers found themselves trapped.


Tigeroar quickly went into combat mode as he held onto Divine Martial Sword, which shrouded him in an aura. A boulder rolled aside almost simultaneously. A silhouette slipped in through the opening and leapt into the air.

“Who are you!”

With his figure overlapping with the sun in the sky, the player had blazing red fists that complemented the sun’s dazzling rays of light.

“Die!” Yim Ho roared, his voice resounding throughout the chamber of boulders. 

Meteors seemed to rain down from above as he pummelled downwards in a swift succession of punches—Meteor First, the powerful area-of-effect skill he obtained from the Blazing Cave!

Meteor Fist dealt damage to a large area but had a long cooldown and cost all of Yim Ho’s mana. Trapped by the boulders, everyone turned pale at the sight of the incoming fists. They immediately used whatever defensive skill they had to stay alive.

If they had been ordinary players, this alone could have spelt doom for them, but who were they? Players who were the best of the best in the game.

“Hah!” Tigeroar hugged Pulchriture and roared.

An invisible soundwave froze in space and turned into a protective barrier, blocking meteor after meteor. Another player snickered and swung his sword to cut a meteor in half. Every player had their way of staying alive, but there always were unlucky ones among a group.

Meteor Fist lasted for only fifteen minutes, resulting in two casualties. Among the nine elites who assaulted the village from three sides, only six were left. Yim Ho landed on the ground once the skill was over and turned on his heels to flee.

“Don’t think you can run away!” A tormentor shouted.

The shadow beneath him travelled through the ground and reached out for Yim Ho. It was the Level 23 Tormentor skill, Shadow Tentacles.

The tormentor’s ID was Godmage, though he was far from being a godly mage. Still, he had a powerful encounter quest item up his sleeve—Crystal of Swiftness. A piece of off-hand equipment exclusive to mages, it increased the travelling speed of all magic spells.

The combination of his Crystal of Swiftness and the control effects of the tormentor class made him a formidable enemy. Many who faced him in combat didn’t even have the time to react before they were overwhelmed by spells that travelled at lightning speed.

Godmage had a cold grin as the tentacles struck Yim Ho from behind. “Don’t you think you’re leaving too soon after giving us such a warm welcome?”josei

As he taunted Yim Ho, he was already casting another spell with his staff, only to find Yim Ho giving him the middle finger while continuing his charge.

He isn’t affected by the system’s debuff?

A boulder rolled out of the way to create an opening. Yim Ho sped up to dash through it.

“Don’t you dare!” shouted a weaponmaster who followed closely behind Yim Ho with his extraordinary pace.

The weaponmaster tried to follow Yim Ho past the opening, but once Yim Ho was gone, he found a palm made out of white jade heading right for his face. The seemingly unstoppable blow made him hesitate. 

The boulder was back in its place, sealing the square chamber of boulders shut once again. The white jade palm was nowhere to be seen either. However, the fluttering dust and shattered ground suggested that the attack just now wasn’t a dream.

The six players were all dumbfounded as they all thought, What just happened?

From the moment they arrived, it took Yim Ho less than half a minute to appear out of nowhere, rain meteors down on them, then retreat, not to mention that Meteor Fist alone lasted for fifteen seconds.

In the mysterious futuristic room, the pair of male and female were just as awe-struck.

“You can use the boulders like that?”

In all honesty, the boulders were merely a tool to the defenders in their futile struggle of clearing this impossible quest. It wasn’t without its restrictions; certain places couldn’t be sealed shut, such as the mysterious girl’s house. The boulders were already performing their duties if the defenders could separate the attackers into smaller groups, but under Chau Yu’s boulder formation, they were working out splendidly in the defenders’ favour.

The boulder formation looked like nothing special at first. Once the attackers entered from the three entrances, it awakened from its slumber and showed its fangs. Greenstone, Drako Yau, Bloodless Bladester, and Yim Ho had each pushed two or three boulders. With such simple moves, the entire boulder formation shifted into something entirely different.

What was a maze at first was now four separate rectangular chambers of varying sizes.

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