Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 21 - I Also Have a Broom. Would You Like to See It

Chapter 21 - I Also Have a Broom. Would You Like to See It

Chapter 21 – I Also Have a Broom. Would You Like to See It

Several people came downstairs after lunch break. They were discussing the division of work for reception. Suddenly, the director group held a transparent glass jar.

Cheng Feng crouches under the camera and laughs badly: “from your performance today, we can see that you can’t make money on your own. So now, the director group provides you with a chance to make money. There are hundreds of tasks in it. Everyone can take one of them. Each task is different and has its own time limit. After completion, you will get a reward. Otherwise, you will be punished. “

The glass jar is full of colorful paper cranes.

It’s here to wait for them! Seeing the wonderful look of the director group, they know that this is not a simple task, but they have no other way. Several people can only take a paper cranes.

Zhong Shen is the first one to take. His palm is stirred in it for half a day. Finally, he takes out one from the bottom. Several people surround him and wait for him to open it. As the paper unfolds slowly, Zhong Shen reads out the content.

“Invite a film emperor to the cottage. Task reward: 1000 yuan. Task duration: seven days. If the task fails within seven days, deduct 1000 yuan of living expenses, and sing and dance “the most dazzling little apple” in the World Trade Plaza. “

“Who will I inviting?” asked Zhong Shen, with a confused face, “ Which movie emperor? “

The director said: “any actor who has won the movie emperor, the Golden Rooster Award or even the Oscar, as long as you can invite him.”

Zhong Shen turned to take the cup and said, “don’t stop me. I’m going to kill him today!”

The director’s group succeeded in the treacherous plan, and they cheered and watched Sheng Qiao holding down Zhong Shen.

Zhong Shen turns his head to hold Sheng Qiao’s arm and cries, “Qiao Qiao, they are bullying me! I’m so cute and naive. Where do I know the movie emperor? Does movie emperor know who I am? They can’t afford a movie emperor and want a movie emperor to attend then give me a trap! “

Sheng Qiao patted him on the head and said, “it’s not impossible. Ask Xiao. She may know one.”

In recent years, Le Xiao has played many supporting roles in various major dramas in the film and television circle. She did play with the movie emperor, but it’s one thing to know him. It’s another to be familiar.

Of course, Sheng Qiao also knows that, so most of the time she is still teasing Zhong Shen: “but you have been laughing at Xiao these two days, she may not be very willing to help you.”

Finally, Le Xiao has a sense of satisfaction: “I would rather see you sing and dance” the most dazzling little apple “in the World Trade Plaza.”

Zhong Shen cried out.

This one is making trouble. There, Huo Xi has silently drawn a red paper crane. After opening it, it says: find a person named Qiao and take photo together and ask for his signature. Task reward: 300 yuan. Task duration: two days. If the task fails within two days, 300 yuan of living expenses will be deducted, and all household chores of the day will be taken care of.

Zhong Shen howled even more: “why is the task of Huo Xi so simple and my task so difficult?”

“Your destiny is not good,” Huo Xi said.

Sheng Qiao held back her smile, and then drew a paper cranes. She had a selfish heart. She took a red one like Huo Xi. After opening it, it wrote: interact with the netizens watching the live broadcast for two hours. Task reward: 200 yuan. Task duration: one day. If the task fails in one day, 200 yuan of living expenses will be deducted, and you will keep a plain face in the program for one day.

Seeing that the tasks of the latter two people are becoming more and more simple, everyone firmly believes that Zhong Shen has absorbed all the bad luck and has boldly extracted tasks.

Lu Yihan’s task is to make a handicraft and sell it successfully without star effect. The reward is 500 yuan. The punishment is to work for the program team for one day, being an accompanying PD and there is no camera on him.

Feng Wei will go to the pet shop to bathe the dog. She had to wash six different dogs to complete the task. The reward was 500 yuan. The punishment was to walk in fingerboard slippers all day.

Finally, Le Xiao, praying and reaching out, chose one of her lucky pink. Zhong Shen has been waiting impatiently for a long time. As soon as the paper crane was opened, he started to read: “go to the construction site to move bricks for two days, ha ha ha ha…”

When he reads half of it, he starts to laugh. Le Xiao was going to cry.

Why is she so unlucky!

When the audience thought of what she said when she passed by the construction site this morning, they laughed at the end. If it’s the program team’s intention, she takes it from so many tasks.

Le Xiao grabs Zhong Shen and says, “You can exchange with me, I’ll help you to invite the movie emperor.”

Zhong Shen doesn’t dislike his task at all. Protecting the paper crane is like protecting the treasure: “no, it’s so easy to invite the movie emperor. Who hasn’t got any friends? Go to move the bricks yourself, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

Le Xiao is from a rich family. She was a little girl. She didn’t even do housework. When she thought it was a live broadcast, she couldn’t get rid of it. She was in tears.

The pink paper crane in the palm was suddenly taken away and put in a red one. Sheng Qiao said, “I’ll exchange it with you.”

Le Xiao looked at her in tears, but did not respond. Sheng Qiao turned to the director group and asked, “is the task exchangeable?”

The director nodded.

“That will do.” She raised her hand and patted Le Xiao’s head as if nothing had happened. “It’s not a big thing, OK. Prepare something for cooking hot pot in the evening. The guest should be coming soon.”

Le Xiao responded by pulling off her dress and said, “Qiao Qiao, you…or… “

Knowing what she wanted to say, Sheng Qiao pinched her face: “I studied architecture, and I prefer construction sites compared to chatting with netizens.”

Le Xiao doesn’t know whether what she said is true or not, but when she thinks about the environment of the construction site, she really can’t stand it. Sheng Qiao is willing to help her. She really can’t ask for anything.

At first, she was a little reluctant to Sheng Qiao. At this moment, it was really gone. Her tone was full of sincerity: “thank you, Qiao Qiao.”

Sheng Qiao put the pink paper crane in her pocket, “let’s go, help me pick vegetables.”

Zhong Shen stamped his foot in the back.

At first, netizens were still in barrage laughing at Le Xiao, and now they were also shocked by Sheng Qiao’s operation.

[I’m Le Xiao’s fan. Should I say thank you now? ]

[Xiao just now is really about to cry.]

[When Sheng Qiao coaxes Le Xiao, it’s so warm and loving.]

[All her actions are warm during the two days of the program.]

[In the past, the whole network disliked her. Was it really caused by star shining media and the agent? I’m going to be attracted by her.]

[When I am in the focus of public opinion and need the support of passers-by and fans, I will also exchange with Le Xiao.]

[I can understand her exchange with Zhong Shen. She’s so kind to people like Le Xiao, who only knew her for two days. I can’t think of any other reason except for the show.]

[What did Sheng Qiao say to Le Xiao just now? She studies architecture? Does she make me laugh?]

[Is there architecture in junior high school subjects?]

[She may be talking about geography, after all, geography is part of architecture hahaha.]

[So does she want to make a character setting of good student for herself now? ]

[Tell a joke, junior high school good student.]

[Sheng Qiao would rather go to the construction site to move bricks than chat with your group of bicth, and you still laugh. Do you have a little self-conscious? I don’t think she exchange tasks with Le Xiao for attracting fans, she just doesn’t want to talk to you fools.]

[Approve upstairs]

The kitchen is spacious and they don’t feel crowded in it. They are going to sweep, clean, organise and are happy to be busy.

Being busy, outside the living room came a voice: “Hello, is there anyone?”

Zhong Shen is standing at the door, peeling garlic, leaning out for a look, turning around and saying, “it seems that the guest is coming, the champion of the talent show, Shi…”

Le Xiao shouted out: “Shi Xuan! Is Xuan here?”

She has a new play this year with the theme song sung by Shi Xuan. They are familiar with each other.

Sheng Qiao also put down the matter in her hand, “let’s go and greet the guest first.”

In the living room, Shi Xuan, dressed in a dark green windbreaker, stood in the middle with a fruit basket. She saw several people coming out of the kitchen, with thin lips bent and a smile. Her eyebrows and eyes were light. Like the hearsay, she was indifferent to fame, wealth, honor and disgrace.

Shi Xuan is the champion of this year’s hottest music talent show variety, and a signing artist of star shining media.

There was a post before that, Shi Xuan was in the list of [check which stars will go home to inherit the company if they don’t act and sing well]. Shi’s group’s industries are all over the country, involving many industries of entertainment, commercial and real estate, and it is a real giant.

Fans said that Xuan is not short of anything and doesn’t care about fame. She came to play in the entertainment circle.

Seeing that the first guest is Shi Xuan, the amount of barrage has increased a lot, the fans of Shi Xuan have arrived at the battlefield quickly.

Le Xiao has run to give Shi Xuan a hug. After the two are warm-hearted, they shake hands one by one. When it’s time for Sheng Qiao, Shi Xuan just touches her finger and quickly recovers. Her smile is lighter than before: “Hello, I’ve heard so much about you.”

Finally, Huo Xi, Shi Xuan looked at him with a crooked mouth. Even the so-called indifferent temperament was thin, with more warmth: “elder martial brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Elder brother? I’m still your elder martial sister. Why don’t you call me? Now I don’t want to be a demon, you little younger martial sister come out, right? Is it over?

Sheng Qiao rolled her eyes behind the camera.josei

When she was patted on the shoulder, her eyelids almost didn’t turn back. Looking back, Huo Xi looked at her: “the pot seems to be burnt.”

Sheng Qiao rushed to the kitchen.

Le Xiao takes Shi Xuan around to visit, “we are cooking hot pot for you. The cooking skill of Qiao Qiao is very good. Xuanxuan, when you leave, you must give us a five-star praise.”

When the guest came, everyone went out. The kitchen was very empty. Only Sheng Qiao was busy inside. When she returned to take the dishes, someone behind her took them from the cupboard and handed them to her. Huo Xi said, “I’ll help you.”

“No, you don’t. go out with the guest.”

“They’re all there. I’m not the only one.”

He leaned over and picked up the potatoes on the ground. “Are you going to peel them all?”

Sheng Qiao said, “no, I’ll get it right now. I’ll get it.”

Huo Xi turns on the tap and cleans the potatoes. He picks up the peeler and starts to work. Sheng Qiao pursed her lips and said nothing more. She did her own thing in silence.

The kitchen was quiet for a moment.

Barrage said:

[This scene is so warm.]

[Huo Xi is a gentleman. He didn’t leave Sheng Qiao here alone.]

[My Xi is always a gentleman, even to those who hurt him.]

[It’s just because he is too kind to be trampled on by so many people.]

[Fortunately, he has strong business ability, otherwise he will not be able to show his character for 30 years.]

[The flow star’s fans is still selling miserable, isn’t it funny?]

[The only ability I can see is his face. God gives food to him.]

[Huo Xi’s ability is OK or not, some people are not qualified to talk about it. If you haven’t seen his works, you can roll away here.]

[What’s wrong with flow star? Can anyone be a flow star? ]

[Excellent singing and writing, please get to know Huo Xi.]

[This is the top flow star, who will try to black him?]

A black word suddenly bursts out all Xi lights. Barrage is immediately surrounded by Xi lights, one by one, and even the picture is blocked.

In the program, Sheng Qiao and Huo Xi are still preparing their dishes. Le Xiao rushes in and says, “where does Xuanxuan live?”

“Ask the directors.”

Le Xiao asked the director group again, only to find out that there was a ladder and a loft above the stairs.

After a while, Le Xiao ran down again, “Qiao Qiao, that attic is so dirty, and it’s not warm, cold and dirty.”

Sheng Qiao said, “can’t you clean it if it’s dirty? Can’t you turn on the air conditioner without the floor heating? “

Le Xiao looks at her.

Sheng Qiao looks at the kitchen. The hot pot has been brought to the table, almost all the dishes have been cut and loaded. She takes off her apron, wipes her hands, and climbs to the attic with the cleaning tools.

The air is full of dust. She first opened the window for ventilation, and then turned on the air conditioner for ventilation. Then she took the mop and began to clean it. When it was all cleaned, she closed the window, and the air conditioner began to make heat. Finally, it had some warmth.

There is a set of quilt cover and pillow prepared by the program team in the wardrobe. She makes the bed, and then takes the humidifier she brought. After adding water, she puts it at the foot of the bed and starts to operate. Then she sprays her own Six God. The air is warm and fragrant.

After finishing those she shouted down: “take Shi Xuan to see the room.”

Several people gathered around, Le Xiao said, “God, Qiao Qiao, do you have magic?”

Sheng Qiao: “I also have a broom, would you like to see it?”

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