Gate of Immortality

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Upgrading Starlight Burst

" How can I improve my Starlight Burst?" Yang Shi asked. " Starlight Burst is actually derived from the Nine Roc Heaven Shifting Movement Technique. Our ancestors researched for thousands of years to derive many techniques. Although they aren't the same as the Nine Roc movement technique, still they are powerful in many aspects, In fact, they are even more powerful than any Heaven grade technique." The golden egg said proudly.

Yang Shi nodded, but then he asked, " Does that mean I can still get the Nine Rocs Heaven Shifting Movement Technique?" " Why are so obsessed with my clan's founding technique?" The golden egg asked with a depressed tone.

" Why not? I know what kind of power that technique wields. With just a step, one can cross millions of miles, With a stomp, one can ascend to heaven." Yang Shi smiled. " But didn't I told you it has a bloodline restriction?" The golden egg said. " Well, After you come out from the egg, You can give me your vital blood. In that way, I can possess the Imperial bloodline of Ro clan." Yang Shi made an evil smile. The golden egg became silent.

" Fine, but my only condition is that you have to fully master the Starlight Burst." The golden egg said after some time. " Of course, I can do that." yang Shi nodded. He really doesn't want to force the golden egg. Even he didn't get the technique, Yang Shi can use others in Samsara Emperor's memory. 

The reason Yang Shi wanted to get this technique is that even Samsara Emperor regarded it as one of the pinnacle movement techniques in the world. Unfortunately, there aren't any other memory about this technique. " Well, Let's start the training then." Yang Shi got up.

" First, draw two circles on the ground. The distance must be greater than eight meters." The golden egg instructed. Yang Shi nodded and did what the egg said. " Now use Starlight Burst and travel between these two circles." Yang Shi nodded. He stood inside the first circle and used Starlight Burst. He suddenly disappeared as he rushed to the second circle. In just a blink of an eye, he stood inside the second circle.

" See? You can instantly appear ten meters away. But that not the essence of the Starlight Burst. To reach the minor completion stage, you need to create at least two afterimages. It should look like there are three of you standing at one place." The golden egg explained.

" Impressive! If I managed to create two such afterimages, It will be easy to deceive my enemies. It's a perfect technique for an assassin like myself." Yang Shi laughed happily. " Do you think it's that easy to reach the minor completion stage? People spend years to reach the minor completion stage, not to mention their cultivation was at the Violet Palace Expansion stage. How can you reach it in Primordial Spirit Realm?" The golden egg snorted.

" Hehe, lass, Are you doubting me? No genius in this world can compete with me, not to mention those old foggy." Yang Shi cackled. The golden snorted. But when she thought about secrets Yang Shi is hiding, she fell into deep thought.

" Anyway, You can't reach the minor completion stage anytime soon. Let me teach you a special qi channeling method of the Starlight Burst. Use it when you are executing Starlight Burst. It will help you gain more speed in a short distance, but not for long-distance traveling." The golden taught Yang Shi. Yang Shi listened to everything with great attention.

Three days passed like that. Yang Shi didn't take any rest and practiced Starlight Burst. He gained my insights after discussing with the golden egg. Yang Shi was eager to try them out. After three days of intense training, Yang Shi managed to create a faint after shadow. It was very faint, And it only lasted for a second.

" Not bad, You made some good improvement. Unless your opponent using any speed type treasure, I don't think someone under Violet Palace Expansion Realm can catch you." The golden egg said with a satisfied tone.

" Hmm, I don't know. There are many hidden geniuses. But I think most can't compete with me in terms of speed." Yang Shi rubbed under his nose. " Since when you became so humble?" The golden egg asked with a weird tone. " What? Do you think I am that bad?" Yang Shi snorted. " Hmph, I tried to be good, but this world didn't let me be." Yang Shi snorted. " Bah, Who is good?" The golden egg snickered.

||Next Day||josei

Yang Shi was tired and taking a nap, but suddenly his eyes snapped open. " W-What is happening?" He heard a loud sound from far west. As if two mighty powerhouses are fighting. Yang Shi hurriedly activated his Celestial Vision as he dashed in that direction.


" Little Birdie, You should give up upon the eggs." A voice cackled. " Birdie, You should listen to my husband. Hand over the two eggs, and we will et you live... Else, We will annihilate your entire family." Another voice said. Yang Shi dashed there as he saw an incredible scene.

A giant condor was flying. It's back was reflecting silver lights, as if it's feathers are hidden swords. Its eyes were sharp as it looking at its two enemies. In front of the condor were two black colored lizards. Looking at them, one would feel that their hide is extremely tough. They are very big but not huge as the condor. The lizard's golden eyes can enough to scare anyone.

" My God! Swordfeather Condor and Two Darkflame Demon Lizards?!!" Yang Shi blurted. " Shameless Bastards! You dare to eat my children?" The condor roared. " Birdy, Do you think I don't know that you are feeble after giving birth to your children? If we eat one egg, our chance of becoming an Ancient Beast will increase by many folds. How can we miss that?" One of the Darkflame Demon Lizards laughed as it stuck out its black tongue.

Yang Shi understood what is happening here. These two lizards are a couple. They came to eat the eggs of Swordfeather Condor to breakthrough to the Ancient Beast stage. The beast race doesn't need any cultivation technique. They just need to absorb spiritual qi and devour other beasts to break through to the next level. Although this looked easier than human cultivator's cultivation way, The beast race cultivation speed is very slow.

For example- These three beasts must be at least 500-year-olds. They can't be compared with humans who can reach Violet Palace Expansion Realm in very little time. After laying eggs, The Swordfeather Condor must be in a vulnerable state, But still, It's power is more than the Darkflame Demon Lizards, and it has the advantage as it can fly. But the lizards can't b looked down on either.

Yang Shi smacked his lips after looking at the situation. In front of his eyes, There are three beast cores are dancing. Although it's dangerous to participate in this fight, The rewards are ample for it.

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