Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 25 - You Can’t Be Greedy for What You Love.

Chapter 25 - You Can’t Be Greedy for What You Love.

Chapter 25 – You Can’t Be Greedy for What You Love.

They get up the next day and start preparing for greeting the movie emperor.

This is different from other guests, such as Shi Xuan, who paid for the performance. But for Meng Xingchen, it’s really a friendship invitation. He doesn’t have a penny of entrance fee, and it’s lucky he doesn’t care about it.

There are only Le Xiao and Sheng Qiao at home. They have completed the task, and the preparatory work falls on them. Other people are still running for their own tasks. Huo Xi came back at lunch time. It’s cold today. It’s still raining outside. His hands are red with cold. After entering the room, his eyelashes are condensation.

To Sheng Qiao’s heartache, she quickly scooped up a bowl of hot soup and served it to him. She asked, “how is the task?”

“Not yet.”

He wants to find a person named Qiao to get his autograph, but the surname Qiao is not common after all, and there are few people around here. The deadline is until 12 o’clock tonight. After dinner, he plans to go to the city.

Sheng Qiao is biting her chopsticks and drooping her eyes.

After dinner, Le Xiao washes the dishes and she goes to the toilet to call Qiao Yu.

The other end was surprised: “just about to find you, you called.”

“It’s such a coincidence.”

“Well, there’s a document for you to sign.”

“I’m making a live variety show. I can’t leave. Can you send it to me?”

Qiao Yu didn’t refuse. He asked for the address and promised to come in the afternoon. It’s too remote to drive for three or four hours. Sheng Qiao said, “try to drive as early as possible. There is a guest here in the afternoon. It’s busy shooting.”

Qiao Yu thinks about it: “OK, I’ll start now.”

When going downstairs, Huo Xi was changing his shoes to go out. Sheng Qiao called him, “Huo Xi, are you going to the city to finish your task?”

He nodded his head.

“Just now, my lawyer called me to send a document for me to sign. Coincidentally, his name is Qiao,” she said.

Huo Xi’s hand tied shoelaces, and looked at her.

Sheng Qiao smirked: “you are so lucky.”

He looked at her for a long time, took off his sneakers and put on his slippers. He came back and smiled at her with a light smile: “it’s really lucky.”

The news that Meng Xingchen wants to participate in the live variety show spread all over the network in the morning, and the headlines of all major media are competing to report. Passers-by are also curious about what kind of variety show can invite the movie emperor, and the number of people watching the live show suddenly increased dramatically.

Before that, the audience was still fans of all the guests, and others were waiting for the editing version of Saturday night. At this moment, there are many passers-by, so they found that the previously annoying Sheng Qiao in the variety show looked like a new person.

She is graceful, hardworking and delicate. She can cook hot pot and arrange flowers. No matter what she does, she is in good order. The key element is that she is so beautiful without makeup. What kind of glittering treasure girl is this.

Passers-by transformed to fans!

“Sheng Qiao rebirth” soon became a hot topic.

Netizens tell the truth.

However, they are all joking. They understand the huge change of Sheng Qiao from the inside to the outside as the impact of the termination event. For this reason, star shining media has made another hot search. The termination event has been mentioned again, and everyone cares about the progress of Sheng Qiao’s termination.

At this time, Gao Meiling, who is in the star shining media office building, saw this scene with her mobile phone. She was so angry that she almost dropped her mobile phone again.

At first, she didn’t want Sheng Qiao to go to this relaxing indoor variety show. According to her idea, she should not only squeeze, but also make Sheng Qiao suffer enough. Indoor variety is not in her plan at all.

But when the program group called Sheng Qiao, the price was very high, and Gao Meiling couldn’t help but feel moved.

She heard that all the guests were from the third and fourth line, and even a model who had never heard of it. For such a paste show, Sheng Qiao couldn’t turn over any water when she went.

Moreover, in the form of live broadcast, the black spots of Sheng Qiao will be magnified infinitely. Those who support her will soon find out what they hate again.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Gao Meiling can’t understand Sheng Qiao’s character any more. Even if she rose up to resist, the smallness and cowardice determined by her growing environment would not disappear. This is not a delightful person. Even if she doesn’t enter the entertainment circle, she will fall a lot in the society. Her EQ and IQ are too low.

But first, there is a Huo Xi halfway, and then Sheng Qiao’s performance was totally unexpected. Originally, she was forced to watch the program, but now the ratings are rising. She can only watch the live broadcast of Sheng Qiao. She is so angry that her liver hurts.

When the door was knocked, she lowered her ferocious expression and said in a cold voice, “come in.”

Fang Bai came in with a document and saw Gao Meiling’s face was not very good. It was probably because of the hot search on Sheng Qiao. In fact, he was very happy, but he didn’t show it on his face. He just said, “sister Gao, the ticket is reserved.”

“OK, you are going to pick up Sheng Qiao now.”

Fang Bai paused. “sister Gao, sister Qiao is now shooting a live variety show and arrange other work for her, is it good? It’s not easy to explain to the director team. “

Gao Meiling glanced at him coldly: “take care of it so much, or you can be her agent?”

Fang Bai shut up.

She waved in disgust: “hurry up, the program team has already known, just one or two days late.”

Fang Bai nodded his head, went out and called Sheng Qiao with a sigh.

Sheng Qiao is washing dishes. Her mobile phone is on the dining table. She can’t get rid of it. She asks Le Xiao to turn on the handsfree for her. After connecting, she smiles and asks, “Little Baii, do you miss me?”

Fang Bai:“…… Sister Qiao, what are you doing? “

“Live broadcast. What else can I do. I’m preparing to cook hotpot in the evening. Did you watch the program? In the evening, movie emperor Meng will come. “

Fang Bai sighed, “don’t prepare any more. Go pack. I’ll pick you up now and fly to Ireland at 8 p.m.”

Sheng Qiao: “what’s the situation?”

Le Xiao also stares at the mobile phone.

“Tour Challenge invites you to be a guest. The shooting location of this episode is Ireland. The shooting cycle is two days.”

Sheng Qiao hasn’t spoken yet, and Le Xiao has called out: “why does the devil show “Tour Challenge” invite Qiao?”

Fang Bai can only say: “I don’t know the company’s arrangement. Sister Qiao, prepare for it. “

Hang up the phone, Sheng Qiao thoughtfully takes off the apron, Le Xiao grabs her arm: “Qiao Qiao, that show is really super terrible, don’t treat guests as people! Compared with them, our program group is an angel! “

The director’s group is there hissing.

Le Xiao sneaked over to her ear again: “and the show was a failure that no one was watching it.”

If it isn’t a failure, she won’t go. Sheng Qiao smiled and indicated that she was OK. She went upstairs to pack her bags and thought about it. She sent a message to Meng Xingchen, telling him that she would go abroad for temporary work. She couldn’t receive him in person tonight. She hopes that he could understand.

After a while, she heard Le Xiao shouting: “Qiao Qiao, your lawyer is here.”

Sheng Qiao rushes downstairs.

Wearing a suit, Qiao Yu stood at the door, looking around. He looks very well. When he is doing business in formal clothes, he can put away his usual work. He has a strong momentum and can be convincing at a glance.

Netizens watching the live broadcast asked one after another:

[who is this beautiful little brother! ]

[uniform temptations, comrades! This suit is perfect]

[the lawyer Shen Qiao invites is so handsome! ]

[You don’t know him? Qiao Yu, who has been on Time eight hundred times, is a famous person in the legal world ]

[the case handled by Qiao Yu has never been lost. Sheng Qiao’s case is stable]

[the price of Qiao Yu is not cheap. Sheng Qian has lost all her money in order to invite him]

[wuwuwu wants to make money for Qiao]

Sheng Qiao also hasn’t seen Qiao Yu for some time. She was very happy to see him. She had a subconscious “elder brother” coming out and swallowed it back in a flash. Seeing the camera around him, he was a little uncomfortable, Qiao Yu took out the document from his briefcase and said, “here, here, you need to sign.”josei

Sheng Qiao took it and didn’t look. She signed it twice.

Qiao Yu put away the documents: “then I will go first.”

“Wait.” Sheng Qiao poured him a cup of hot water. “Did you eat before you came? Hungry or not?”

“It’s OK. I’ll go home later,” said Qiao Yu.

Sheng Qiao turns to the steamer in the kitchen and takes three freshly made rice balls and hands them to him after loading them. “Eat on the road. Don’t drive too fast. You come so fast. Are you racing again?”

Qiao Yu stares. Sheng Qiao realized that she had said too much, pursed her lower lip, and quickly shifted the topic: “by the way, you can help us to do a task.”

After talking about the task of Huo Xi, Qiao Yu agreed very readily. When he saw Huo Xi, he said, “I see you again.”

Huo Xi nodded and smiled and looked at Sheng Qiao beside him.

If he remembered correctly, the first time he saw her in the community, she was beside Qiao Yu.

——Crying and crying and hanging?

Sheng Qiao didn’t pay attention to the eyes of Huo Xi’s exploration, helped idol complete the task, and sent Qiao Yu out of the yard, saying uneasily, “drive carefully.”

As soon as Qiao Yu drives at high speed road, he loves to drive fast. She scolded him for this many times.

He waved to know. Soon, he got in the car and left. Sheng Qiao watched the car disappear before turning back to the house.

The hot eyes of netizens soon found the clue:

[I always feel that there is a problem between Sheng Qiao and that lawyer]

[the tone of the dialogue is too intimate]

[these two people get relationship? ]

[Qiao Yu graduated from London University. He is an elite in the legal field. His family background is good. Can he see her? ]

[He can’t see her, he can see you, OK? ]

[it feels like Sheng Qiao’s wishful thinking]

[you know again, why are you so arrogant]

[the point is that there is a new variety show for Qiao! ]

[the Tour Challenge is still recorded, I thought it was stopped]

[it’s going to stop after recording this season. The last season was really a mess, and the guests weren’t funny]

[the main reason is that the program group plays too much, many guests are reluctant to go]

[Sheng Qiao’s company get it for her, it’s estimated that they will play her to death]

[wuwuwu loves my Qiao very much. I kneel down and please get rid of the appointment quickly! ]

Barrage was still making a lot of noise. Not long after Fang Bai arrived, he went downstairs with the box Shen Qiao had put away. Le Xiao stood at the kitchen door with a kitchen knife in her hand, and said to him with a sad face: “Qiao Qiao just entered the hospital yesterday, take good care of her, and don’t let the program team bully her.”

Fang Bai:???

Mom, national first love threatened me with a kitchen knife.

Sheng Qiao said a few words uneasily. Finally, she looked at Huo Xi and said softly, “I’ll go.”

He nodded his head and said lightly, “have a safe journey.”

Go to the door, change her shoes, and look at him secretly without any trace. After these days, she was reluctant to leave.

Qiao, how did you become so greedy?

You can’t be greedy for what you love.

She took back her eyes, stood up, clapped her hands, and smiled at Fang Bai, “let’s go!”

After getting in the car, Sheng Qiao searched the program “Tour Challenge” with her mobile phone. This is a field competitive challenge variety show. The audience rating of the first season is actually very good. The program team has attracted many audiences by using high-risk challenges.

But soon the point of “high risk” was boycotted by fans of various guests. No one wanted his idol to participate in such a dangerous program. After all, accidents are inevitable.

So the program team reduced the risk of the task and began to entertain the guests. It’s common that they didn’t eat or sleep, and they didn’t know the brain circuit of the program’s planning. They thought that tormenting the bright stars to be ghosts is funny and insisted on running on this crooked road, audience can not pull them back.

Tossed to the third season, it completely burnt. No guests are willing to go, and the audience is also visually tired. The first season’s resident guests are still the second and third line’s actors and actresses. By this season, they are all reduced to invite internet celebrity.

After an hour and a half, the car arrived at the airport.

Sheng Qiao got out of the car with a mask on. Fang Bai was following her luggage. She was still looking at her mobile phone. Suddenly, an excited cry came from her ear: “Qiao Qiao!”

Sheng Qiao looked up and saw that seven or eight girls were standing in the waiting hall with the help handpiece. When they saw her, they surrounded her warmly and nervously.

Sheng Qiao looked at her photo and the four sparkling silver words “Qiao Qiao Come On” on the handpiece, and was stunned.

Are they, her fans?

She’s got fans for the delivery?

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