Gate of God

Chapter 589 A Battle Between the Pros

Chapter 589 A Battle Between the Pros

What if running was not an option? The only thing to do then was to fight.

However, it was almost preposterous to resist a stomp from a Demon King. After all, Fang Zhengzhi knew that he was not a ’nail’ who could pierce into the sole of the Demon King.

A Demon King was more powerful than a Sage.

It was impossible to run.

Resistance was not an option too.

What could he do?

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly felt that he was on the verge of death. At this moment, a human figure appeared before him. Blood-red light surrounded his body and his elegant robes danced in the night sky.

"Yan Xiu?" Fang Zhengzhi’s heart missed a beat. He looked at Yan Xiu, who was heading over rapidly and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The hoof above his head was approaching. However, Yan Xiu chose to rush out at this point. He definitely saw it. Hence, the only reason for his action was that he wanted to push Fang Zhengzhi out of the way.

Fang Zhengzhi wanted to stop him.

However, it was too late because Yan Xiu was already in front of him. His cold face had a look of resilience. There was a small smile by the corner of his mouth.

He showed no hesitation as he swatted out at Fang Zhengzhi with his palm.

"Boom!" A large sound resounded.

At the same time, King Xieluo’s hoof finally came down. The resilient city walls could not withstand the pressure from his hoof as they started to crack apart.


The city walls, which had seen millenniums of history, collapsed. A huge hole emerged and countless specks of dust and pieces of rocks flew out in every direction.

The Northern Barbarian soldiers who stood on the city walls escaped immediately. However, some unlucky ones could not escape in time as they were pelted by rocks. Some sank straight in.

It was a horrific sight.

From this horrific scene, a sound could be heard.

"You impudent Demon King, you dare to hurt my grandson!"

With that voice, everyone’s gaze turned to a black figure in the sky. A figure stood in front of King Xieluo.

Yan Qianli.

The black cape that covered Yan Qianli’s body had completely disappeared. A brightly-colored armor with six red clouds could be seen. The armor gave a blood-red light.

The most important thing was...

Yan Qianli’s eyes turned completely red. On top of his head, a word blazed. An impossibly-complicated word. josei

At this moment, a cold aura enveloped the sky.

Even though Yan Qianli was in the sky, everyone underneath him could feel an immense killing intent. This killing intent turned their hearts cold, and a crackling sound could be heard around Yan Qianli. The air appeared to have been frozen by this killing intent.

"Sage, this is really a Sage?"

"What kind of power is this?"

"Is Yan Xiu dead? What happened to Fang Zhengzhi?"

When they sensed Yan Qianli’s anger, their hearts were all overwhelmed. At the same time, they could not help but think of the scene just now.

Yan Xiu charged in at the last moment.

What happened next?

No one saw clearly, because the city walls collapsed the thick layer of dust and rocks blocked their vision. They could not see what was going on.

"Fang Zhengzhi, Yan Xiu, you shameless b*stards, are you dead?" Ping Yang did not care about Yan Qianli’s transformation in the sky. Her gaze was focused on the collapsed city walls.

Shan Yu’s attention, likewise, was focused on the rubbles. However, she did not cry out like Ping Yang. Instead, she rushed straight in.

At the same time, Yan Qianli, who was in the sky, moved.

He tightened his fists and charged toward King Xieluo. He was as fast as a bolt of lightning, akin to a red comet that dashed through the sky.

"Boom!" A deep sound could be heard.

Yan Qianli’s fist landed in between the two curved horns of King Xieluo. It was a simple punch, brimming with rage and red light.

"Ow!" King Xieluo roared in fury. His body tilted to the side. His leg, which he had just lifted up, appeared slightly unstable.

This made him open his emerald eyes wider in disbelief.

A human Sage.

With one punch, he can destabilize King Xieluo. This was unbelievable.

"Such power!"

"He dared to fight a Demon King head-on?!"

"The Demon King almost fell?"

No one believed it. No one believed that Yan Qianli would fight King Xieluo with his bare fist. This was undoubtedly using a weak hand to fight the Demon King’s strong hand.

However, Yan Qianli did it.


After that punch, Yan Qianli had no intention of stopping. His fists landed on King Xieluo like raindrops.


"Boom boom boom..."

Shocking explosions could be heard. Yan Qianli did not waste time on words. He attacked like an enraged lion.

Punches after punches!

King Xieluo opened his eyes wide as he roared with anger. His two curved, golden horns started to shake.

Rays of golden light swirled on top of his horn. He appeared to be exceedingly enraged.

However, Yan Qianli had no intention of retreating. Nor did he relent on his attacks. He appeared to have gone crazy as he completely ignored the golden horns that were coming toward him.

As the golden horns came closer, everyone’s eyes opened in shock.

However, at this moment, the golden horns stopped suddenly and without any reason. It was as if something was blocking them.

At the same time, Yan Qianli’s leg landed on King Xieluo’s head.

This time, King Xieluo’s body appeared incapable of withstanding such a huge force. He exhaled thickly from his nose as he fell down on to the ground.

"Kaboom!" The already-collapsed walls came under the pressure of his huge form. Now, there was an indent wracked with scars.

It was enveloped in dust and mud.

The person in the sky was still standing, covered with red light. His bright-red eyes were fixated on King Xieluo, who lay on the ground unmoving.

"He’s down!"

"He knocked down a Demon King?!"

"He’s too powerful, is this a Sage? However, even if he’s a Sage, he shouldn’t be able to fight a Demon King in terms of physical strength? Yan Qianli, how... how did he do it?"

Everyone, regardless whether they were soldiers from the Northern Barbarian Army or the Mountain Breaking Army, stared at the scene in shock.

A battle of the pros.

This was a true battle of the pros.

A battle between a Sage and a Demon King. However, they fought in terms of physical. This method was inconceivable to many people, but still extremely shocking.

Behind King Xieluo stood someone else.

Golden light surrounded his body and his wide robes billowed in the night wind. His body, however, was extremely skinny and weak.

However, everyone knew this skinny person stopped the golden horns.

Prince Li of the First Rank.

This lord from the West Sunset Mountain, while not a Sage like Yan Qianli, still possessed shocking strength.

A Sage and someone who was only a step away from being a Half-Sage. This was a truly shocking battle, something that those on-scene may not witness ever again in their lives.

"Old man Yan, don’t be rash. This is a Demon King. You can’t take him down alone!" Prince Li stared at Yan Qianli, who stood in the sky, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

He too saw the scene like everyone else. Yan Xiu rushed underneath King Xieluo’s feet at the last moment. He knew Yan Qianli’s personality more than anyone else.

Not only would he not reveal his weakness, he was also extremely aggressive.

However, what stood before him was an actual Demon King. In the face of a nation-level catastrophe, losing one cool would bring about devastating consequences.

"Rubbish, my grandson is dead. You brazen Demon King, return my grandson to me!" Yan Qianli ignored Prince Li of the First Rank. He rushed down once again, with his entire body glowing with red light.

"Old man Yan, don’t!" Prince Li of the First Rank looked at Yan Qianli as an expression of panic crept across his face.

However, it was too late.

The moment Yan Qianli rushed down, King Xieluo, who was lying on the ground, lifted his head. Two rays of light shone from his emerald eyes as they blasted Yan Qianli.


Red light and green light clashed.

The entire ground started to shake. Cracks started to appear and huge boulders flew from the ground. Then, they were shattered to fine dust by the energy around them.

When the Northern Barbarian Army soldiers saw this scene, they scampered in retreat. Some, however, were caught by the energy and they were instantly vaporized.

A battle between a Sage and a Demon King.

Even those who stood on the ground could feel the tremors.

"Take Mr. Su and leave!" A man in black, who was next to Xing Yuanguo saw the incoming energy wave and shouted.

"Yes!" Some of the Northern Barbarian Army soldiers replied.

"Since we’re here, why not stay?" Xing Yuanguo looked at the few soldiers who were assisting Su Qing. Purple light flashed in his eyes.

"My lord, you should worry about yourself." The men in black hesitated no more. Light shone from their bodies as they flew toward Xing Yuanguo.

As the fight was becoming more intense, bringing about the destruction of the city walls, it was impossible for the Mountain Breaking Army and the Yan Cloud Cavalry to arrive in a short time.

Hence, it was the best time to kill Xing Yuanguo.

"I want to see what can you do to me!" Xing Yuanguo’s body shone with purple light. He did not retreat but instead, he charged toward the nearest man in black.


"Go to h*ll!"

A few human forms intersected and a new battle commenced on the city walls.

Prince Li of the First Rank could not care less about what was happening on the city walls. His attention was completely on Yan Qianli.

"Old man Yan, are you dead?"

"Dead? What a joke! What can a little Demon King do to me?" Yan Qianli’s voice rang out. Then, a figure started to appear.

Unlike before, his bright armor was now utterly ruined. However, the six red clouds on his breastplate were still as scarlet as blood.

"Kudos to you, old man Yan. Not only do you have a fierce temper, you’re pretty strong as well!" Prince Li looked at Yan Qianli, who was unscathed and sighed.

"What nonsense, not only are my bones hard, my boner is hard too!" Yan Qianli spat out. Then, he adjusted his long, flowing hair.

"You self-depreciating old thing!" Prince Li of the First Rank was momentarily stunned. Then, he spat that line out. Following that, he turned his attention from Yan Qianli to King Xieluo.

Underneath him, when the countless Mountain Breaking Army soldiers and the Northern Barbarian Army soldiers heard that one, they all looked at each other in shock.

As for the Yan Cloud Calvary outside of the city, they remained emotionless.

To them, Yan Qianli was their true source of ’light’. He led them forward. They knew his temper and how he was self-depreciating.

This was too normal.

How could a powerful army not have a powerful commander?

Yan Qianli had to be fierce enough for him to lead them. Only then could they retain their unbroken track record of victories in Western Liang.

Arrogant without restraints. Intimidatingly fierce.

This was Yan Qianli and the Yan Cloud Calvary.

"Roar!" King Xieluo was finally incensed.

This could be because of what Yan Qianli said, but it was also because of the fact that he had been beaten down, even though Prince Li had a part to play in that.

However, this still humiliated him. Emerald light flowed out of his body, turning his ink-black armor ghastly green.

At this moment, King Xieluo’s body looked like a piece of emerald. Shiny, reflective, and swirling with green light.

Then, he moved.

His huge form flew into the sky. He was no sluggard but instead, his speed appeared to have increased. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Yan Qianli.

At the same time, a huge hoof came down on Yan Qianli’s head.

"Hmph!" Yan Qianli snorted. He dashed to the side and dodged his hoof. Then, he soon appeared above his head.

In the meantime, blood-red light shone from his hands.

The light was extremely clear and resembled the blade of a sharp knife. In the next instant, the clear red light started to expand to form a huge, blood-red web.

A web that could envelop the sky.

"Kacha! Kacha!"

The moment the web landed on King Xieluo, it started to make weird noises. It was trying to cut his body apart.

As the blood-red web shrank, sparks started to fly from King Xieluo’s armor, which was basked in an emerald light.

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