Genius Warlock

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

"Please take this, it's just a sandwich."

The following morning, Oliver and Yareli prepared to depart from the orphanage. Despite their brief stay of only a day, the director and even the children residing at the orphanage had gathered to bid them farewell.

"The kids say to take care on your way." Yareli conveyed as she translated the sentiments of the youngsters. Oliver reciprocated the waves from the children who were enthusiastically bidding him farewell.

Subsequently, he received a basket brimming with sandwiches and expressed his gratitude to the director.

"Thank you for taking care of us like this. It feels like we've come to the right place."

"Thank you for saying so."

Director Amelin's face graced with a gentle smile. Oliver drew closer and spoke in hushed tones.

"I will look into Miss Joanna’s situation and let you know."

"Thank you."

"Also, I've been pondering the conversation we had last night, and I still don't quite understand what you meant. But I'll continue to think about it."

"I hope you find a satisfactory answer, Zenon."

Oliver took a step back.

"Well, we should be going now."

"May God's blessings be with both of you."

Despite being aware of Oliver's affiliation as a warlock, Director Amelin genuinely extended her wishes for divine blessings upon them.

Waving goodbye to the children and staff of the orphanage, Oliver and Yareli descended the hill and paused by the road leading to the village.

With skillful dexterity, Oliver retrieved a miniature car from his pocket, which in reality was a custom-made vehicle presented by Philip.


Placing the car on the ground, Oliver replicated Philip's gesture by snapping his fingers.

The enchantment on the car dissipated, causing it to return to its original size.

"You’re skilled."

Yareli quietly commended him. Such an achievement, shrinking and maintaining a complex object like a car for an extended duration, was an extraordinary feat.

Even a seasoned master would find it challenging.

Yet Oliver effortlessly accomplished it throughout their entire stay in the village and the orphanage.

"I've watched General Philip do it. Shall we go?"

Oliver courteously gestured to the passenger seat.

Yareli took her place, and Oliver assumed the role of the driver.

"What were you talking to the director about last night?"

"Oh, were you awake?"

"I just couldn't sleep."

"Would you like me to explain on the way?"

Seeking her consent, Oliver initiated the vehicle. This specialized car from Company B, bestowed by Philip, emitted a powerful yet smooth hum.


"So, where should we go? Shall we go back the way we came?"

After brief contemplation, Yareli requested a map.

When Oliver handed it to her, she examined it and pointed to a location.

Considering their current position, it was a city in the southwestern direction.


"Yes, can you take us there? It will be the quickest route."

Oliver arched an eyebrow.

Saint-Torme was an inland city, not situated along the coastline.

‘Is she planning to take a train to a coastal city? That would be about as fast as going by car.’

Although he harbored inquiries, Oliver concurred with her decision and accelerated, leaving a trail of dust as the car swiftly departed.


"Ah, so this is what it means."

Oliver remarked as he gazed out of the window beside his seat. Beyond the glass lay a vast expanse of blue sky, sea, and white clouds. It lacked the urban allure, but the sheer expanse of sky and sea created a truly magnificent vista.

"What were you thinking, Zenon?"

Yareli, seated across from him in the business class section of the airship, inquired. She was savoring a sandwich gifted by the orphanage and sipping coffee provided as a courtesy, all while jotting down notes in her notebook.

"I thought we would take a train from Saint-Torme to the harbor."

"That's also a way, but the airship is faster than a ship."

Oliver nodded, recalling the grand tower and airship terminal in Saint-Torme.

Atop a colossal structure situated on the city's outskirts, a substantial area was designated for dispatching and receiving large airships every few hours.

"Yes, it seems so. It's definitely faster."

Oliver responded, watching the airship swiftly traverse the sea after departing from Galos. It was considerably quicker than he had initially perceived from a distance.

"Is this your first time on an airship?"josei

"Yes? Ah, yes… I never had the chance. In fact, it was my first time on a ship last time. It was somewhat chaotic, but I feel good about coming to this conference. I gained a lot."

Oliver spoke earnestly.

Despite becoming embroiled in some turmoil due to the strife between the Life School faction and Tower wizards during the conference, he had personally benefited greatly. Unintentionally, he had acquired knowledge from Theodore in the fields of medicine and Life science, visited Joanna's orphanage, and the experiences of sailing on a ship and now an airship held significant meaning for him. He didn't regret it, considering how much he had encountered in such a short time.

"I do regret not being able to explore Saint-Torme."

Oliver briefly recollected his visit to the city of Saint-Torme in Galos.

It was a small town, incomparable to Landa, with a somewhat neglected atmosphere. Nevertheless, being in a different country, it exuded a distinct ambiance. The angry posters on walls, young men engaged in brawls wearing different-colored jackets, and street duels with knife-wielding combatants—all of it contributed to a unique atmosphere.

Regarding this, Yareli remarked,

"Galos is a large and prosperous, but at the same time, an extremely chaotic nation."

"Do you know something about it?"

Yareli closed her notebook.

"As I mentioned before, not only do wizards learn magic at the Magic Tower. Even though magic is the most important and greatest field of study, they also learn other knowledge. Especially in institutions like the Magic Tower, there's a lot of interest in politics and society. No matter how excellent the magic, it can't be used properly without understanding reality."

"Ah, thank you for the kind explanation."

"You also kindly answered my questions… Anyway, Galos is a nation with more social conflict than a kingdom. They once advocated liberalism, beheaded the king, and expelled the aristocrats, but now a new king has emerged, and the aristocrats have returned."

"Is that common?"

"No, that's why it's confusing. The new king aggressively conducts colonial wars to re-establish his authority and passed laws to return the property to the returning aristocrats. As a result, the newly emerged capitalists and aristocrats are fighting. Not just legal disputes and political methods but even resorting to straightforward violence."

"Ah… is it those people in blue and purple jackets fighting in the street?"

Oliver asked with his intuition, and he was spot on.

"Yes, the ones in blue jackets are the aristocratic faction, and the ones in purple jackets are the commoner faction."

"They seemed to be fighting pretty harshly? To the extent of harming bystanders."

Oliver recollected the intense clashes between the two factions.

They predominantly wielded clubs, but the level of violence was notable. It was so brutal that even unrelated bystanders were drawn into the chaos and witnessed injuries.

"Yes. From what I know, even the police don't intervene in their fights. As a result, the lives of powerless common people have become even more difficult."

Oliver wasn't well-versed in this particular area to rush to a judgment, but after absorbing Yareli's explanation, the situation in Galos undeniably appeared chaotic.

"Indeed, it's unfortunate. It would have been nice to look around a bit more." Oliver mused, thinking of Saint-Torme as a potential destination for future visits.

While Landa remained intriguing, Galos' city seemed to offer more entertainment than initially expected.

"There's nothing we can do about it. As you know, we didn't go for tourism."

"Uh…Miss Yareli, may I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Do you have any idea what will happen to me at the Magic Tower later on?"

Oliver's curiosity about his prospects at the Magic Tower arose belatedly. The thought of being barred from the library or unable to attend classes was certainly disappointing.

"Whatever happens, I was a warlock and am also working as a solver."

It was a matter that wasn't easily foreseeable for Oliver, and Yareli shared his uncertainty, taking a moment to ponder before responding.

"Well… It's the first time for me, too. And I'm also a student."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You always seem so smart and mature that I inadvertently… I was rude."

Oliver spoke apologetically, and Yareli's emotions shifted slightly before she cautiously replied.

"…I really don't know. However, procedurally, you, Zenon, will have to leave the Magic Tower. Given your background."

Oliver nodded in understanding. Although it was regrettable, he comprehended it because he was somewhat acquainted with the Magic Tower's regulations and principles.

After all, it was somewhat unusual for a warlock solver to be within the confines of the Magic Tower in the first place.

"However, that may not be the case. This matter itself is too unique… it could be handled politically."


Just as Oliver inquired, a cabin announcement indicated that they would soon be landing. Passengers hurriedly prepared to disembark in response to the announcement.

"What does ‘politically' mean?"

"It means that the decision will be made following consultations with the Magic Tower's leadership, like my grandmother, General Philip, and the Archiver. Sometimes there are issues that are difficult to decide just by the rules."

If the decision rested with the Archiver and the Honorary Grand Master, there might be hope.

‘I hope it turns out well. There are still many books I want to read and classes I want to attend.'

"What are you going to do when you go back, Zenon?"


"I asked what you're planning to do after you go back."

Taken aback by the abrupt question, Oliver naturally contemplated his future.

First, he intended to transcribe all of Theodore's knowledge into a notebook and organize it. Based on that foundation, he thought of delving into research on Theodore's physical remains, as he had discerned a potential utility in them.

In addition, he had planned to arrange a meeting with the Minister of the Internal affairs, Carver, to gather more information about Joanna. This was motivated by personal curiosity and the intention to provide Director Amelin with relevant details.

"I didn't ask you about that," Yareli said, mingling among the people while disembarking from the airship.

"I asked if you're going to continue doing your job as a solver."

"Um… maybe?"

"It's none of my business, but at some point, you'll have to let go if you want to be fully affiliated with Magic Tower. The Mjolnir school encourages such practice, but only for a time."

"Well, I–"

-Beep- -Beep- -Beep- -Beep-

Just as Oliver was about to respond, the communication device in his pocket began to ring.

It was a direct communication device from Forrest, ringing for the first time in a while.

Oliver excused himself to Yareli and moved to the side to answer the call.

"Yes, Mr. Forrest."

[Ah, you finally picked up. How have you been?]

"Yes, I've been well. But what do you mean ‘finally'?"

[I tried contacting you several times before, about ten times. But the communication just wasn’t going through.]

"Ah… I had to step out of Landa for a bit. What's the reason for contacting me so many times?"

[I have something to ask.]

"What issue has arisen?"

[Well, I'm not sure whether to call it an issue right now. Can you come over here for a moment?]

"Um… Is it urgent? I have something going on right now."

Upon hearing his response, static noise emanated from the other end of the communication device. Forrest sighed and adjusted the device.

[In that case, can you answer just one question?]

"Go ahead."

[Are you affiliated with Magic Tower?]

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