Gate of God

Chapter 588 Turning Big and Small, How Interesting!

Chapter 588 Turning Big and Small, How Interesting!

Likewise, this was an extremely handsome face that bore a 70% resemblance to Yan Xiu. However, this face showed no coldness, just arrogance, and insanity.

If not for his silvery-white hair, very few people would believe that this was the ferocious antihero who once dominated Western Liang, Prince Yan Qianli.

"This is Prince Yan, Yan Qianli?"

"How can this be? Why is he so young?"

"Shouldn’t he be at West Sunset Mountain?"

At this moment, everyone’s head appeared to have been cleaved open by a bolt of lightning. All of them opened their eyes in shock with their mouths agape.

Human-skin mask?

This thought flashed past everyone’s mind, but it was quickly disproved. This was because no one could wear a human-skin mask and a golden mask on top of it.

Hence, the only possible explanation was that this was Yan Qianli’s true face.

However, if this was true, it was the equivalent of confirming a reality that would shock both the Great Xia Dynasty and the Holy Barbarian Empire.


This was the state that everyone hoped to reach one day.

However, this was too difficult.

One may not even in ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million people.

For example, the Great Xia Dynasty could count only four sages. One pavilion, four sages, thirteen residences. Of course, the numbers had to be updated.

This was because Yan Qianli had become a sage. He was the fifth sage of the Great Xia Dynasty

"Your grandfather is a sage?" Fang Zhengzhi asked, mildly surprised.

"Yes," Yan Xiu said as he nodded his head.

"You have always known?" Fang Zhengzhi asked again.

"I only found out recently," Yan Xiu replied.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head non-stop and he did not ask any more question. Now, he took time to appreciate the exaggerated look of surprise and shock on the faces of Ping Yang and Shan Yu.

"Old man Yan, you... you really are a sage?!" Prince Li of the First Rank was tongue-tied. Even the calm and normally collected Prince Li.

"There’s no need for pleasantries. It’s more important to settle the issue at hand. Yan Xiu, bring Princess Ping Yang and the Prince of the Southern Region to one side. I’ll take care of this!" Yan Qianli smiled as he waved his hands at Prince Li of the First Rank.

"Yes, grandfather!" Yan Xiu nodded his head. At the same time, he looked at Fang Zhengzhi. His expression was clear. We are together.

After he heard Yan Qianli’s words, Prince Li of the First Rank nodded his head as well. Of course he knew what Yan Qianli meant. Talk was talk. If they wanted to fight, two of them had to pair up.

Fang Zhengzhi would naturally not reject Yan Xiu’s proposal.

It was a sacred and important task to protect the princess and the Prince of the Southern Region. Of course, he could do now too, and that was the liberation of Xing Yuanguo.

However, he felt that he had more than enough reason to trust this lord.

Just like how Xing Yuanguo trusted him.

Mutual trust. This was the basis of any interaction between two people.

For someone like King Xieluo, if he was not dealt with by Yan Qianli, then Yan Qianli would have wasted his trip from Western Liang.

Of course, Yan Qianli must be willing to do this.

Hence, as someone from the later generation, he had to give in when he possible.

"It seems that you have the capital to be arrogant. This is a pleasant surprise. This trip is indeed worth the effort!" King Xieuluo laughed. His laughter was wild and unrestrained. He looked at Yan Qianli with his demonic gaze and his fists tightened. His entire body crackled.

"Of course the trip is worth it. I haven’t exercised in a long while. Hurry up, little Demon King!" Yan Qianli waggled his finger impatiently at King Xieluo.

Little Demon King.

The same words came from Yan Qianli’s mouth again. However, at this moment, no one felt that it was inappropriate.

He now had the ability to talk like this.

"Alright!" King Xieluo was not angered by Yan Qianli’s words. He still appeared calm. Furthermore, just as he spoke, he moved.


He defied everyone’s expectations by not charging at Yan Qianli.

Instead, he turned and charged toward Fang Zhengzhi. In his demonic eyes, a bright light flashed. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Fang Zhengzhi.

"I still want you to die first!" King Xieluo smiled coldly. At the same time, his palm was covered entirely by an emerald light.

This change happened so quickly that no one could react.

No one expected that a Demon King, in the face of a sage, would turn around and attack Fang Zhengzhi. Furthermore, this was a sneak attack.

Demon King, sneak attack?

If it was used to describe a fight between a Demon King and a sage, then it was fine. However, King Xieluo decided to ambush Fang Zhengzhi.

This was inconceivable to many.

Fang Zhengzhi had planned to retreat to a corner with Yan Xiu, Shan Yu, and Ping Yang to watch the fight. Before he could move, King Xieluo was in front of him.

"You want to ambush me? Here’s a counterattack!" Fang Zhengzhi activated his secret weapon, which he had been preparing. However, instantly, an unpleasant thought flashed past in his head. josei

This was because he felt another form preparing to launch himself at him.


How could Fang Zhengzhi fall for the same trick twice? This was the importance of experience. Furthermore, it seemed like a waste for him to use his secret weapon with Yan Qianli present.

Hence, he suppressed the impulsive desire in his heart. Then, he lifted his leg and kicked in the direction of the fire-red form next to him...


Ping Yang naturally saw King Xieluo turning toward Fang Zhengzhi. However, she had no intention of rushing toward Fang Zhengzhi now. This was because King Xieluo was too fast.

Even if she knew what to do, she would not have the time to do it.

Of course, there was another reason. She knew that Fang Zhengzhi’s cultivation was still there. Hence, with his cultivation, there was no difference whether King Xieluo hit her or hit him.

An ancient saying summed it up well.

If your skin is thick, you have no fear of being hit. How thick was Fang Zhengzhi’s skin? Ping Yang was not sure. However, she knew that it was thicker than hers.

Even so...

Why must she help him block this punch?

This was her true thoughts. Hence, she consciously moved to the side to avoid King Xieluo. At the very least, she would not become collateral damage.

However, before she could move, she felt a huge force on her buttocks. A hot, burning pain started to spread from it.


Ping Yang took this blow. Even though she was wearing her Red Flame Flower Armor, this force still sent her flying.


In mid-air, she subconsciously looked around her.

Then, she saw a leg.

However, she could not understand why was there a leg next to her. Furthermore, why did the person next to her want to kick her?

"Fang Zhengzhi?!" Ping Yang looked in shock at Fang Zhengzhi, who was next to her, as he kicked her. Countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

Was he trying to save her?

Impossible, King Xieluo’s target was him.

So why did he kick me?

Ping Yang could not understand what was going on initially. However, she quickly understood. After she felt the leg kicking her, it swiftly flew off. It was as if he bounced off using the force from this kick.

Bouncing off!

This shameless person used her buttocks as a springboard!

"Fang Zhengzhi, I’ll kill you!"

"Kill me?" Fang Zhengzhi did not really care. So many people said the same thing to him today. However, he was still alive.

Too innocent.


Why is this b*tch Ping Yang so angry? Why does she want to kill me?

Did I kick the wrong place?

A bead of cold sweat dropped from Fang Zhengzhi’s forehead. He looked at Ping Yang, who was totally incensed, as well as Prince Li of the First Rank, who stood next to her wearing an expression of shock.

He felt like he needed a logical explanation.

After all, Prince Li seemed to adore Ping Yang.

"King Xieluo tried to ambush her, we must protect the princess!" Fang Zhengzhi shouted defiantly. On his face, he wore an expression of absolute loyalty.

"Protect the princess?" Prince Li was stunned. He too saw King Xieluo rushing toward Fang Zhengzhi. So how could he say that he was protecting the princess?

Could it be because Ping Yang and Fang Zhengzhi were standing to close to each other and that Fang Zhengzhi was afraid that King Xieluo would attack her? Hence, he had no choice but to kick her.

If that was the case...

It seemed pretty reasonable.

Prince Li did not think too much too. He had the same mentality. Regardless of who King Xieluo wanted to attack, he could not let him get too close to Ping Yang.

He hesitated no more.

Radiant, seven-colored light started to shine from his body. As he moved, he charged like a comet toward King Xieluo.

Yan Xiu moved too. In reality, when he saw King Xieluo turning toward Fang Zhengzhi, he had already begun to move.

After Yan Xiu, Shan Yu moved too.

Two daggers appeared in his hand. Right now, they were undeniably trying to make time for Fang Zhengzhi to come up with an escape plan.

As long as Fang Zhengzhi could dodge King Xieluo’s attack, Yan Qianli would reach instantly and then, King Xieluo would have no more chance.

However, would King Xieluo let Fang Zhengzhi escape?

Of course not.

He already saw that Yan Qianli had become a sage. It was because of this that made him realize that this was his last chance to take Fang Zhengzhi’s life.

"He dodged?" King Xieluo did not expect Fang Zhengzhi to be so fast. It seemed like he knew he was going to ambush him.

A Supernatural State human.

He was able to dodge the Demon King’s attacks repeatedly. Had it been earlier, King Xieluo would never have believed it. However, Fang Zhengzhi had proven himself to be slippery indeed.

This was not because Fang Zhengzhi was faster than him. However, he felt that Fang Zhengzhi was extremely sensitive to ambushes.

What was going on?

How could Fang Zhengzhi know that he was about to ambush him?

Could it be...

An odd notion flashed past King Xieluo’s mind. Then, he looked at Fang Zhengzhi with an odd expression on his face.

This was because the only explanation was that Fang Zhengzhi had planned to ambush him.

In other words, only when both sides wanted to ambush each other could either party react to an ambush instantly.

However, could this be possible?

A Supernatural State human actually wanted to ambush him?

King Xieluo felt that this was almost impossible. At that moment, he did not give too much thought to it. While Fang Zhengzhi dodged his first attack, there were still many opportunities.

Give up?


How could a Demon King give up on what he had promised earlier on?

More importantly, he had to fulfill this condition before he could move on to the next step.

Just as he was about to approach Fang Zhengzhi’s retreating figure, two glowing daggers appeared before him. He naturally did not care for these things.

However, he was fighting for an opening.

If he used his body to block these daggers, his body would slow down momentarily. If he tried to dodge them, he would also be slowed.

"Shrink!" King Xieluo cried out. At the same time, his body started to shrink. The daggers past him.

"You can shrink?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at the shrinking King Xieluo with wide eyes. This Demon King’s body was useful indeed!

Not only could it expand, it could shrink too?

Just as this thought flashed past his mind, Fang Zhengzhi’s jaw dropped. Speak of the devil, King Xieluo’s body started to expand right after it had shrunk.

"Aooww!" He roared like a beast.

King Xieluo, who just became as small as a human, was now humongous. He was a humongous object and his entire body was covered with thick black scales. Two large and curved horns appeared on his head.

Emerald light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the moon and stars in the sky were blocked. Fang Zhengzhi could not see any form of light. He was underneath this huge object.

Four furry hooves flashed with a cold light under the moonlight.

Of course...

None of these was important. What was important was the fact that he was underneath a huge hoof. Furthermore, this hoof came stomping down on his brain.

"What is going on? It’s no fun to die getting stomped on!" Fang Zhengzhi was caught in a rut. His body was suspended in mid-air. There was nowhere for him to run.

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