Gate of Immortality

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Fisherman Takes it All

Yang Shi's mind ran like lightning as he made plans to ambush. Normally he wouldn't be a match for these peak rank Demonic Beasts, but since both sides are fighting each other, they will naturally exhaust all of their strength, and when they became weak, Yang Shi would finish them.

" Bloody lizards, Have a taste of my wrath!." The condor ave a shrill cry as it flapped its metallic wings. With a single flap, hundreds of feathers shot out like a sea of arrows. The lizard sneered as it spat out a ball of black flame. It was extremely corrosive as it melted more than half of the feathers on midair. But still, some feather hit the lizard. Nonetheless, it only caused some superficial wounds.

The female lizard opened its mouth and fired a beam of black flame. The condor hurriedly flapped its wings as it created powerful wind gales to stop the black flames. Powerful wind currents repelled the black beam. Even Yang Shi's eyes are closed by the power of the wind.

" Wind Slash." The condor roared as it dashed down to one of the lizards. Two blades of wind slashed at the lizards, The lizard sneered, " Firebreak defense." Its hide lit with black flames as it jumped to dodge the wind blades.

" Birdie, You can't defeat two of us. Give up when there is still time." The lizard sneered as it rebuked the condor. The condor's face turned grim. " I can't defeat you in normal terms, But what if I burn my vital blood?" The condor snickered.

" Hah, If you do that, you won't be living much longer." The lizard screamed. The Blackflame Lizard actually wanted to kill both the condor and its egg as consuming the condor would have an even better effect. But their power isn't comparable to the Swordfeather Condor. Unless they also burn their vital blood, they can't defeat the condor. However, burning vital blood is something that can't be done, unless it's a matter of life and death. And burning vital blood can affect their cultivation base.josei

" Why not? For sake of my children, I can do anything." The condor sneered its body began to shine with a pale blood light. " Here it comes." yang Shi became nervous. He took out his invisible talisman and gripped it. His early confidence has shaken after see the Sword Feather Condor is burning its vital blood. In this state, It can even contend against Ancient Beasts. Yang Shi gnashed his teeth as was ready to activate the invisibility talisman at any moment. " Fuck, Do I have to waste it here?" Yang Shi smiled bitterly.

The condor dove to one of the lizards as it attacked with its sharp claw. It clutched the lizard with its claw and stabbed its head with its beak. It was a very brutal attack as its blood splashed out from its head. The lizard cried loudly as it slumped on the ground.

" Bastard! You dare to hurt my wife!!!." The male lizard roared as it jumped at the condor. It aimed at its throat, but the condor was in an overpowered state, it stopped the lizard with its wing. But the lizard was even more vicious. It clung to its wing as it used its black flame to corrode its wing. As expected, The condor cried painfully as it slammed down on the ground. Its wing was bleeding as it corroded by the black flame.

" Haha, Do you think I give a damn about your strength? You bitch, You have killed my wife. Now die." " Hah, Let see who kills who?" The condor snorted as they both engaged in a brawl. It was a bloody fight as it was hard to tell who would win.

" Now, Is the perfect chance." Yang Shi drew his saber and poured all the qi in it. the moment Darkflame Lizard attacked at the condor's head, Yang Shi jumped out from the shadow.

" Tiger Descends!" Yang Shi roared as he jumped at the back of the lizard. The lizard was too focused on the condor, so it didn't notice the attack from behind. But the reaction of the condor was fast, It also attacked the lizard with its claw. "KHEUUK." With this pincer attack, The lizard has no chance to win.

With a cry, it fell to the ground. Only at its last moment, The lizard understood that a human attacked him from behind. The condor stood up with great difficulty as it stared at Yang Shi. " Heh, Even a human is looking down on us." The condor chuckled.

" Well, If you haven't injured yourself, I might resort to my treasure to kill you guys. But to think even at this stage, you are standing and talking with me." Yang Shi said with respect. " Unfortunately, You are destined to die here." Yang Shi held his saber as he said with a cold voice.

" Do you think you can contend against me? A puny cultivator of the sixth stage of Primordial Spirit Realm?" The Swordfeather Condor's eyes narrowed. " Haha, don't try to bluff me. I have witnessed the entire fight from the dark. Don't think I don't know that you have burned your vital blood. You are a candle that is on the verge of dying." Yang Shi sneered. " Fuck, I can't dominate even a kid." The condor sighed as he verified what Yang Shi said is true. He looked back at his egg as its eyes changed.

" DAMN YOU, FUKING LIZARDS." The condor cried as it flew to its egg. One of the eggs was charred black, while the other one was slightly burnt. The condor fell on the ground as it began to take a deep breath.

" One of my children is dead." Thee condor said with a bleak face. " Hey, human, You would kill me to get my beast ore, right?" The condor asked Yang Shi. Yang Shi became startled by this abrupt question, but he nodded. " Can you save this child? Can you raise it to adulthood?" The condor asked again.

" Why are you trusting me so much? Aren't you afraid I will just refine this egg?" Yang Shi asked in surprise. "It's my intuition. I can feel a powerful bloodline of our beast race from you. It's like those Imperial beasts. If you agree to my request, It will be also a kind of blessing for you Moreover, I don't have any choice. If left this egg here, some other beast might devour it." The condor chuckled bitterly.

" Fine, I vow under the heaven that I will do everything to raise this egg." Yang Shi seriously said. " Ahh, This is better. Now I can leave peacefully." The condor closed its eyes as it fell to the ground. Its breathing stopped. yang Shi picked up the intact egg carefully as he sensed the sign of life inside this egg.

" Lucky fellow. Now don't worry, I will take good care of you." Yang Shi said affectionately.


The idiom here is- When sandpiper and clam fight, the fisherman is the one who gets all the harvest.

It means- Third-party harvesting while two peoples are fighting.

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