Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 10 - Kill This Shameless Thing! Let the Law Punish It!

Chapter 10 - Kill This Shameless Thing! Let the Law Punish It!

Chapter 10 – Kill This Shameless Thing! Let the Law Punish It!

Half a month later, the shooting of Sheng Qiao’s part was finished, and the whole crew was reluctant to give her a big victory banquet.

In the middle of the meal, the phone rang. Gao Meiling called.

“Ready to go. The car is waiting at the door.”

Gao Meiling is back, and her spare time in the production team is coming to an end. Sheng Qiao raised her glass and went out as if she regards death as the return.

In the business car driven by Fang Bai, Gao Meiling sat in the back row and looked up to see her. She was still impatient: “what are you waiting for? You get up quickly!”

Sheng Qiao is pulling the door, and a crowd of people are pouring out of the hotel behind her. They are all the crew members. They give her gifts in big bags and small bags: “little Qiao,why are you going so hurriedly? I haven’t even got the gift for you.”

Sheng Qiao accepted and smiled, “I am in a hurry to catch up with a notice. It’s OK. We can get together next time. We all have wechat and can contact at any time.”

They waved goodbye reluctantly.

Sheng Qiao got in the car and waved to the crew through the window. It is like a star’s fans meeting. Gao Meiling sat beside her, shocked like she saw the ghost.

It’s disgusting where Sheng Qiao goes. Why is she so popular this time?

Fang Bai still doesn’t know the grudge between Sheng Qiao and Gao Meiling. Seeing her surprised look, he explains happily: “sister Gao, you don’t know, sister Qiao is the favorite of the group in the drama group.”

Gao Meiling looks at Sheng Qiao with a complicated look, who is happy to open the gifts. Somehow, she has a bad feeling in her heart. As the car drove on the road, she interrupted Sheng Qiao with a cold voice.

“Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, there will be a magazine interpolation, and there will be an interview with a reporter in the afternoon.” she took out two scripts from her bag. “There are two plays here. They have the same schedule. Only one can be chosen. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance. Choose one you like. “

Sheng Qiao turned over two ancient costume plays and didn’t look at them carefully. She turned around and asked Gao Meiling with a smile, “sister Gao, how are you feeling recently?”

Gao Meiling gave her a white look: “just take care of your own business. Don’t make any more mistakes. I will be in a good mood!”

Sheng Qiao smiled at her cleverly and thought: “From tomorrow, you should not want to have a good mood any more.”

Just this afternoon, Wang Zai sent a message to her to report the completion of the task.

Sheng Qiao asked a few questions. Wang Zai said that he planted a Trojan horse in Gao Meiling’s mobile phone and computer by sending advertising links and emails. After that, he was able to control it at will. He not only deleted all files related to Sheng Qiao, but also copied many chat records of Gao Meiling and people in the circle.

Sheng Qiao doesn’t know much about these hacking methods. She is very interested in the chat records sent by Wang Zai to her.

It records Gao Meiling’s efforts to tie up the flow stars and slander the artists through various means such as buying the water army, marketing accounts and the notice.

Sheng Qiao found that Gao Meiling bought a marketing number to poke out the black stuff melon of an artist she had eaten before. Gao Meiling does not only have her. In this circle, people trample on people in a much worse way than she imagined.

Wang Zai is also worried about whether Gao Meiling still has paper originals in her hands, but Gao Meiling, a vigilant person, should not print photos that are easy to leak. After all, she signed Sheng Qiao to control her as a cash cow, not to destroy her.

Besides, the former Sheng Qiao was stupid and weak. Gao Meiling didn’t pay attention to her at all. She hadn’t to be prepared for what she wanted.

Even if there is one in the end, she can only blame her destiny. Just let it out. Listen to heaven’s orders. She has nothing to be afraid of at this stage.

It was evening when she got home.

After a long time, the house was covered with ashes. Sheng Qiao cleaned it up inside and outside, and finally took a bath and lay in bed happily. Scanning Weibo before going to bed, she finds that official Weibo of “crazy word” sent the news of her finishment.

The cast, led by Zhong Shen, forwarded them one after another.

——The first day of Little Qiao’s leaving, miss her.

Sheng Qiao replies to Zhong Shen in her official account: Pay me if you miss me.

At the moment, Zhong Shen is also playing with his mobile phone, and replies very quickly: will you come back to me when I pay you?

Also with the expression of tears and grievance.josei

Sheng Qiao replied: it depends on how much you pay.

This time, Zhong Shen didn’t reply. Sheng Qiao switched back to her official backup committee account and sent out a good night post just about to go to bed. Wechat prompted the sound. Open it, and Zhong Shen transferred 9999 yuan to her.

Sheng Qiao couldn’t help but laugh, but she didn’t receive it and just replied, “stop making joke, go to sleep.”

Zhong Shen replied: go to Weibo and interact with me!

Sheng Qiao is not clear, so cut back to her official account. Zhong Shen sends the screenshot of the transfer to Weibo and gives her a mention: is that enough?

Before she keeps up with the pace, wechat rings again. Take it up and have a look. Fu Ziqing transfers 10000 yuan to her, which is one yuan more than Zhong Shen’s. then Weibo of Sheng Qiao is mentioned again.

Fu Ziqing also sent a screenshot and asked her: is that enough?

The three people’s operation soon became a hot search, and the netizens all sniffed out a hint that Zhong Shen and Fu Ziqing were competing for favor. But… It’s Sheng Qiao! Are you two fighting for the wrong person?!

Recalling the daily life of the drama group, netizens couldn’t help wondering why the popularity of her has become so good.

Anti-fans came out of the room.

——It’s also interesting that a Tanbi play turns into a major female drama.

——Fuck, I’m worried that the plot will be changed into love triangle.

——In and out of the play, she adds drama for herself. Please give Sheng Qiao the Age Drama Queen Award.

——It’s said that Sheng Qiao is going to set a personal image of blacking herself this year. You need to polish your eyes and don’t be attracted by the outfit.

——Even if I die, I won’t do the things that make my life ashamed.

——In order to catch attentions, the crew tied up three people to fry CP. Don’t rush to give heat.

——When the play is on, I’ll cut a “no Qiao version”.

The Internet is full of complaints, but Sheng Qiao has already turned off the lights to sleep. She needs to keep her spirits up, because the next day is the day when she formally proposes to terminate the contract.

The next morning, after breakfast, Sheng Qiao sat at the computer desk, opened Weibo, issued an official statement, and formally filed a termination lawsuit against Star Shining Media. [Sue Star Shining Media to force the plaintiff to sign the overlord contract by abnormal means, and ask Star Shining Media to immediately stop the infringement and terminate the contract, otherwise it will be investigated in legal form to the end. ]

Weibo posted two pictures, one is the official seal of the indictment, and the other is the signing contract of Sheng Qiao.

One stone stirs up thousands of waves, and Weibo suddenly bursts.

After living for so many years, netizens have never seen a star get paid in the way of salary system. Twenty thousand a month? Twenty years of contract? It’s too fucking miserable.

Within five minutes after sending it, Sheng Qiao’s mobile phone was knocked out.

Gao Meiling’s calls and messages were one after another. Sheng Qiao took a sip of hot milk, calmly picked it up and didn’t speak. Her shock and anger almost pierced her eardrum through the earpiece.

“Sheng Qiao! What do you mean?! “

Sheng Qiao was not in a hurry. After clicking the recording, she began to smile and say, “literally, I want to terminate my contract. I had a good talk with you before. You didn’t agree. Then I have to seek the protection of the law. “

Gao Meiling’s lungs are going to explode, “don’t want to be a person, do you? Want to die together, don’t you? “

“What does it mean to die together? Look at what you said.” She laughs: “I have not made any mistakes, I have not broken the law. If you want to die, you will die. The law is on my side. I am OK.”

Gao Meiling didn’t expect that she would be able to let go.

In the end, she calmed down, “OK, Sheng Qiao, you are tough enough, your wings are hard.” When the conversation turned, even the voice became vicious: “but if you want to fly, you should know what kind of a price to pay. It’s a small thing to fold your wings. Don’t lose your life in the end! “

“Sister Gao, it’s against the law to threaten the plaintiff’s personal safety. I just want to terminate my contract. In these five years, you should earn enough from me. Let’s stop. We are still in a circle, we can get together harmoniously and get apart harmoniously. “

“Don’t think about it!” Gao Meiling was so angry that she said, “Sheng Qiao, I tell you, you don’t expect to stay in this circle anymore! I will let you can not be a person for the rest of your life! “

Sheng Qiao finally accepted the smile and coldly said: “I didn’t do anything wrong. I can’t choose my origin or my parents, but I can choose whether to be free or what you call face.” She paused, “the document will be sent to the company soon. Please give the result as soon as possible. Is it a direct termination or a legal way?”

It’s best to terminate the contract directly, but Qiao Yu also told her that the company could not directly agree to terminate the contract. Once agreed, they would admit that they forced her to sign the overlord contract by abnormal means, which was a fatal blow to the company’s image.

They will definitely choose to accept the lawsuit and finally make a legal decision. The process will take the as soon as three months. By then, the heat will have fallen. No matter what the final result is, it is better than dealing with it in this storm.

Besides, Sheng Qiao gave them such a visit. How could they let her go? For half a year, procrastination will kill her.

Gao Meiling put down “you wait for me” and hung up.

Sheng Qiao drinks all the hot milk in the cup and sighs like relief.

The phone vibrates continuously. She doesn’t have many friends in the circle, there are more people contacting her at this time. Zhong Shen and Fu Ziqing are both calling. She directly pulls a wechat group and turns on the group voice mode.

Once get linked, she hears Zhong Shen crying:“The fucking Star Shining Media! They presses my Qiao Qiao! Is this a thing that could be done by human beings? Huh? Qiao Qiao, my bitter Qiao…”

“Stop howling!” Both of them are still in the production group. Fu Ziqing takes his cell phone away. Although he was angry, he was able to calm down and asked Sheng Qiao, “is there anything we can do for you?”

Sheng Qiao thought, “just forward it for me.”

“We had forwarded!” roared Zhong Shen. “Our cast all forwarded even the sweeping aunt! I’ll tell you, Qiao, don’t be afraid! Our whole crew is your strong backing! Fight with him! Employ the best lawyer, kill this shameless thing! Let the law punish it! If you don’t have enough money, you just tell me! I’ll sell all the ginseng to support you! “

Sheng Qiao couldn’t stop laughing, “OK, don’t worry, since it’s started, it won’t stop if I don’t win.”

The voice was low, like two people moved to a quiet place, Fu Ziqing hesitated for a while and then asked: “little Qiao, do you have any handle on them? What do you mean by Weibo’s abnormal means? “

Sheng Qiao smiled: “it’s all solved. Don’t worry.”

Fu Ziqing said, “well, that’s good. If you need me, just say it. No matter what happens, I’m on your side.”

“It’s us! If you need us, just say it! We’re all on your side! “

Sheng Qiao’s heart is warm.

After hanging up the phone, she comforted everyone in the group and other’s phone and messages were not replied. Just turning on the computer and organizing nine people to fight in the backup committee group, the mobile phone vibrated again.

Caller ID: my honey.

Sheng Qiao’s hands shake.

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