Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 12 - Sympathy from Whole Network

Chapter 12 - Sympathy from Whole Network

Chapter 12 – Sympathy from Whole Network

Sheng Qiao holds her mobile phone and stares at the head portrait of Huo Xi. The head portrait used the picture of the first time he stood on the stage when he first came out. Xi lights said he was a nostalgic person.

She didn’t think he would help her.

They don’t know each other at all. Even if she likes him to the hopeless, for him, she is just the bad woman who has been making trouble for him.

Why on earth did he do it? Didn’t he know how much trouble it would bring to himself?

She didn’t care about being moved. She was only worried and angry.

She called Huo Xi.

Maybe the cell phone is still in his hand. He answers it quickly. “Hello?”

“Hu Xi, don’t interfere! My own business can be solved by myself. Please delete the Weibo! “

There was silence.

Sheng Qiao is in a hurry again: “you really don’t care, I can do it myself. What will you do after you do this in the same brokerage company? What do you do if they bully you? You are about to delete the microblog, let Brother Bao explain to the company… “

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Huo Xi in a low voice: “I have already terminated my contract.”

Sheng Qiao was shocked: “what?”

“The termination money has been paid. I have set up my own studio, and the official announcement will be made at the end of the first tour. The last time you saw them in the Evening Breeze Pavilion, they were partners in the new studio. “

Sheng Qiao was speechless.

In a trance, he seemed to smile, but his voice was as light as ever: “so you don’t have to worry about who bullies me or gives me small shoes to wear.”

Sheng Qiao is a little embarrassed: “I……”

Huo Xi changed the subject: “which lawyer did you invite? Do you need I recommend one for you? “

“No, I’ve been looking for someone I trust.”

“Well, hang up.”

“Huo Xi!” She called him in a hurry and choked twice before she said, “thank you.”

“Little things.”

A busy tone came from the receiver.

For a long time, Sheng Qiao was back to her senses and slapped herself on the face. With the support of idol, she is more powerful. She still has a lot to do.

This battle has just begun.

* * * * *

Qiao Yu sued and star shining media responded to the lawsuit. Both parties quickly entered the legal process. Sheng Qiao also went to court several times in cooperation, led by Qiao Yu. She didn’t need to worry at all. She was asked for signature and photos.

It was during this period that she met Gao Meiling. The other side wanted to stab her with her eyes. After that, she was proud.

At present, the public opinion on the Internet still turns to star shining media. After all, money can make ghosts push and grind, and a large number of water armys rush in to lead the rhythm and post. Several major media platforms also cooperate with star shining media to withdraw the hot search and change topics. Sheng Qiao is alone, and even if Huo Xi comes forward, it can’t reverse the bad impression of passers-by on her.

Where she was criticized before was also made a “Sheng Qiao black spot video collection” by some people, which was launched on the hot search. After all, the original owner used to be stupid and weak, and she seemed to have no brains.

You think we can’t do you without pictures? On today’s Internet, it’s too easy to smear a person, as long as you are willing to spend money.

Star shining media’s attorney said that the contract would be terminated when the case was in the end. There is a loophole in the contract that goes against the free will. Besides, Qiao Yu, a well-known barrister in the industry, is invited by the other party.

They don’t know how Sheng Qiao can afford him with her 20000 yuan a month.

Since the final result has been determined, it’s just a matter of not doing it for two times. Before you terminate the contract, we will destroy you.

What’s the law? Half a year later, the heat is falling early, and there are endless new things in the entertainment circle. Who will remember you then?

After that, you can only take this black spot with you and exit in a gloomy way.

No one remembers you any more. It’s just a sentence: Oh, the annoying Sheng Qiao.

Gao Meiling made a good calculation.

Two days later, Sheng Qiao posted a recording:

——Sheng Qiao, do you think you can still stay in this circle if you do this?

——It’s not a big problem to not be a star. How can I starve to death in such a big world?

——you don’t be a star, but you have to be a person.

——don’t look at me like this. If I had not spent three million yuan to rescue you from the usury, these photos would have been all over the Internet. If you want to blame, you can only blame your gambling father.

——yes, this contract is not equal, but if you had not this contract and me, you and your disabled mother would have gone down to find your gambling father. Is twenty thousand less? No. Look at the current society. How many working people are tired every month and can’t earn so much money.

——I’m the one who gave you a stable and high paying job, which let you get rid of the nightmare and shadow of the past. Little Qiao, you should thank me. You can’t compare with other stars in the circle all day long. What do you take to compare with others? You aren’t born well, and you don’t have a good education background or a high IQ, I give you a charming character image of silly white sweet princess, and you can play it as a pretentious thing without education. What else do you have besides this face?

——Listen to sister Gao, what happened before, let it happen now. Be obedient and don’t think about leaving.

——Sheng Qiao, a disobedient person, has no good ending.

At the end of the recording, Sheng Qiao gasped violently because of her anger. She said in a trembling and calming voice: Qiao Qiao, it’s OK. Calm down, calm down to find a solution. Be calm. It’s OK.

It’s so sad to make people who hear this cry.

What the fuck is this agent? Is this poisonous snake and scorpion? This vicious tone is disgusting!

She said that it was Sheng Qiao being sorrowful to company before. And Sheng Qiao was tricky and domineering. Oh my god! Listen to this record! I’m sorry, star shining media, she’s a bully. Listen to this recording. Sheng Qiao is just a poor child who was bullied, OK?

The netizens haven’t recovered from the anger and sympathy of the recording. Sheng Qiao throws another recording.

In the phone recording, the agent threatened Sheng Qiao fiercely, to make her pay the price, to make her lose her life, to make her never look up in her life.

Mom, the entertainment circle is so horrible.

The termination event which have decreased some heat in the past two days, has been pushed to the climax again.

Now, no matter how much water army star shining media bought is useless. Sheng Qiao has a recording. It’s a real hammer!

Now people all know what “abnormal means” Shen Qiao said is. It’s a picture. What picture? Of course, everyone knows it.

But it is also clear in the recording that her father’s irresponsible debt of 3 million usury caused him to jump from the building and commit suicide.

It’s miserable. It’s really miserable. She really should be given the Most Miserable Female Artist Award in history.

Star shining media just spent three million yuan on an artist who works for free. You’ve threatened her with photos from time to time and threatened to break her wings! Rule of law society! Do you want to break the wings?

Brother, it’s breaking the law, you know?

The whole network sympathizes with Sheng Qiao.

It’s so miserable, being oppressed and bullied. No wonder she was forced to do so before.

Listen to her in the recording of that kind of reply: I can’t choose my origin or my parents, but I can choose whether to be free or what you call face!

Don’t die in silence, then break out in silence. After the break out, Sheng Qiao can say such shocking words! If it wasn’t you rubbish company and vicious agent bullying and pressing her, what could Sheng Qiao have done before?

It’s light to do like this! If it’s me, I will distort my character and anti society!

The netizens were filled with indignation. They were so angry that they wanted to blow up the star shining media building.

What? Did you say nude photos? It wasn’t leaked again. No matter how we associate, we can only associate. What’s more, is that the point? Usury forces people to take nude photos. For a listed company as big as star shining media, not only does it not stop crimes, but also uses nude photos to coerce girls to form a second crime, a bunch of bastards! Do you have the face to mention nude picture?

The women’s rights organization felt unhappy and asked Sheng Qiao to sue star shining media again for reputation infringement.

On the Internet, it’s a big deal. Sheng Qiao is also busy at home. Maybe it’s because of sympathy or curiosity, the number of fans of the official backup committee continues to rise. Her previous recruitment order has also been turned out, and many people have applied to join the management of the backup committee.

At this time, she should be more cautious. She arranged a series of work on anti black, controlling comments, reviewing topic and began to audit fans one by one in person.

The nine members backup group is the core, each responsible for an official account, and Sheng Qiao recruited two managers for each official group, so as to expand the members of the management group and deal with this public opinion storm more easily.

They all know how important it is for Qiao Qiao to break the boat this time. Calm down and fight with the water army invited by star shining media.

Sheng Qiao sits in front of the computer and writes notices and soft articles. She is smart and full of various styles of writing. After writing, she sends it to Wang Zai. He uses the automatic praising and making comments program to brush the hot spots. Star shining media can’t win even if he spends money.

Star shining media’s PR is just a mess.

Doesn’t Sheng Qiao have money to buy marketing? Where are these hot topics with obvious marketing means coming from?

Sheng Hiding Honor and Reputation Qiao, smiles and doesn’t talk. It is not in vain that she was a station lady for several years.

In the afternoon, Fang Bai’s phone rang in a hurry.

Since the termination of the contract, Fang Bai has been transferred by the company, and Sheng Qiao’s work plans have been suspended. Although Fang Bai is standing at her end, he can’t talk to the company hard. At last, he set up an undercover personal image for himself, lurking in star shining media to help Sheng Qiao inquire about the news.

At this time, Fang Undercover Bai, hiding in the toilet, lowered his voice and said anxiously: “sister Qiao Qiao, I just overheard Gao Meiling calling the organizer of the times grand ceremony to cancel your original arrangement of walking on the red carpet tonight.”

“The times grand ceremony?” Sheng Qiao finally looked up from the computer, remembering that she had made a popular vote on the red carpet of this grand ceremony when she made a summary of the list some time ago.

Sheng Qiao was invited for the movie “Flourishing Changan” starring in the beginning of the year. There is an annual TV drama award ceremony after the red carpet. However, the audience rating of “Flourishing Changan” is average, so it’s impossible to win the award. The company just received the red carpet invitation for the sake of popularity and exposure.

Now the two sides are torn and glued. Naturally, Gao Meiling doesn’t want her to attend such an occasion and talk in front of the media. If it wasn’t for the organiser to call and ask, it would have passed without a word.

Sheng Qiao rubbed her swollen neck: “what time does the red carpet start?”

“At half past seven, you’re in 28th order.”

Sheng Qiao looked at the time, and there were more than three hours left. “Is the invitation card there?”


“Never mind, I will get there by my face. Little Bai, can you pick me up? “

Fang Bai lowered his voice: “sister Qiao, are you going to the red carpet?”

“Whatever she objects to is good for me, of course.”

“But if the company doesn’t provide brand sponsorship and styling, you… What do you wear on the red carpet? “

Can’t even afford a piece of jewelry that can match the red carpet with your monthly salary of 20000 yuan? Fang Bai is more worried than her: “and I can’t come to pick you up. The business car has been taken back by the company.”

Sheng Qiao thought about it, “I see. You don’t have to worry about it. I’ll find my own way. “josei

After hanging up, she called Zhong Shen, “how are your ginseng selling?”

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