Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 24 - Why Does Her Idol Look Angry

Chapter 24 - Why Does Her Idol Look Angry

Chapter 24 – Why Does Her Idol Look Angry

The liquid has bottomed out. Huo Xi rings the call bell and asks the nurse to pull out the needle. After several nurses finished processing, you pushed me, I pushed you, and walked to Huo Xi with a twist: “excuse me, can you sign for us?”

Huo Xi nodded and said yes.

When they got autographs, the little nurses left happily. Sheng Qiao stopped them and said, “nurse little sister, lend me the pen.”

When the nurse left, she jumped out of bed, took off her coat from the shelf, took out a wallet from the pocket of the coat, and took a picture from the wallet.

Huo Xi was wondering what she was going to do, so he saw her come by two or three steps and said with a sheepish face, “sign me.”


Here is a picture of him.

It was a stage photo of a concert not long ago. He stood in white under the light, holding the microphone in both hands and leaning his head slightly.

This concert, Sheng Qiao’s favorite is this set of styling. He is like a prince who can’t compete with the world. He is purer than the moon.

Last time she went back to her hometown to see Sheng’s mother, she chose one of her favorite, printed it in the small town’s photo studio, and brought it close to her body.

Huo Xi looked at her with a mixed expression.

Sheng Qiao also urged: “hurry up, don’t wait for the director group to come.”

Huo Xi takes the picture, swishes twice, signs his name, and Sheng Qiao says, “draw a heart here again.”

Huo Xi:???

Before writing, suddenly there was a sound of the door handle twisting outside the door. Sheng Qiao reacted quickly. She grabbed the photo, turned around and rushed to bed. She stuffed the signature photo under the pillow and lay on her back. She just woke up with a look that nothing had happened.

Huo Xi:“……”josei

Zhong Shen comes in first. Behind him are Le Xiao and Lu Yihan. They are holding the heat preservation barrel, which contains the fish soup cooked for Sheng Qiao. Seeing that she was awake, several people expressed their sympathy again.

At this time, the director group followed in, and the live broadcast continued.

Zhong Shen is sitting by the bed and stabbing her head: “what’s the matter with you, you don’t even know you’re allergic to eggplant? Last time we went to the vegetable market and you bought so many eggplants. Fortunately, you haven’t had time to eat them! “

I bought so many eggplants because Huo Xi likes to eat them. Who knows that the original owner is allergic to eggplants?

Qiao is wronged.

Le Xiao pushes Zhong Shen away: “what are you poking at? What are you doing with Qiao’s head? ” Then she brought the fish soup, “Qiao Qiao, drink the soup.”

Sheng Qiao took a sip. “It’s fresh. Did you boil it?”

“Little Han and I did it according to the recipe on Baidu. We cooked for more than four hours. Drink it quickly. Drink it all. There are still some there.”

Sheng Qiao couldn’t laugh: “it’s just allergies. Well, it’s not an incurable disease.”

Le Xiao’s mouth turned to cry: “I was really scared to death. I thought you were hit by a falling object on the construction site.”

What’s this funny brain circuit.

Sheng Qiao touched her air bang, “I am fine here, right? It’s OK.”

The netizens couldn’t help it:

[I announce that Brick CP is locked! ]

[What the hell is Brick CP? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]

[The sky on ShengXiao Party’s head is blue! ]

[It’s toxic to Brick CP. I vote for ShengXiao! ]

[LeQiao Party refuses to accept!]

[ShengXiao is irreversible! What kind of cult is LeQiao! ]

[It’s better to call it Brick. It’s so nice when calling Brick. Call for Brick CP!!! ]

Sheng Qiao’s allergy is not serious. After all, she eats less and spits fast. After the doctor’s examination, she is sure to be discharged from the hospital. Several people are busy and then go through the discharge formalities for her. Before leaving, she secretly touches the signature photo under the pillow and takes it out and hides it in the wallet.

When she got home, she received a call from Feng Wei. She took a day’s bath for the dog in the pet shop arranged by the program group. Now she only knew about the allergy hospitalization of Sheng Qiao on the phone.

When they got off, Feng Wei was waiting outside the yard. The tall and thin figure was pulled by the street lamp. When she saw them coming back, there was a warm smile on her rarely smiling face.

She went up and looked at Sheng Qiao for half a day to make sure she was OK. She took a long sigh of relief: “I’m scared to death.” And she said, “I’ve thrown all our eggplants away.”

Sheng Qiao:“……”

That’s the sweet eggplant I prepared for my idol!!!

The netizens watching the live broadcast expressed their feelings:

[I feel they have a good relationship]

[Sheng Qiao is like a group pet. How envious she is]

[real name system envies]

[I used to hate her very much. People around me also hated her. How can she be so delightful now]

[take a look at the previous variety show, it’s like a change of person]

[She was so oppressed by star shining media before. She was not going well. Now she is bursting out, I think she changes a lot]

After entering the house, several people drank the remaining fish soup for dinner. After eating hot pot yesterday, several people had to control their diet and clean their intestines. Only Zhong Shen cooked a bowl of noodles alone. He moved bricks all afternoon at the construction site and was starving to death.

The director group said by the way: “because the current physical condition of Sheng Qiao is not suitable for going to the construction site, Zhang Shen and Sheng Qiao exchange tasks, and Sheng Qiao invites the movie emperor to come to the hut for guests. If the task fails, Zhang Shen will sing and dance the most dazzling little apple in the World Trade Plaza.”

Zhong Shen, who was eating noodles, was stunned and his fingertips trembled with anger.

“You bully people!”

Sheng Qiao claps her legs and laughs: “OK, now I’m going to give up the task. Zhong Shen can accept the punishment directly.”

Zhang Shen swoops over and pinches her. Le Xiao and Feng Wei are like a babysitter. With Lu Yihan, the situation quickly reverses. Zhang Shen is pressed on the sofa and shouts, “I want to quit this program!”

After that, Sheng Qiao took out her mobile phone and opened the address book to see if the original owner knew any friends of the movie emperor. Look around, OK, No.

Le Xiao came up with her mobile phone: “Qiao Qiao, look, the only movie emperor I know, elder Meng Xingchen. I was lucky enough to play a role in his play last year. He is very kind. He is very patient and speaks well to everyone on the set. He’s on vacation in Finland recently, and he doesn’t have any itinerary. You can try with him. “

After finishing, she clapped her thighs again: “and you have cooperated with him before. There is a chance!”

Is it? Did the original owner cooperate with the movie emperor? After thinking about it for a long time, Sheng Qiao suddenly remembered that yes, a few years ago, Meng Xingchen was the leading actor in a historical play of ancient costume, and Sheng Qiao also participated in it. She was just No. 5 actress, and there was no rival play.

“I’ll tell him the details on wechat first and probe into his voice. If he doesn’t refuse on the spot, you can call him to try again,” said Le Xiao.

Just edit the text message.

Netizens were also excited to hear that they were going to invite Meng Xingchen. After all, movie emperor Meng rarely participated in variety shows.

Meng Xingchen became famous as a young man. He quickly became popular with his handsome image and excellent acting skills. After he got the Bailan Movie Emperor, he moved to the big screen. This year, he was nominated as golden horse movie emperor by virtue of the movie “Silence”.

He is relatively low-key, rarely participates in variety shows, and has a good reputation in the circle.

Le Xiao quickly sent a wechat message. Looking at her appearance, she was more nervous than Sheng Qiao. After sending it, she worried: “he won’t have gone to sleep, will he?”

Sheng Qiao calculated the time gap. “No, it’s still day in Finland.”

“How do you know?”

“Finland is in sector 2, we are in sector 8, six hours short.”

Le Xiao looked at her strangely: “Wow, your geography is good. I hated geography the most at the beginning. I have no idea about the time zone and time gap.”

The netizens were also shocked by Sheng Qiao, but when they thought of her graduating from junior high school, the word “good student” could not be said. They could only think in silence, maybe her geography in junior high school was better.

Half an hour later, they finally received a reply from Meng Xingchen.

“It’s interesting.”

When Le Xiao read this sentence, she was so excited that she shook Sheng Qiao’s arm, “Qiao Qiao, there’s a chance! Come on, I’ll give you his phone number. You sincerely invite him! “

Sheng Qiao takes out her mobile phone to save the number.

When all 11 numbers are entered, it is found that the number already exists in her address book. The note is——


What does it mean?

Sheng Qiao makes a Shhh gesture around and dials the phone. Three times later, the phone picked up, and a warm male voice came from the receiver: “Hello.”

Sheng Qiao said calmly in the silent excitement of Le Xiao covering her mouth, “Hello, Mr. Meng, I’m Sheng Qiao.”

“Hello Sheng Qiao.”

“We are shooting an indoor variety show now. We want to invite you to be a guest. I wonder if you have time.”

“Just now, Le Xiao explained to me. I’m going back to China tomorrow. If you don’t mind my disturbing, I’d like to have a taste of your homemade noodles with soy sauce and hot pot.”

Unexpectedly, it was so easy. Sheng Qiao was a little surprised. She immediately said, “it’s our pleasure to invite you, so we’ll wait for you.”

“OK, see you tomorrow.”

After hanging up the phone, Le Xiao’s scream was finally released: “I said that Mr. Meng is super kind!” Turn around and pat Zhong Shen. “You don’t have to go to the World Trade Plaza to sing and dance the little apple!”

Sheng Qiao was a little confused.

Staring at the two words “Moon” in the address book, her brow wrinkled unconsciously.

Why does the original owner keep such a name? Look at the call records. They haven’t contacted before. They don’t even have wechat. They don’t know each other at all.

The meaning of the word moon is so fascinating.

What happened between them? Sheng Qiao was shocked by the idea.

In the middle of the struggle, there is a shadow in front of her. Looking up, Huo Xi stood in front of her, expressionless, and said in a voice that only she could hear: “how can you be so happy just because talking to the movie emperor?”

He slapped the medicine box he had brought in and threw it into her arms. “Take care of the blisters on your hands.”

Turn around and leave.

Sheng Qiao, who was stunned by the attack:???

What happened? Why does her idol look angry?

Until everyone went upstairs to sleep, Huo Xi didn’t say a word to Sheng Qiao.

He was indifferent in nature, and no one else noticed anything wrong. But Sheng Qiao, as a senior fan, has a good understanding of his emotional changes and subtle expressions.

She was not sure why Huo Xi suddenly got angry, and even wondered if he had a bad relationship with Meng Xingchen. But after chasing Huo Xi for so many years, she hasn’t heard about the intersection between him and Meng Xingchen.

Sheng Qiao is going bald. She can’t sleep in the room. She wants to send a text message to ask. She’s afraid of ido being bothered. She’s coming back and forth. It’s almost one o’clock in the morning. Suddenly, she hears the opening of the door on the opposite side.

Then the footsteps went down and down the stairs.

Sheng Qiao quickly got up, put on her coat, rubbed her hair, yawned, opened the door, and said to herself, “I’m thirsty. Boil some hot water.”

Downstairs, the lights in the living room and kitchen were on, and a person stood in front of the refrigerator. When he heard footsteps, he turned around and saw that it was her. His face did not change.

Sheng Qiao was “surprised” and she rubbed against him in two or three steps: “Oh, Huo Xi, why are you here?”

Huo Xi takes a sandwich out of the fridge and says, “a little hungry.”

Sheng Qiao grabbed the sandwich and said, “it’s too late. Don’t eat cold food.” She casually opened the refrigerator and took out two tomatoes and eggs. “Just now I’m hungry. I’ll make tomato and egg noodles for you to eat. Soon.”

Before Huo Xi could answer, she trotted into the kitchen.

Huo Xi stood in place for a while and followed her with no expression.

She has boiled the water, beat the eggs and stir them, dice the tomatoes, boil out the juice after cooking, pull out the cooked noodles and pass them in the cold water, put them in a bowl and pour the tomato eggs, and a bowl of hot tomato egg noodles will come out of the pot.

Huo Xi sat down opposite her, took the chopsticks and mixed them, and buried himself in the food.

She bit the chopsticks and looked at him with a smile. The tenderness and love in her eyes almost overflowed.

The person in front of her is the one she has loved for six years. She watched him step by step from the beginning of the trainee to the present glory. Six years later, her love for him was still the same as that of that year, blazing, full-bodied, and half of it never faded. He is so charming that people love him more and more.

She really likes this person.

Huo Xi looks up suddenly and sees that hot sight, she quickly buried her head and put a chopstick of noodles in her mouth, but her ears were quietly red.

Eating at the same table with her idol or something, even if it becomes a routine, will still make her shy.

Huo Xi looks at her a few times, takes back his eyes, continues to eat noodles, but the coldness of his eyes gradually disappears.

Fortunately, everyone washed and slept, the audience left, and almost no one in the studio noticed this scene. After eating, Sheng Qiao took the bowl away and washed it casually, and urged him to go upstairs to sleep. Huo Xi looked at her for a few times: “not afraid of ghosts?”

Sheng Qiao thought of the autograph photo: “I’m not afraid. I have amulet.”

After returning to the room, she took out the autograph photo and put it under the pillow. Finally, the feeling of being guarded came back. She slept better than usual.

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