Gate of Immortality

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Things got Messed

" What the hell! I can't even rest for a night?" yang Shi cursed in his heart. But, He was more surprised about how did Old Ghost found him. " Sigh, The life of an assassin is unsettled. I just arrived in Azure Wind City, and Old Ghost already gave me a commission." Yang Shi smiled bitterly. " Let's see what is this about." Yang Shi began to read the letter. 

" I know you just arrived here. But this mission came suddenly, and now I am giving it to you. There is an assassination mission in the northern block of Outer city. We have already dispatched several Blood Moon assassins to kill the target. Your duty is to remain in dark and help them if something unexpected happens."

The letter was rather short, with the image of a person and a map. Yang Shi sighed as he began to think. " Although this mission seems to be simple, just mention of something unexpected is already fishy." He chuckled. Moreover, that old geezer didn't mention any rewards for this. But Yang Shi didn't plan to refuse this mission. " Hehe, At least Old Ghost can owe me a small favor." Yang Shi smiled. " Or, I can grab a spirit stone from him." 

Yang Shi changed his clothes to a pitch-black robe, which fitted him. He took out his longsword and sheathed it on his waist. He hid his two Crimson Dusk daggers behind his back. Yang Shi finally put the bronze demon mask over his face. " Xiao Hei, stay here. I will be back before morning." Yang Shi patted on its back as he jumped out of the window. Soon, he activated his Starlight Burst and merged in darkness.

Yang Shi walked according to the map. Soon a reached the northern block. It was sam as a housing colony of earth, with ancient style. There were rows and rows of buildings with many alleys. A newbie can easily lose their way here. But Yang Shi had the map and Celestial view, so he reached there quickly.

" Hmm, I am half an hour earlier than the given time. I should hide nearby." Yang Shi thought as he climbed on a rooftop. From there, he could see every place clearly with his Celestial View. Yang Shi turned a little and crouched there. With that, most people wouldn't feel his presence.

Yang Shi sat there, scanning his surroundings. He sat there patiently, like an old statue. If one isn't mindful, they couldn't able to see Yang Shi's sparkling purple eyes. With a mixture of azure and crimson, they looked mysterious. Yang Shi sat there vigilantly, but suddenly, his ears perked. " Eh? There is a large movement!" Yang Shi's eyes zoomed in as he looked in the direction. He could see a bunch of people chasing someone.

" Fuck, It's the third time. Capture that bitch alive. Our boss wants to let her taster fate worse than death." A burly man shouted. " Red Mountain Chop!" Another person roared as he slashed out his sword. The person in front of them wore tight black clothes. Yang Shi could tell that person's body is very flexible. She easily dodged the attacks of her pursuers. " Is she also one of Blood Moon assassins?" Yang Shi became confused as he looked at her. From her body, Yang Shi could tell that its a girl. Old Ghost didn't give any details of assassins on this mission.

" Fragrant Plume Burst!" The girl snickered as a pale light gathered in her palms. She suddenly turned around and threw the ball of light. 

" Zi Zi Zi Zi "

With sharp noise, the ball burst, and many lights darted out from it. " Watch out of those needles!" A burly man shouted. Those lights were actually needles, empowered with spiritual qi. " Hmph! Whirling Slash!" Another man shouted as he swung his sword. The slashes became like a silver curtain as they deflected the needles. Yang Shi's eyes narrowed as he estimated the strength of those pursues. 

" There are nine of them and each of them is at the Eighth stage of Primordial Spirit realm. Moreover, they are wielding middle tier Spirit grade weapons." Yang Shi thought. If there were two or three Eight grade cultivators, Yang Shi could have killed them without much effort. But nine of them? 

Yang Shi shook his head. " Only if I reach the Seventh stage, I can kill them all." Yang Shi muttered. The girl's movement was strange. She was able to dodge the attacks of her pursuer with ease. Her body moved like a willow branch, it was unpredictablejosei

" Don't worry. Our brothers are approaching from another side." The burly man shouted. " Thorny Vine Net!" The girl shouted. This time, Yang Shi could see a faint image of a tree behind the girl. " A tree type primordial spirit?" Yang Shi was surprised. Suddenly, the ground cracked as many green vines crawled out from it. 

It was laced with curvy and sharp thorns. They covered the ground, making the pursuers slow down. " Damn! Cut these vines." They cursed they began to chop the vines. With those strange thorns, they also got injured quite a bit. The girl was at the Seventh stage, but with her Primordial Spirit and movement technique, she was able to surpass her enemies.

" Hmm, maybe I should help her. She might be the one who is distracting a part of enemy forces?" Yang Shi mumbled. After all, how can such experts appear in this northern block? She must be a helper of the Blood Moon Hall. Yang Shi suddenly saw the girl used the moment of distraction and sped up. " Damn it! We lost her!" Someone shouted. 

When they finally managed to chop all the vines, the girl already vanished. But Yang Shi's face turned serious as he could see the movement of that girl. There was another group of people rushing from the opposite direction. " There were only two people? It seems they are scouts." Yang Shi finally moved as he jumped from the roof.

" Haah! My spiritual qi is almost depleted. Damn those Green snake gang bastards!" The girl huffed as she hid in a corner. " Cough!" The girl coughed as blood tricked down from her mouth. " Ugh, It seems I got injured by them." She sighed. " Search! Look in all directions!" Someone shouted.  She was startled as she saw her enemies are coming from both directions. " It seems they had blocked all escape routes. Fuck, They dare to trap me." She gritted her teeth as a short sword appeared in her palms. She was ready to go out and fight with them, but suddenly. " There! Someone is there!" A person shouted as he pointed in a direction.

" BOOM* A fireball came and hit that person. "Arrgh!" That person shouted as he was engulfed in fire. " Hurry1 And catch her!" The burly man and others shouted as they rushed in that direction. Other few came to help the burning man, but he was already turned into human-shaped charcoal till they arrived. " Huh?!" The girl was shocked to see the turn of events, but suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulders and dashed away. " Wh-What? Who are you?!!" The girl screamed in a low voice as she struggled to break free. " Shut up! Don't you see I am trying to save you?" That unknown person barked.

The girl was dazed as they traveled at high speed. " Whew." The person sighed as they reached a dark alleyway. " Damn! Are you a newbie? Even Bronze Moon assassins are better than you!" The mysterious person was none other than Yang Shi, who wore a bronze demon mask. The girl was speechless as she heard Yang Shi scolding her. " Don't you know that an assassin needs to prepare an escape route first before anything? And where the hell was your caution? People were coming from the opposite direction and you still chose to run there?"

Yang Shi shook his head. This girl is clearly a noob. " B-But who tole you I am an assassin?" The girl lowered her guard as she saw Yang Shi wasn't going to harm her. " Wait, What?! You are not from Blood Moon Hall?!" Yang Shi was startled. " No." The girl shook her head.

" Fuck." Yang Shi's mind uttered these words as a loud bang was heard from nearby.

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