Gate of Immortality

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Xiao Hei

In the woods, the fighting sound could be heard. A group of people was watching the duel between a youngster and a Demonic beast. He was no other than Mo Yi, who was fighting with Cloud Horse. Mo Yi didn't dare to be careless as he summoned his Primordial Spirit from the first place. The Heavenly Blaze Stallion behind him neighed as he clashed with the demonic horse. " Cloud Incineration Slash!" His Sky Incineration Sword burned as it hacked at the demonic beast. " Arrgh! Human, die!" The horse raged as it stomped its feet.

The ground shook as Mo Yi jumped. The demonic beast also used this momentum as it punched Mo Yi. Mo Yi blasted back a hundred meters like a cannonball. " Haha, Finally, A worthy opponent." Mo Yi got up from the ground as he gripped his sword tightly. " I have learned a new move, let's test this." Mo Yi laughed. " Sword Cuts Nine Jade!" Mo Yi roared. His word became bright as it shot three bright rays. The Demonic horse became startled but it couldn't dodge such a fast attack. A large wound formed on its chest as it fell down. Mo  Yi's face was pale yet he was smiling. " I am still unable to execute this attack properly. Heh, It consumed almost all of my spiritual qi." He laughed bitterly. He walked to that corpse and took out a jade bottle. The bottle absorbed all the vital blood of the Demonic beast while Mo Yi took its core and horn.

" Hehe, All ingredients for a Bloodline Refining pill." Mo Shan smiled as he looked at Mo Yi's harvest. " Hmph! Brother Mo used his ultimate attack. If it was me, I would have defeated the beast without using my trump card." Liu Jie snorted. " Haha, I just wanted to test this new technique." Mo Yi chuckled. " Since we already got that beast, now we should leave." Mo Xiang cut in. " Hmm, Mo Xiang is right. Let's depart in few hours." Mo Shan nodded. Mo Yi was a little dejected but he said nothing.


" Little Crow, I think we are prepared now. Cultivate and become a Demonic Beast." Yang Shi said. " Jin Yu come and assist him." Yang Shi asked Jin Yu. " Well, I can only lend it my Demonic Qi" Jin Yu shrugged. " I am also bound by my curse." She sighed. The crow reverted back to its smaller form as it shrouded in a black mist. " Man, It will take another day or two." Yang Shi sighed. Since he doesn't have anything to do, he sat beside it and began to cultivate. " The surrounding spiritual qi isn't bad." Yang Shi thought as he absorbed qi from his surroundings. At this point, this amount of spiritual qi can't help Yang Shi.

He would need at least five times denser Spiritual qi than here. " Hmm, Only if I had some spirit stones." Yang Shi sighed. But spirit stones are very precious. It's the most desirable item for the ninth stage Primordial Spirit realm and Violet Palace Expansion Realm experts. " Hmm, But I am sure factions in Azure Wind City have spirit stones." Yang Shi won't believe that an Ancient Kingdom with Violet Palace Expansion realm cultivators lacks spirit stones. It's because spirit stone's value is far much that of gold and silvers, it's not used as general currency.

" Hehe, I better get some spirit stones and cultivate to the Violet Palace Expansion realm. Only then, I would have the power to roam across lands." Yang Shi muttered. He also needs to cultivate his Primordial Fiend Body Seals. Yang Shi entered in a calm state with the help of his Azure Lotus primordial spirit. He wasn't afraid of any Demonic beast as with the presence of Jin Yu and Little Crow, no beast would even dare to look at him. Time passed by as the crow accumulated more energy. Moreover, Jin Yu occasionally sent a thin black qi into the crow's body.

With another day passed, the crow finally cried in pain. Yang Shi opened his eyes as he saw the black qi around the crow almost solidified. A faint image of a powerful Sword Feather Condor appeared above its head. It sucked all the black qi as it screeched at the sky. The image turned into a black light as it entered the body of that crow. The crow's eyes snapped open as its body became bigger. This time, it didn't turn back into Sword Feather Condor. But its furs became more glossy. Its claw shone like steel swords. Its body emanated a dreadful aura. " Wait! This Sword Feather Condor... It mutated1" yang Shi cried in shock. With pure bloodline, there was a chance that the beast may mutate. But the rate of mutation is very low.

Nonetheless, Mutated beasts can easily dominate another beast in the same rank. " Wow, Sword Feather Condor evolved into Obsidian Lightning Bird. " Hehe, From now, I will call you Xiao Hei." Yang Shi smiled. The crow became smalled as it flapped its wind and sat on Yang Shi's head. Yang Shi smiled as he got up. " Xiao Hei, let's go." Yang Shi said. Xiao Hei coarsely said, " Ues...Mashterr." 

" Haha, you already started to speak human language, eh?" Yang Shi laughed.

The crow jumped as it became bigger again. Yang Shi sat on its back. It slowly rose in the air and flapped the wind. " HOLY!" Yang Shi screamed as he tightly clutched the furs of Xiao Hei. *BOOOM" The air resonated with a sonic boom as they became a black blur. The current speed of Xiao Hei was three times faster than its previous speed. Yang Shi felt he was sitting on a missile. This time, he truly felt fear of falling down. With this height and speed. he Yang Shi fell, then not even heaven can save him from death.

" Haha, With this speed, It  will only take 2 days to reach Azure Wind City." Yang Shi laughed. He was eager to see the face of Mo Xiang when he would reach there. After another day, Yang Shi could see a gigantic tower from afar. " The Royal tower? It seems we are about to reach Azure Wind City." Yang Shi murmured. He remembered the rules as he asked Xiao Hei to land. There were guards of the royal clan. Yang Shi could feel a pellicular qi in them. There are thousands of guards here and all are in the Primordial Spirit realm.

" These soldiers are trained by the royal clan. Their individual strength isn't bad, but what's more important is the technique they use. With its help, they can perform military formations. Thousands of soldiers in the Primordial Spirit realm can kill a Violet Palace realm experts." Yang Shi mumbled. But of course, it wasn't easy as it sounds. Yang Shi only shook his head as he went to the entrance. " Halt! Do you have Authority token? Without it, you can't use a flying beast after the Northen Royal Tower." The guard wore white armor with an insignia of a bird. It was the symbol of the royal clan.

" No, I don't possess any Authority token." Yang Shi shook his head. " Then you can't use your flying beast." The guard seized Xiao Hei. He was astonished inside as he saw Xiao Hei was a Demonic Beast. Nonetheless, he wasn't afraid as he has the royal army as his backer. Although Demonic beast was rare, all the major clans and sects have Demonic beasts, so it wasn't any surprise for the royal guards. They just wondered about the identity of this unknown young man. " Damn, without Authority token, I won't able to use Xiao Hei as a mount. I would have to take horses here, which would delay me." Yang Shi cursed in his heart.

But as he was racking his brain, an idea came to his mind. " Oh wait! I have that thing. Hope it would work." Yang Shi thought.

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