Game’s Dogma

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: Descent of a God

The greatsword was right before the black-haired lady’s face, its soundwave sawtooth blade and gushes of air grazing thin lines of red on her forehead. Blood seeped out from the wounds, but she still showed no sign of fear, as if life and death were of no importance to her.

“You dare!”

A shout struck from above like thunder. With those two words, the weather changed drastically. The nearby forests were almost blown apart by the raging gale.

Along with a massive boom, the five attacking players all grunted and were exploded backwards by an invisible force, with blood oozing from their mouths. Drako Yau turned his gaze into the sky, where he saw a flickering spot of silver rapidly approaching them.

Such distance… How far away is that?

The little silver speck of dust was like a star in the night sky. Before he knew it, the speck was already quickly enlarging as it closed in on them.

The shout heavily injured them even from so far away… Thankfully it’s not targeted at the three of us, or we’d probably end up worse.

The silver speck dashed across the sky like a shooting star and reached them in no time. It was a dragon, a western-styled one, with silver wings lined with purple that were large enough to cloak the skies. The next moment, the demonic-looking dragon morphed into a beam of silver and was sucked into a man’s fingers.

The man wore a slightly worn-out cloak of white. His brownish hair was like dead shrubs that dangled disorderly down to his heels and waved in the air on their own.

What startled Drako Yau the most was the man’s eyes. Those sparkling gems, contrary to their looks, contained endless rage and were the crystallisation of ages worth of experiences in life. Drako Yau felt he could see everything there was in the world to see in those eyes. Moments later, he recovered from his trance and was all the more shocked.

My mind was breached just from looking into his eyes?

The man proclaimed from above like a god, “You people deserve to die!”

He thrust his right arm to his side, firing a silver beam into the sky which exploded like a firework along with a sharp pop shortly after. Thousands of kilometres, even beyond visible range, the sky was dyed in a divine glow of silver. It was a pattern consisting of dots and lines—a star chart to be exact.

Florate, Pulchriture, A Man Like Wind, and Wai Kiu transformed into white lights and scurried off into the distance. Tigeroar, unlike the rest, had a petrified look on his face as every last drop of life within him was exterminated, leaving behind a hollow shell. The six bosses behind Drako Yau also popped and disappeared like balloons.

What Drako Yau didn’t notice was that everyone’s ID, including every villager and player, was wiped clean off the board and nowhere to be seen. All that remained above was the levitating man and the star chart that replaced the sky.josei

“What is this!”

The six Castellans that were leisurely idling in their residences all vanished from their homes together at the same time. They appeared together in a hexagonal formation thousand miles up in the sky, hovering right above the silver star chart. It blocked the heavens from the earth as well as their vision.

The brown-haired man seemed to have detected their presence and looked up. The six Castellans made eye contact with the man, and they all had the same thought—This man is insanely powerful!

Although the man was looking up from below, the Castellans felt that his figure was enlarging. It pierced through the star pattern, the heavens, and all the way up to look down on them. The six rulers that wielded nearly unparalleled power in the game world were no more than ants that could be squished with a finger before this man.

“Leave, I know you have nothing to do with this. I have let everyone go apart from the one who did that, and that is very courteous of me already. If I will it, I can easily doom them to eternal death through karma.

Don’t you darespit on my goodwill.” The man’s voice struck the six Castellans’ minds directly, making them shudder.

“I’ll count to three. Anyone who remains after that shall be an enemy of mine,” the man declared his judgement like a god. “Three…”

The moment the man started counting down, the six Castellans were already nowhere to be found.

Back in the Castellan’s residence in Yoda, Fatty was soaked with sweat from inside out as if he had just taken a bath. Even his chair was covered in sweat.

Holy crap! I swear I’ve never seen someone that powerful since I was born! He’s in an entirely different league!

Drako Yau was dumbfounded; everything happening was beyond his imagination despite his broad knowledge and creativity.

What is all this about? Is it a story event from the system? No, it can’t be.

Drako Yau kept Frost Form active and went full throttle in his mind.

The system wants this lady dead… Wait, the system wants her dead? He soon noticed the core issue. But why!

The young lady who didn’t even twitch at Tigeroar’s blade was now trembling as if she was stark naked in the frosty winter. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around herself, making her already-delicate figure appear all the more wretched.

The almighty man who annihilated Tigeroar and the NPC bosses with the wave of an arm finally lowered his prideful head. He descended grandly from the sky, accompanied by the countless shimmering stars up above. Contrary to his mighty grandeur, his pale face, skinny body, and messy hair were rather out of place.

He slowly landed behind the lady. His hair which was supposed to touch the ground levitated several inches above the ground by an unknown force, which was somewhat eerie to look at. His star-like eyes were locked onto her back while he remained silent. The lady also didn’t turn around and continued to shiver. The two of them had unspoken chemistry between them—neither of them tried to break out of the atmosphere.

The man bit his lips, so hard that blood trickled out from a tiny wound. The bloody flavour awakened him from his slumber.

“Stygien,” the man said hoarsely.

A call, but also a murmur; the name alone sent goosebumps all over Drako Yau who was rarely bothered by emotions. Countless images flashed through his mind: his father’s unyielding back, the old geezer swinging his legs on a branch, his mother whom he had never met, Zephyrwolf, Windstrider, Greenstone, Sasaki, Dumbgirl…

Suddenly, he felt a breeze in his mind. Frost Form had activated on its own and awakened him.

The man’s emotions are strong enough to affect others and make them see illusions?!

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