Game’s Dogma

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: The Killing Blow

The wooden door creaked. The young lady showed herself through the door, her elegance and charm now dyed in not only anger but also sorrow from seeing her fellow villagers fall one after another.

Chau Yu frowned. “Stay inside, they’re after you.”

She shook her head and said, “No, I am one with the village.”

Tigeroar’s eyes glowed at the sight of the young lady; not because of her beauty though, unlike Lothbrok. At a single glance, he knew she was their target. He gave a signal with his hand to his rear.



Various berserker buffs activated on Tigeroar as he howled. Attack, Critical Chance, Attack Speed, and most importantly, Feral Song.

Active skill of the epic set Feral Rage, Feral Song: Lowers Attack of all enemies within a hundred metres for 1 minute. Cooldown: 6 hours.

Tigeroar’s explosive growth in strength startled Yim Ho. Such was the power of berserkers—their explosiveness in strength within a short time frame was the best among all basic classes.

Yim Ho morphed into his bird form and flew into the air to evade Tigeroar’s attacks. Behind Tigeroar, his shadow suddenly flickered.

Did the shadow just move? Yim Ho was rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating when he felt a sharp pain in his back.


A splendid figure of a woman holding a palm-sized dagger in hand appeared behind him. Pulchriture—she had been lurking within Tigeroar’s shadow the entire time! She had gained a skill called Shadow Elusion from an encounter quest. Unlike ordinary lurking, even detection skills cannot detect her presence when Shadow Elusion was active. Pulchriture was Tigeroar’s best weapon of assassination.

Backstab dealt percentage damage instead when lurking. In order to turn herself into a one-hit-kill machine, all of Pulchriture’s equipment increased critical chance and critical damage. To top it all off, she had the Level 30 assassin skill, All-out Strike, which dealt bonus damage by consuming thirty per cent of one’s Health. It was one of the most powerful single-target burst skills assassins had, but it could only be used when the caster was lurking. 

With everything combined, Yim Ho’s Health took a plunge to zero and he was gone in a flash of white. Even Chau Yu and Greenstone, two top support players in the game, couldn’t react in time to save him.

Once Yim Ho was out of the way, Tigeroar stormed forth. Pulchriture also vanished immediately after killing Yim Ho.

Bloodless Bladester felt an ominous feeling and immediately used Blood Shadow. Whoosh! His clone was pierced by Pulchriture’s dagger the next moment.

A petrifying woman, a petrifying assassin!

Pulchriture was like the gold standard of all assassins. As if one versus two wasn’t tough enough, Bloodless Bladester now had Pulchriture haunting him from the shadows while he had to engage both Wai Kiu in melee and A Man Like Wind who supported from afar. His life was in danger all of a sudden.


Tigeroar dragged his greatsword along the sparking ground as he charged at Chau Yu… or rather, the young lady behind him. Chau Yu’s calm look turned into a scowl; he couldn’t hold back anymore. A purple aura gathered at his eyes, its rays of purple flowing into his pupils.

Time seemed to have halted for a split second before a godly purple ray blasted forth from Chau Yu’s eyes straight at Tigeroar—he had put everything he had into this blast.

“GRAH!” Tigeroar roared in response, the soundwave taking form in the air rather than dispersing.

When humans were exposed to noises of 120 decibels or above without protection, they’d feel unwell and may suffer auditory injuries. At 150 decibels, people would start bleeding from shattered eardrums, become deaf, and may even go insane.

Sonic weaponry had long been used in the actual world. There were acoustic devices that produced concentrated soundwaves for blasting the target; not only were the soundwaves a pain to the ears, but also a physical blast that knocked people out.

Tigeroar was now concentrating his high-decibel soundwaves onto the blade of his Divine Martial Sword, creating a sawtooth blade. It was his most powerful melee skill, but he hadn’t had a chance to use it in the duel against Mask. He didn’t care about revealing his tricks—this legendary item had to be his!

With Divine Martial Sword’s buff of 50 Strength and various other buffs, Tigeroar swung his sword directly at the purple ray. The ray and sword confronted one another directly.

“Ugh!” Chau Yu grunted and was blasted away. Blood was seeping out from his seven apertures.

“Grrrah!” Tigeroar continued to roar as his massive blade was in a tug of war with the purple ray, its sawtooth blades turning like a chainsaw and cutting into the ray.

“HAHHHHH!” His roars shook the ground and pierced through the skies.

Back in that room, the pair of male and female held their breaths; they were currently having mixed feelings.

Although they knew their role was to stay neutral and just, they couldn’t help but imagine the extremely unlikely situation—what if the Dominator failed? However, they smiled wryly at one another the next moment.

The Dominator would never fail. Even if they somehow managed to defend this wave, the Dominator could send ten Level 50 bosses the next wave, and if that wasn’t enough, a hundred must seal the deal.

The two suddenly shuddered.

“What’s happening?”

“Someone’s invading! He’s quick! He’s here!” the female exclaimed in terror and disbelief.

Before she could finish the word “here”, a tiny spot of silver emerged on the map of blue circuits across the room. It was smaller than a fingernail, but it instantly gathered their attention.

Waves of light spread out from the silver dot like a ripple. With shocking speed, the ripples of silver spanned across the entire room, seemingly in search of something. Everything came to a momentary halt when a ripple encountered the red spot where the intense battle was taking place.

The silver spot flashed, then travelled towards the red spot at lightning speed.

Bloodless Bladester chuckled bitterly; his Health was nearing zero.

He had to use his last Blood Shadow to dodge A Man Like Wind’s shot, but Pulchriture hid in the shot’s shadow and lunged from the ground, burying her dagger into his chest. She was as calm as butchering an animal despite delivering a fatal blow; Bloodless Bladester turned into a flash of white and vanished. 

Tigeroar’s muscles were all bulging up as all the buffs granted him unimaginable strength. He shouted, “Break apart!”

The godly purple ray that had never failed Chau Yu was shattered by sheer force. Tigeroar carried through with his momentum and continued his charge at the mysterious lady.

Drako Yau cursed and hurried over right away. He couldn’t care less about the annoying bosses on his tail now, but he was still a step too late.

Greenstone was the closest defender, yet Tigeroar had taken him into account already. With a flick of his finger, Tigeroar sent his white tiger, which materialised out of thin air, to attack Greenstone.

Greenstone dodged the tiger’s lunge with an agile step, but the attack wasn’t meant to kill him anyway. It had succeeded in delaying him.

The black-haired lady showed no signs of fear. She stared straight at the incoming greatsword with determined eyes.

Before the greatsword reached her, the breeze it carried blew her hair into a rowdy mess behind her. As her wavy hair fluttered, the resolute and unbothered look on her face was ever so noticeable. To her, death was nothing to be feared of.

“Die!” Tigeroar howled.

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