Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 11 - Huo Xi

Chapter 11 - Huo Xi: Support to Terminate the Contract, Come on.

Chapter 11 – @ Huo Xi: Support to Terminate the Contract, Come on.

Huo Xi is negotiating the final stage adjustment with the dancers in the gymnasium. Sheng Qiao’s Weibo was shown to him by Brother Bao, his agent, on his mobile phone.

In fact, he knew the content of the contract. Brother Bao was a senior of Star Shining Media. Gao Meiling couldn’t hide these things from him. At that time, they both thought it was because Sheng Qiao was too stupid and had no vision that Gao Meiling coaxed her to sign the unequal contract.

Now, looking at Weibo, they know that she is forced by abnormal means.

What abnormal means? With what?

Brother Bao exclaimed: “I used to say that she was stupid, but I didn’t expect that she had such courage, so she went straight to them. It’s obvious that Gao Meiling has a handle on duress signing. She dare to come here. This girl, it doesn’t show before. “

Huo Xi stared at the Weibo for a long time and took out his mobile phone.

Brother Bao was alert. “What are you doing?”

“I sent a wechat to ask,” he said.

He sent wechat and waited for a long time, but Sheng Qiao didn’t reply. The staff called out to him: “Is it good to use this led light in white?”

He crossed out his address book and said, “let’s talk about it in the afternoon.”

He dialed the phone and it rang several times before someone answered. Her voice seemed as if nothing had happened, as if every time he saw her, it was full of gentle joy, “Huo Xi!”

He was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice, “how are you?”

She said with a smile, “it’s good. What are you doing?”

“In the gym.”

“I can’t wait for the concert in a few days!”

Wait, isn’t that the point?

Hu Xi said, “Are you ready? Gao Meiling should not give up easily.”

“Always be ready, don’t worry!” Her voice sounded combative, not bothered at all by his imagination.

Huo Xi drooped his eyes. “That’s good.”

There was no more talk at that end. He was going to hang up.

Sheng Qiao suddenly said, “Huo Xi, if…”

He waited for a while, but she didn’t go on. He asked, “if what?”

After a long time, he heard her whisper: “if there is something bad about me, you… will you hate me? “

“What’s something bad?”

There was a shallow breath in the earpiece. For a moment, she smiled and said, “nothing. Go to work. Thank you for your concern. I’m very happy.”

At last, the sound was no longer full of vitality, like a deflated balloon with wrinkles on its surface.

He looked at the darkened screen and frowned.

After hanging up, Sheng Qiao clapped her face to cheer herself up and began to appease nine fans in the backup committee group. They are all true love fans. Seeing that their idol have been wronged so much for so many years, they expressed their anger that they would bomb the building of star shining media.

Although Wang Zai has known about this for a long time, it is different that Sheng Qiao formally proposed to terminate the contract. He took the lead in saying that he would spend his whole life to hate star shining media and Gao Meiling.josei

Sheng Qiao was funny and moved, reassured one by one, and assigned the next preparations: “controlling comments is the most important thing. The comments under each marketing account and news media should be well controlled, and the black materials on the square should be reported in time. For one thing, we are really miserable, no one is worse than us, but we do not sell miserable, we just need a reasonable solution. “

She throws out a list of hot topics: #ask star shining media to stop violating and terminate the contract immediately#, #Sheng Qiao, the most miserable female star in history#, #I’ll give you 20000 yuan a month to return Sheng Qiao to me#, #Star shining media’s contract shocked the entertainment circle#.

“Brush the topic on the hot list, star shining media should be able to withdraw the topic with their public relations, we can change to brush another one if they withdraw one. Anyway, they have a lot of money, since they squeezed Qiao for so many years, making them spit it out.”

Talking about leading the trend, blacking someone and making a topic hot, Sheng Qiao is absolutely first-class after so many years of being in fans circle. The backup group responded in succession. With Wang Zai as a hacker, it’s easy to brush up the topic even though there’s no huge fan base. Moreover, this matter has attracted the attention of the whole network. As soon as the topic is discussed, the number of passers-by clicks is also rapidly expanding.

Sheng Qiao is working so hard that she thinks she is competent to be the chairman of her own backup committee. The phone rings. Take a look. Gao Meiling called.

At this time, Sheng Qiao of course knows what it’s about. She smiles when answering the phone: “Hello, sister Gao, what’s up?”

Gao Meiling was so angry: “Sheng Qiao! What did you do?! “

“What has been done?” She opened wechat and copied a chat screenshot.

Gao Meiling was furious: “did you delete the original photo? How did you do it? “

“That won’t bother you.” She sent two screenshots of the chat record to Gao Meiling, “sister Gao, I sent two pictures. Have a look.”

There was a sluggish breath on the phone and no one spoke for a long time.

Sheng Qiao suspects that Gao Meiling is pissed off by her.

After waiting for a long time, she heard a smile from the other side: “I underestimated you, you are tough. I thought you were a little white rabbit. It turned out that I was the one who raised the tiger. “

“I dare not. I’m still a little white rabbit, but the rabbit bites when it gets angry. “

Gao Meiling sneers: “do you think you deleted the original and I don’t have the printed copy here?”

Sheng Qiao didn’t care: “so what? It’s not a big deal that you leak out nude photos, and I leak out the chat records. Who hasn’t ordered the handle yet? “

Gao Meiling knows that she can’t deal with Sheng Qiao completely any more.

The artist, who has been allowed to abuse and squeeze by her all the time, has been unconsciously out of her control.

Now there is no need to continue talking, she hung up angrily. Turning around, the top manager of the company is glaring, “don’t you say there is a way? Now make such a big move, I see how you end up! “

Gao Meiling clenched her teeth. “It’s just the overlord contract. She can’t wipe out the black spots she has made over the years. We don’t know which side the public opinion will turn to. Hold the meeting first.”

Hanging up Gao Meiling’s phone, Sheng Qiao’s mood just flies.

That feeling is so great.

She looked at her mobile phone, the pushed news was all about her termination, and the discussion on Weibo was hot. Most netizens still sympathize with her. They think that the contract of star shining media is really deceiving. It’s OK for Sheng Qiao to ask for cancellation now.

However, some people are very curious about the so-called abnormal means and guess what happened in those years, which will promote the emergence of this unequal contract.

They didn’t expect star shining media to respond to the lawsuit soon:

@Star shining media: in response to the termination lawsuit of Ms. Sheng Qiao, an artist under star shining media, the company has formally responded to the lawsuit and will safeguard its rights in legal form to the end. Solemn statement: the company did not coerce Ms. Sheng Qiao to sign the contract by abnormal means. The contract was signed by both parties through consultation. Please stop spreading false rumors and fabricating facts, or we will file a legal lawsuit.

As soon as the contract came out, many people began to call for its reversal.

You said that the company coerced you to sign a contract by abnormal means, so what kind of abnormal means did they use to coerce you? Entertainment circle is so big and there are so many stars, why are you the only one to be cheated?

Now you put a contract out to say that star shining media is squeezing you.There is also a possibility that you owe star shining media two hundred million yuan before signing this contract.

What’s more, you’ve been working in heaven and earth all these years, haven’t you? You have to vomit when everyone eats a box of rice in the drama group, you are lazy when everyone works in a variety show, and it’s not a year or two since you’ve been cheating on Huo Xi to stir up gossip. Did you join in the last two times when the sisters in the entertainment circle was forced to play? Are all these things that the company coerces you to do?

Passers-by has a bad impression on Sheng Qiao and she had no fan base. There are more anti-fans than fans. The water army invited by star shining media has led the trend, and the direction of public opinion immediately changes.

You are miserable. Is star shining media more miserable than you?

The star shining media team went off to use money in person. The passers-by’s impression was soon deflected by the water army, and the accumulated sympathy was soon drowned in doubt.

And Sheng Qiao has no friend in the circle. Besides Zhong Shen and Fu Ziqing, as well as the crew, there are few public figures who support her.

These years, stars can’t stand by one side at will when there is a fight online, once there is a reversal, their personal image will collapse.

In a few minutes, the fans of Huo Xi, who were just having fun and looking on, suddenly found that Huo Xi Weibo was online.

Huo Xi rarely sends Weibo, unlike other stars who have special assistants to run Weibo. Once in a while, he sent some original or advertisement by himself. When he is in a good mood, he may send a selfie, which can make fans happy for half a year.

At this moment, the news of Sheng Qiao’s termination of the contract has dominated the screen. As the opposite family, Xi lights are eating melons with mixed feelings. Is she miserable? She was really miserable. But If to sympathize with her, they have scolded Sheng Qiao for so many years. They hate her very much. They can’t change this feeling for a while.

What’s more, the water army and anti-fans hired by star shining media are still washing white one after another, so there is a major fans head reminding: put away your cheap compassion, and don’t be a fan of Huo Xi if you want to be a saint.

Xi lights think it is the case, and a trace of sympathy is gone.

At this moment, seeing the launch of Huo Xi, the fans immediately have a bad feeling.

Don’t, baby?

Don’t be what I think!

Stop it!

Promise me you’re just going online to eat melons!

Then a minute later, Huo Xi forwarded Sheng Qiao’s termination of Weibo:

@Huo Xi: support to terminate the contract, come on.

Xi lights cry a lot.

Our honey is too kind. God, where can I find such kind-hearted people? Even though he has been trapped by Sheng Qiao so many times, he still helps when she is in trouble. Where does this little angel come from?

Even they cried, got angry and were unwilling, they would have to make a pet of their loved idol. Their idol clarified his attitude, can they not support it?

So the Xi lights did it. It’s the man who dominates the flow data of half of the entertainment industry. This move will bring another climax. Weibo’s program maintainers are crying.

Let alone netizens, melons are going to fall.

It is well known that Sheng Qiao has been bundling Huo Xi to fry CP and get heat for several years. Everyone knows how disgusted Huo Xi’s team is with this unsolvable psoriasis. Besides, you are in the same agent company. You support Sheng Qiao. Isn’t that against your own agent company? There’s no reason to help her.

What’s more, this seems to be the first time Huo Xi has interacted with Sheng Qiao in recent years.

What’s going on?

It’s a mess in your entertainment circle.

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