Game’s Dogma

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Qualities of a Leader

Drako Yau knew he was strong, but how strong? That he didn’t know.

The battle with Tigeroar had been a close one since it was a trap from the get-go. Combat-wise, they hadn’t exchanged too many blows; Tigeroar knew he was at a disadvantage in a direct confrontation. Drako Yau was under pressure the entire time and only managed a comeback at the last moment. 

What Drako Yau sought was an above-board fight, one similar to his duel with the mysterious golden-haired young man: no sly tricks, no traps, just pure combat, just two martial artists pursuing the apex of their art.

Drako Yau had been through a lot, especially in the Abyss of Durin. He had grown a lot down there, and perhaps, now was the time to put himself to the test. He feared death more than anyone else. However, he knew the more one feared danger, the more likely one would perish when danger knocked on the door. Only through trials of combat could he constantly grow stronger—strong enough to hold his destiny within his grasp.

Godmage snickered upon hearing him. “Ahahaha! Mask! Aren’t you too full of yourself? Who do you think you are to take six of us on at once?” He waved his short staff and barked, “I alone can make short work of you!”

A bolt of lightning struck from the sky—Level 23 Tormentor skill, Thunderbolt! It cracked towards Drako Yau, enhanced by Godmage’s Crystal of Swiftness. 

What seemed like a certain hit struck the empty ground. Mist whirled around Drako Yau as a breeze spurred from his legs. He thrust his flaming spear out, covering dozens of metres almost instantly.

he cast Thunderbolt. But Drako Yau’s spear also missed the mark. Godmage used Flash, the life-saver of tormentors, just in time. He didn’t want to use the skill so early on, but he had a crunch he’d die for certain if the spear struck him.

Godmage’s instincts were spot on. With Drako Yau’s proficiency with his skill set, he could easily chain several skills and basic attacks to form a swift combo. Classes with low Health such as tormentors stood no chance at all.

Before Godmage could even catch a breath, he froze on the spot. A golden dragon had clamped its massive jaws around his waist, and on the other end of the dragon was Mask. Godmage felt himself pulled towards Mask, yet he was completely immobile.

What? He predicted where I’d Flash to right away?

Everything happened within ten or so seconds. Tigeroar was the first among the six to shout, “Don’t just stand there! Attack!”

Tigeroar immediately unsheathed his greatsword and charged towards Mask. Unlike others, he was the only one who had fought against Mask without any restrictions. He knew very clearly how much of a monster Mask was.

Yim Ho also regained his senses. Tiger patterns forming on his body, he stood in Tigeroar’s way and grinned. “Wanna get us with numbers? Fight me!”

“Out of the way!” Tigeroar roared. The soundwave infused with both Growl and Roar of the Forest Tiger shot towards Yim Ho.

“Crap!” Yim Ho squinted his eyes at the powerful strike. A green aura shrouded his body—Turtle Morph!


Yim Ho staggered three steps backwards.


Yim Ho’s tenacity surprised Tigeroar. Although he roared in a hurry, it contained seventy per cent of his full power, yet it couldn’t send Yim Ho flying away.


A weaponmaster also used Dash and joined the fray. However, his target wasn’t Mask. His sights were set on the wooden house behind the defenders; it was obviously where the mysterious lady was hiding.

“Where do you think you’re going?” A friendly voice reached him, accompanied by the glimmer of a blade.

The weaponmaster focused his gaze. He was a free player who belonged to no guild nor faction. Still, he was a well-known weaponmaster among the community, and Drako Yau had once fought him as well.

He was Wai Kiu the “Crazy Swordster”, the frenzy swordsman who got utterly destroyed by Drako Yau in the Arena. Wai Kiu was a decent fighter, especially when he completely ignored the concepts of dungeons, levelling up, subclasses, and other systems unrelated to combat. His sole purpose of playing Real World was fighting—here, he could experience combat unreplicable in the actual world.

After suffering defeat at the hands of Drako Yau, his confidence had taken a great blow. It didn’t shatter him though; he went through intense training and even came across an encounter quest, strengthening him greatly.

Today’s the time for my revenge! Or so he thought…

Seeing Mask stand before them with his spear, Wai Kiu knew he was not Mask’s opponent just from sensing his atmosphere. He was confident in his strength, but not overly so. In that case, he might as well finish the quest and get a legendary item first. That’d surely bridge the gap in their strength, right?

“Piss off!” Wai Kiu yelled and swung his sword. The air buzzed as his sword turned into a line of silver.

“Such speed!”

In just a brief moment, Wai Kiu swung his sword seven times.

It was the inheritance skill, Tempest Swordsmanship!

Chau Yu couldn’t understand. Why struggle when certain death awaited them? He found Mask rather dumb at times, though he knew that long ago. He also expected Yim Ho to engage in battle considering his stubbornness, but what about Bloodless Bladester? The friendly diplomat also joined the battle for some reason.

What bothered Chau Yu the most was that his hands were also twitching. He really wanted to take part in the fight despite having concluded that there was no way out of this situation.josei

Why? Am I being controlled by Mask? Impossible, the style I cultivate enhances the mind! Just why!

Chau Yu was smart. Since he was a child, everyone had called him a genius. No, even geniuses paled in comparison to him. Precisely because of his exceptional intellect, he’d become extremely agitated whenever he couldn’t figure out something.

“Intriguing, isn’t it?”

A cold voice reached Chau Yu’s ears. He looked up to find Greenstone, who was busy healing the three melee fighters, beside him. Greenstone’s eyes were fixed on the fight as he said, “When you’re alongside him, you get influenced by him before you know it. A strange feeling, but a welcoming one. Perhaps that is what people call the qualities of a leader.”

Greenstone suddenly swung his massive hand and tossed a needle at the enemy cleric, interrupting the enemy’s healing.

Chau Yu was rendered speechless. Qualities of a leader? Bah, I, Chau Yu, will not bow down to anyone!

Drako Yau landed a combo on the poor Godmage who could no longer use Flash to disengage. Godmage was a mere sheep awaiting its demise before Mask the predator.

Just when Drako Yau was about to finish him off, a purple flash whizzed past the air and struck Godmage, turning him into a glow of white that quickly dispersed.

Drako Yau turned to look at Chau Yu. The tactician’s pupils had turned purple. As his white cloak fluttered, he said coldly, “I’m not doing this because of you! They’re just getting on my nerves!”

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