Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 22 - Huo Xi Is Her Greatest Protector

Chapter 22 - Huo Xi Is Her Greatest Protector

Chapter 22 – Huo Xi Is Her Greatest Protector

After cleaning up bags, everyone went downstairs to eat hot pot. Because it was the first time to cook at home, the atmosphere was lively, several people didn’t avoid eating, even Feng Wei ate a lot.

Just when chatting, Shi Xuan always intentionally or unintentionally avoids Sheng Qiao. Whenever the topic turns to Sheng Qiao, she either doesn’t answer the conversation or skilfully changes the topic. After a few times, several people find that she seems to have some problems with Sheng Qiao.

Zhong Shen is a person who protects his liked people without condition. He was not happy immediately. Sheng Qiao kicked him under the table, he didn’t attack on the spot. “Some time ago, my elder martial brother wrote me a song, which has been recorded and will be released in two days,” Shi Xuan said with a smile.

She said this well. It’s the song she invited to Huo Xi, but she said it like Huo Xi wrote it for her. On barrage, Shi Xuan’s fans are all brushing [looking forward to Xuanxuan’s new song], Xi lights also brush [looking forward to cooperation] because Shi Xuan has not tied up Huo Xi before so they have no hostility towards her.

Le Xiao took a bite of beef balls and asked vaguely, “what song? Love songs? “

In fact, she asked casually. Eating hot pot often makes people relax their vigilance and forget their mind when talking. After asking, she would react that they were in the live broadcast and this sentence might be too ambiguous.

Flow fans avoid ambiguity most, Le Xiao is thinking how to remedy it, but sees Shi Xuan bows her head and smiles and doesn’t talk, it seems to be the default.

Sheng Qiao holds the chopsticks hard, and the quail egg in the bowl is crushed.

Then she heard Huo Xi said, “I can’t write love songs.” A few people were stunned, he said as if nothing had happened. “The song you are given depicts a person’s pursuit of light in the dark. If you find someone who wrote the lyrics of love by mistake, you’d better modify them before they are released, or the mood of the lyrics will not match.”

Shi Xuan still smiles: “I see.”

When she bowed her head to eat, there was a flash of annoyance in her eyes.

Shen Qiao, who is ninety percent full, suddenly feels that she can chew two more chicken claws.

After finishing the meal, Le Xiao secretly called Shi Xuan aside and asked, “Xuanxuan, do you have grudges with Little Qiao?”

Shi Xuan paused for a moment and turned to smile, “no, why do you ask?”

“I don’t think you like her very much. I had some prejudice against her before. In fact, Little Qiao is very nice. You will know when you touch her.”

Shi Xuan looks at Sheng Qiao, who is cleaning the table, takes back her eyes and smiles, “nothing.” After a pause, she said, “it’s just that we are not from the same world. There’s no need to make deep acquaintance.”

That’s right.

One is from a rich family, a distinguished family, a pure life experience, one has a junior high school education background, poor family, and also took nude photos, black history is endless.

People like Shi Xuan inevitably look down on her.

Le Xiao is also rich. She can understand Shi Xuan’s innocence, but now she really treats Sheng Qiao as a friend. She just smiles and doesn’t say much more. She joins in the action of cleaning up the kitchen.

It’s Sheng Qiao who is directing them to tidy up the noisy kitchen.

Shi Xuan stands aside with a smile, and she is aloof from the rest of the world. Barrage says: “there seems to be an invisible dividing line. There is the world of mortals, and this is a fairyland.”

[Xuanxuan is the fairy herself.]

[I think there’s a poem that suits her very well. It’s based on the essence of purity. Our Xuanxuan is going to return to Heaven Palace in the future.]

[I have endured the embarrassing praise in front of me. It’s too much to apply my Sister Lin’s judgment upstairs! ]

[Based on the essence of purity? Do you want to return to the purity when you have come in the big dye vat of entertainment industry? I think it will sink in the mud sooner or later.]

[Open mouth to curse others, your mother is dead.]

[Isn’t it a curse to return to the essence of purity? It’s all death sentences. You can use Lin Daiyu as a metaphor, I can’t use Miaoyu as a metaphor? Using these two persons is praising your artist.]

There was a huge uproar in the barrage, and indifferent Shi Xuan’s heart had already turned overcast.

She hates Sheng Qiao, not only because they are not from the same world, she looks down on her. There’s another reason, this variety show, she was a permanent guest.

The company wants to maximize the residual value of Sheng Qiao, so it replaces her with Sheng Qiao at the last moment. She can’t see this variety show, so it doesn’t matter whether she takes it or not, but no one expected that Huo Xi would come.

Huo Xi’s current level have rarely participated in this variety show. This time, he came to the show because he accepted the kindness of the director of the program when he first started. The director came to invite him in person, so he didn’t refuse.

In order to maintain the mystery and popularity of the program, the director just kept the news from anyone.

If star shining media had known half of the entertainment circle’s flow would have come to this program, it would not send Sheng Qiao. Shi Xuan went to the company for a meeting yesterday. She heard that Gao Meiling was hospitalized due to angry.josei

She told her agent that she would come to be a flight guest.

She likes Huo Xi. She liked him a long time ago, before he started.

She called Huo Xi a senior brother, not only because they both belonged to the same agency, but because they both graduated from Columbia University, and she was his junior sister.

But there were too many people chasing Huo Xi at that time. Huo Xi may not even know who she is. Later, Huo Xi made his debut and became more popular, which was even more difficult to match.

Entering the entertainment circle, not as fans say, is just for fun. She’s just for Huo Xi.

To this end, she gave up her master’s degree in economics, regardless of the opposition of her family, and resolutely stepped into this circle. She also signed a contract with star shining media intentionally.

She thought she could be closer to him, but she still found it far away.

Compared with her packaging of indifferent to fame and wealth, Huo Xi really doesn’t care about anything. It can’t be said that he is cold, at least cold can be felt. He was as light as a gust of wind. He couldn’t be caught and saw. You can’t feel anything and he has gone far away.

It seems that she doesn’t care about anything and doesn’t fight for it. That’s because everything around her is the best since she was a child. When she raised her eyes, someone would fight for it. There’s no need to fight for it.

The first time in her life she meets difficulty is when she meets Huo Xi,

Tell her how to be reconciled.

Shen Qiao, who looks dirty to her, is not qualified to stay beside Huo Xi.

But she not only stayed, but also had a good time. In front of her, these people were all obedient to her. If it wasn’t for the live broadcast, Shi Xuan would have shaken her face long ago.

When all was cleared up, it was already dark. Le Xiao proposed to watch horror movies again. Several noisy people immediately agreed and in order to create an atmosphere, they pulled the curtains and turned off the lights. When Sheng Qiao cut the fruit out, she was almost scared to death by the female ghost in red on the TV screen and the screams of several people.

She put the fruit tray on the tea table, left a sentence “I’m a little sleepy” and climbed upstairs as if fleeing.

There are still screams downstairs from time to time. It’s hard for others to understand her fear of ghosts. Her imagination is rich. Just now, she accidentally saw the appearance of the female ghost on TV. Now, she dare not enter the bathroom. Her mind is full of pictures of the female ghost standing behind the mirror.

She spent a long time in the room, but she couldn’t stand. She sent a message to Zhong Shen and asked him to come up and accompany her to the bathroom.

As a result, Zhong Shen was so fascinated by horror movies that he didn’t reply to her message for half a day. Sheng Qiao called him again. This time, he answered quickly and lowered his voice like a thief: “what’s the matter? What can I do for you? “

“Come upstairs.”

“What’s up? I’m seeing the highlights! “

“Can’t you come up?”

“… OK. I’ll come.”

Hung up the phone, Sheng Qiao took a long breath, tied her hair with a leather band, and the door was knocked quickly. She trotted to open the door and complained: “You just know watching horror movies, what’s good in horror movies? It’s all fake… “

The unfinished words stuck in the throat and looked at the Huo Xi outside the door with a ghostly expression.

“You… Why do you… ” The tongue was tied and smoothed for a long time: “why are you? Where’s Zhong Shen? “

“He’s watching a movie and can’t leave. What’s the matter with you? “

Sheng Qiao scolded Zhong Shen in her heart, and she laughed in her face: “no, nothing, nothing, you go down.”

Hup Xi looks at her a few times and smiles, “you are afraid even if you know that they are fake?”

Sheng Qiao is confused: “what?”

Huo Xi shook his head. “Don’t you want to wash? Let’s go. “

Sheng Qiao:“……”

No, I didn’t, it was not me.

He walked two steps, saw her to still stand in place, said with a light voice: “hurry up.”

Sheng Qiao raised her legs with a swish and rushed to the place.

There is no separate bathroom in her room. She has always shared this public bathroom with Feng Wei. Huo Xi is standing at the door, embracing his arms around his chest, leaning against the door frame, looking at her at will.

Sheng Qiao squeezed the toothpaste and began to brush her teeth. She is not afraid to see the female ghost through the mirror. The mirror reflects the body of Huo Xi, which is covered by a warm light.

Wuwuwu, mommy, the one I love, he’s shining.

Huo Xi looks back and looks at her through the mirror: “how long do you still have toothpaste?”

Sheng Qiao shakes, pulls back the imagination, bows her head, brushes her teeth and washes her face quickly, all is done in one breath!

The audience in barrage is speechless.

After Sheng Qiao went upstairs, the live broadcast cut the split mirror, but few people came to see her. Until Huo Xi suddenly left the main screen and entered the live broadcast room of Sheng Qiao, a large number of audience and Xi light followed.

[Serious discomfort caused by the picture.]

[Does she think she is a three-year-old even if needs accompany when washing? ]

[Real dog skin plaster.]

[Ah, it’s all because honey is so gentle. How can Sheng Qiao afford this tender?]

[Light people don’t speak dark words, I also want to be accompanied by Huo Xi.]

[Light people don’t speak dark words. The person Sheng Qiao called just now was Zhong Shen, it is your Huo Xi himself come actively. Can you blame Sheng Qiao for that? Speechless.]

[Our Qiao was obviously scared by horror movies just now, and her face changed. Can’t she ask a friend to accompany her? She has not called Huo Xi. Your idol went up by himself. Now you are biting back.]

[Passers by, Huo Xi is a gentleman, and Sheng Qiao is right. Can the two families not tear apart? ]

[Tear her? She doesn’t deserve it. ]

[Shut up if you think she doesn’t deserve it. Do you want us to kneel and kowtow to thank the emperor? ]

[I don’t understand. A few guests get along well with each other in a friendly way. Why can’t Zhong Shen let Huo Xi come up if he wants to see a movie? Sheng Qiao is afraid, Huo Xi will accompany her. Why not? ]

[No way! I don’t want to see Sheng Qiao and Huo Xi in the same screen. I don’t want Sheng Qiao to touch Huo Xi at any point. I don’t want to see them talking. Are you satisfied? I just hate Sheng Qiao. I can’t complain about her interaction with Huo Xi with the disgust of eating flies? ]

[When will Sheng Qiao terminate her contract and get out of the entertainment circle?]

[On the day she leaves the entertainment circle, I’m going to invite a lion dance group to celebrate outside the studio of Huo Xi.]

Xi light’s disgust and hatred for Sheng Qiao is really deep into their bones.

After washing, Sheng Qiao went back to the room, Huo Xi walked slowly in the back, and when he passed the door, he said in a low voice: “rest early.”

“HMM.” She pursed her lower lip and whispered, “Huo Xi, good night.”

“Good night.”

Back in the room, the fear has subsided a lot. Sheng Qiao takes a long breath of relief, covers the camera with her hat, turns off the lights and climbs to the bed, then puts on the headset and turns on the mobile phone.

The offline cache is full of Huo Xi’s performance videos.

She turned off the lights and lit up the video of the last concert. She looked very happy. What the ghosts and demons are? It doesn’t exist. Huo Xi is her greatest protector.

Now she has a different identity. She can stay by Huo Xi every day, see him and talk to him. But looking at the person on the stage in the video, she thinks that this is the closest time to him.

Don’t hide, don’t suppress, this is her favorite person, and she’s just his fan.

This is the best distance.

Now she has become Sheng Qiao, and even like is needed to be hidden.

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