Gate of Immortality

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: No Rest

" Can this work as an Authority token?" Yang Shi took out a badge as he passed it to the guard. " What's this? Brat! You can just pull out any metal scrap and show us." The guard sneered. " Why don't you check it first?" Yang Shi chuckled. " Heh, What's so special..." The guard stopped halfway as he looked closely at the badge. It was a bronze badge with a hammer symbol. It had three stars carved under it. On the back of the token was a golden flame imprinted with a name- Yang Shi. " This...Golden Fire token for Blacksmiths? And three stars mean Master grade blacksmith?" The guard was shocked.

" Wait! How is this possible? He might be not even eighteen and a Master blacksmith? Could it be this badge is fake?" He thought inwardly. " No, I can't take risks. I have to show it to the captain." The guard decided as he looked at Yang Shi." Young noble, It's a weird situation. I need to get confirmation from my captain." The guard said politely. " It's ok. I can wait." Yang Shi nodded. He wasn't like those wealthy clan young masters, who would act like a dickhead. He understood that offending guards here are the most foolish thing to do.

" There are four Royal towers in the four directions of Azure Wind City. People believe that it was the symbol of prosperity of Azure Wind City. Heh, but the truth is, these are formation towers." yang Shi looked at the tower. When he looked at those towers, he could find some information about the array formations from the memory of Samsara Emperor. " Four Gate Grand Array. A defensive array to protect the capital of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom. It's connected to the underground spirit veins. And activating it would need a tremendous amount of spiritual qi." Yang Shi mumbled.

After a few minutes, the guard came out with the Golden Fire token. His gaze was much more friendly than before. " Young Noble is indeed a Master grade blacksmith. You can use a flying mount." The guard nodded. " Good, I appreciate your effort." Yang Shi nodded. He passed a few Royal Seal gold coins to the guard. " Hahan, I thank young noble for his grace." The guard's eyes lit up. It was double the amount than his monthly wage. 

Yang Shi didn't mind creating a good image with this guard. Who knows, maybe this small favor would come handly one day? Yang Shi chuckled as he sat on the Xiao Hei's back. With a flap of wing, Xiao Hei darted to the horizon. With the terrifying wind gales, the soldiers closed their eyes. " Heavens, What Demonic beast is that? It's even faster than Silver Wing Falcons." The guards were shocked. Inside the barracks, the captain of first unit soldiers sat with a thoughtful expression. " So he is Yang Shi." He muttered. After he wrote something on a yellow paper, he chanted something and burned it.

Yang Shi fell asleep on the back of Xiao Hei. He estimated that he would reach Azure Wind City in one or two days. " Although it's called Azure Wind City, its size is no less than of a prefect. After all, It got Four major clans, Two large sects, and the Royal family. Moreover, It got many hidden factions like Hundred Gold Pavilion, Blood Moon Hall, Heaven Protection Guild, etc." Yang Shi thought. " Hehe, It would be fun to meet those geniuses." Yang Shi laughed in his mind.

Another day passed quietly. Yang Shi was resting, but his eyes suddenly opened. " Haha, It seems we are bout to reach Azure Wind City." Yang Shi's mood became happy. From far, he could see outlines of a gigantic city. It was spanned across the horizon. Yang Shi could see the high walls covering the city. Yang Shi was marveled by what he saw, as with Celestial View, he could see the city from far. " Haha, Azure Wind City, Here I come." Yang Shi increased the speed of Xiao Hei as he darted forward.

Heart of Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom, Azure Wind City. It was the dream place of cultivators of Azure Wind Ancient Kingdom. It's the gathering place of dragons and tigers. Many young peoples flocks here to join powerful factions. Azure Wind City was divided into three zones. Outer City, Inner City, and Core City. Outer city is where commoner lives. Inner City is where the clans and sect reside. As for the Core city, it was reserved for the Royal clan and The Palace.

The sun was setting as Yang Shi finally reached the gates of Azure Wind City. " Halt, Entry fees are thirty thousand gold coins." The guard stopped Yang Shi. At that time, Xiao Hei already reverted back to its small form as it sat on the shoulders of Yang Shi. This time, Yang Shi decided not to use his Golden Fire Token as he nodded and paid thirty thousand gold coins. 

The city was large, with wide streets. But all he could see are pedestrians and small horse carts. " Ah! Only nobles are allowed to use a mount in the Azure Wind City." Yang Shi recalled the rule. He didn't mind walking as he strolled around the outer city. As he was about to reach the gates of the inner city, he saw that it was close. " Eh? Why it's closed?" Yang Shi was surprised. " It seems you are new here." A nearby person laughed. " After the sun sets, no one can enter the inner city," he said to Yang Shi. YangShi clicked his tongue as he sighed.

" It seems I have to wait till tomorrow." YangShi sighed. " Brother, Do you any good inn?" Yang Shi asked that man. " Purple Cloud Inn is the best inn in the outer city. But it's also the most expensive one. You can go to Three Star Inn. It's more affordable." The man informed. Yang Shi thanked him as he went to the Purple Cloud Inn. Yang Shi never missed any chance to get good food and winejosei

After walking a while, Yang Shi saw a luxurious building. It looked much better than Gold And Jade Inn of Firmament City. Yang Shi entered Purple Cloud Inn as he saw the spacious hall. " I would like to have a room, just for a night." Yang Shi went to the reception. " We have four types of room. Mortal, Noble, Earth, and Sky. Which would you like to choose?" The receptionist asked. " Hmm, Give me an Earth tier room." Yang Shi made the advance payment as he received the room key.

He ordered the best dishes and wine to his room. He went to take bath before he was going to eat. But when he came back, he saw Jin Yu already finished half of the food. " You little glutton." yang Shi was speechless. He took out a demonic beast corpse and gave it to Xiao Hei. " Hmm, Every single dish costs more than ten thousand gold coins. Nonetheless, it's very tasty." Yang Shi thought as he took a mouthful of food. " And this, Purple Pine Wine. It's indeed a good wine, same as Hundred Flower Wine." Yang Shi praised.

" Ahh, finally I am going to sleep on a comfy bed." Yang Shi stretched out his arms as he fell on the bed. But only after a few breaths of time, he opened his eyes and frown. He felt someone was at his door. He got up and opened his door, only to find a letter on his doorsteps. Yang Shi became surprised as he saw a Blood Moon mark over the letter.

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