Genius Warlock

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

"According to the rules, I should be going with you. It's a pity."

The airship terminal in Landa was situated on the city's outskirts, much like the one in Saint-Torme. However, as was customary for densely populated areas in Landa, the surroundings were bustling with activity.

What stood out the most was the long line of people waiting for taxis and the queue of taxis ready to pick up passengers.

Oliver sought her understanding.

"I'm sorry. I'd like to go with you, Miss Yareli, but this is business as a solver, Dave, and not just my own personal matter."

Oliver was genuine. If it had solely concerned him, he would have considered bringing Yareli along, if only for Merlin and the other colleagues who had supported him at the Magic Tower.

However, he was leaving now because of Forrest's summons. Unilaterally bringing Yareli along wouldn't be respectful to Forrest.

‘Especially since I'm known as a Magic Tower staff… But how did they find out?' Oliver wondered. Although he had a rough idea of where the information had come from, the details and means remained a mystery.

What had transpired in less than a week?

‘Well, I'll find out when I get there…'

"I'll report everything we've discussed there to Magic Tower. Could you please understand my situation just this once? I'd appreciate it, Miss Yareli." Oliver earnestly requested.

Yareli let out a soft sigh and sought confirmation. "Everything?"

"…Most of it. I can't guarantee all since there might be conversations that are difficult to discuss with Magic Tower."

Yareli looked at him with disdain over her thick glasses.

Just like during the dinner at the orphanage, he asked her why she acted that way, but Yareli did not answer.

‘What was the reason…'

"Ah…" Yareli audibly sighed, displaying unusual signs of exhaustion. "Fine… I'll go to Magic Tower first and explain."

"Thank you. Then, about calling a taxi-"

"-I'll call the taxi myself."

"Are you sure? The people from Angels House said-"

"-Don't worry about it."

Yareli was sincere. She appeared to have much on her mind but chose to keep it to herself.

He wanted to ask her, but Oliver decided against it. Immediate concerns took precedence.

Having made the decision, Oliver retrieved the shrunken car from his pocket, placed it on the roadside, and released the spell.

The car, originally small enough to fit in his inner pocket, returned to its full size. Passersby couldn't help but turn their attention to them, murmuring in surprise.

It was a natural reaction. While Landa had its share of wizards, they were not a common sight for ordinary people.

Yareli felt those scrutinizing eyes and fixed her gaze firmly on Oliver. He was an enigmatic individual, seemingly ordinary yet prone to unexpected actions.

"Then, I'll go first. Thank you again for accommodating my request."

"Remember, you need to come to Magic Tower right after your errands."

"Yes, I understand. I'll go right away… Oh, and."


"I don't know if my guess is right, but when I said your eyes are beautiful, I meant it. They really are."


"Was it not appropriate?"

"Just go."


Sensing the unusual atmosphere, Oliver started the car and drove away.

He thought he had improved at reading the atmosphere, but it appeared he still needed more practice.

"It's still difficult."



As he pushed open the restaurant door, a bell chimed.

Years had passed, yet the sound remained unchanged. But consistency wasn't limited to the bell.

"Have you arrived? Mr. Dave. Thank you for visiting."

As soon as the restaurant's door swung open, Al, a member of the staff, appeared and greeted him, just as he always did.

If there was a difference, it was that Al now bowed with even more respect than before, as if he were treating a distinguished guest.

Oliver instinctively deduced that the reason Forrest had summoned him was related to Al's attitude.

"Yes, it's been a while, Mr. Al. How have you been?"

"I'm always doing well, thanks to the boss taking care of me."

"It seemed like Mr.vForrest was having some trouble because of me?"

Seemingly understanding the implication, Al reacted.

"… Whether it's a problem or not, I dare say it's not my place to judge. Would it be alright if I showed you the way?"

"Please do."

"Thank you. Please follow me."

As soon as Oliver agreed, Al politely led the way.

Click- Click- Click-

As Oliver tapped the floor with his quarterstaff while following Al, a rhythmic sound echoed through the space.

The Solvers, informants, and brokers in the first-floor hall, as well as the well-to-do clientele on the second floor, all turned their attention to Oliver.

Everyone exhibited a deep interest, reminiscent of his first visit, but something had changed.

In the past, their gazes had been filled with curiosity and greed directed at a Solver. Now, it was more than that.

Their looks contained additional respect and admiration, tinged with caution, as if they were observing one of the city's elite.

‘City officials, businessmen, wizards, and other elites…'

"Mr. Dave, you can go in."

Upon reaching the office, Al personally opened the door.

Through the crack in the door, Oliver saw a desk marked with handprints, an aged cabinet, a stack of papers, and, as always, Forrest impeccably dressed.

Forrest spoke as he noticed Oliver.

"Thank you for coming."


Amidst conversation, as Oliver settled into his seat, Forrest poured whiskey into a crystal glass and handed it to him along with a thick file.

Oliver was about to take a sip but set the glass down again.

"Mr. Forrest. Could you give me water instead, please?"

Keeping in mind that he had to return to the tower immediately after concluding his business here, Oliver spoke up. Forrest willingly set aside the whiskey and replaced it with a glass of water.

"Thank you. The water is refreshing."

"I can't serve lukewarm water to an esteemed guest."

"Thank you for saying so… What is this file about?"

"Read it."

Forrest politely gestured toward the file. Oliver followed his instructions, opening the file and carefully reviewing its contents. Before long, he began to speak.

"…You found out I'm affiliated with the tower through this."

"Indeed. I was surprised, and Mr. Carver was even more surprised. He asked me if I knew as soon as he checked this."

Oliver perused the report once more, which concerned a betrayal involving Life School and Department of Life alchemy in Lake Village across the sea. The words ‘Personal staff to Professor in the Tower, Zenon Bright and Solver Dave Wright' were prominently highlighted, even marked in red ink.

"I've already confirmed, but let me ask you officially. Are you the ‘Personal staff to Professor in the Tower, Zenon Bright and Solver Dave Wright' that's written in this report?"

"Yes, that's me."

Oliver admitted it matter-of-factly. There was little point in denying it now that his connection to the tower had been exposed.

However, Forrest, who was usually reserved, reacted unexpectedly by bursting into laughter, not just a chuckle but hearty laughter.

"Heh! Hahaha!! …Hahaha!!”

It was genuine laughter.

Bewildered by this unexpected reaction, Oliver focused the eyes of a warlock on Forrest.

Forrest's emotions appeared complex. While genuinely finding it amusing, he also seemed to feel substantial pressure in the current situation. Simultaneously, his emotions included a sense of incredulity.

Oliver was taken aback by Forrest's response and nervously sipped his water.

After a while, Forrest managed to stifle his laughter.

"Ah… I'm sorry. I laughed too much in front of you. I apologize."

Forrest quickly regained his usual composure and offered a sincere apology.

"It's fine. I was at fault too… Are you okay?"

"Honestly, it's so baffling that it feels like some divine joke."

"Is that so?"

"Don't misunderstand, I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just interesting, isn't it? I told you to take a break from being a solver because you've grown so much in a short period of time, but in the meantime, you've become even more influential. I find that quite amusing."

"More influential?"

"After solving the ABC case, you've already become an influential figure. You defeated Shamus on your own. But now, you've become even more… To put it bluntly, you've gone from Shamus-level to Dave-level. You're a force to be reckoned with."

The explanation was somewhat nuanced, but Oliver grasped the essence of it.

As expected, Forrest had a unique way of articulating things.

"…Why did that happen?"

"Because you're affiliated with Magic Tower."

Forrest pointed at the file and replied firmly.

"But I'm just a personal staff member of a professor?"

"That's not what's important. People tend to focus more on eye-catching labels than detailed and complex information. The word ‘Magic Tower' is going to attract more attention than ‘professor's personal staff'… Especially if you're Dave, who has boosted the stock price as a solver."

With Forrest's concise and lucid explanation, Oliver nodded in understanding.

"I understand what you mean… But aren't you going to ask?"

"Ask what?"

"How I got into Magic Tower. Of course, it's not my place to say."

Forrest didn't respond immediately; instead, he gazed intently at Oliver.

There was no anger or a sense of betrayal stemming from Oliver withholding information.

"Honestly, I am curious. If I wasn't, I'd be insane, wouldn't I?"

"Ah, about that…"

"-Ah, no, you don't need to say it."

Forrest raised his hand to halt Oliver from continuing. It wasn't a feigned gesture; it was genuinely meant to stop him.

"Is that okay?"

"Of course. How many people in this field have a normal background? Trust is important, but that's about trust in work. Anything beyond that is trivial. If we start to consider those things, this market can't function."

While it was certainly not inconsequential that Dave, known as a warlock, had an affiliation with the Magic Tower, Forrest framed it that way.

It was also a point of consideration for Oliver, albeit primarily for business reasons.

"Everyone has their own stories they want to keep to themselves, don't they? … Of course, you've told me to tell you everything."

"Ah… I apologize."

"It's a joke. Anyway, the point is, you don't need to go out of your way to explain to me unless it interferes with the work."

"Thank you for your consideration."

"Can you answer just one thing? It's embarrassing to ask right after bragging, but I'm curious."

"Sure, what are you curious about?"

"Are you fully affiliated with Magic Tower? To the extent that Magic Tower would protect you?"

Oliver quickly grasped the reason behind Forrest's question.

In the past, Forrest had inquired whether Oliver was contemplating joining any organization. He had suggested that with Oliver's elevated status, he could become either a valuable asset or a target, not just for small-time players but also for the big players in the city.

‘And he said the best thing to do is to join an organization,' Oliver recalled that conversation and replied.

"That's not the case. I'm more like an accessory to a formal member of Magic Tower."

"An accessory?"

"Yes, a professor's personal employee is like an accessory. I'm not even counted as a person."

"What a horrible thing to say so nonchalantly."

"Ah, please don't misunderstand. I personally like my position."


"Yes. The working hours are short, the intensity of the work is not high, the pay is good for the work I do, and there are also good bonuses."

"That sounds enviable."

"Also, when I have time, I can audit classes, and I have free access to the library."

Forrest displayed genuine interest in that.

"Ho… the Magic Tower library?"


"What books have you read?"

"General Elemental Magic, Pure Mana Magic, Training and Unit Management for War Wizards, Tactical Manuals, World Tree related texts, Herbalism theories, etc. I'm reading a variety of things… but these days I'm mainly focusing on the field of Golems and Golem Ethics."

Forrest was quietly impressed. Everything Oliver mentioned represented advanced scholarship typically accessible only within the Magic Tower.

It was knowledge reserved for the chosen few.

Forrest almost inquired whether Oliver comprehended it all but restrained himself. He seemed to already know the answer.

Oliver picked up on Forrest's sentiments and inquired, "Do you have something you'd like to say?"josei

"Yes, I have something to tell you… but how should I start? Um… first, take this."

Forrest retrieved a large brown paper bag from the cabinet and handed it to Oliver.

"What is this?"

"It's not that important, but take it out and read it."

Following Forrest's instructions, Oliver opened the bag and retrieved a pristine white document that appeared quite high-quality.

"This is… a contract."

"It's more like a scouting proposal."

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