Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 27 - Please Stop Sending out Charm to Me at Once

Chapter 27 - Please Stop Sending out Charm to Me at Once

Chapter 27 – Please Stop Sending out Charm to Me at Once

The first thing after rushing out of the ghost house is to touch the mobile phone, open the album, turn out the photos of Huo Xi, and stick them to her heart.

Sobbing. She was scared to death. It was so terrible that she almost cried.

Damn stinky Internet celebrity, this hatred she recorded on the small notebook!

After a while, big long leg came out, holding the golden task scroll in his hand, joking: “so you’re afraid of ghosts?”

Sheng · Does not Change Her Face · Qiao: “who is afraid of ghosts? Me? You are kidding. I like ghosts best. “

Photographer: “…”

Get the afternoon’s clue guide, have lunch and go on. She didn’t expect that program group kept eating difficult and engaged in a food climbing. The food cards were hung at three meters, five meters and ten meters respectively.

Sheng Qiao has drunk a box of milk since early morning. She can’t lift her hands. Fang Bai is so angry that he can’t hold back his anger to negotiate with the director.

As a result, the director straightened out: “this is the purpose of our program. Since your artist come to participate, she must obey. Besides, other people didn’t eat, how can they be treated differently. “

So the purpose of your program is to kill the stars? You deserve the failure.

Fang Bai still wants to say something. Sheng Qiao, who is already dressed, calls him, “Little Bai, forget it.” She waved at him. “I’m fine.”

Shooting continues.

Sheng Qiao’s goal is very clear. It’s the lowest, whatever it is, just eat it.

After the coach made the basic teaching and demonstration, six people began to climb. Several people are actually tired, but they are trying to stick to the program effect. Sheng Qiao climbs a few steps and finds that Pei Yu beside her has the same goal as herself.

Fu*k, can’t bear it!

She took a deep breath, clenched her teeth, rubbed it up a few steps, grabbed the food card.

Pei Yu:“……”

Then you can climb on!

Sheng Qiao was the first one to be put down. She sat on the ground, opened the food card and saw that it was written with buckwheat bread.

After several people grabbed the food card, the program team finally had dinner. Big long leg climbed to the highest point and got the local special set meal. When the food was served, several people envied it.

Sheng Qiao is eating bread on the table, big long leg pushes the plate in front of her, “share the delicious food with my teammate.”

Before Sheng Qiao could be moved, she heard the director says, “you can’t share, you can eat your own.”

Angry with Sheng Qiao, she took a few mouthfuls of seafood porridge in front of her and wiped her mouth and smiled in the dazed expression of the director group: “do you want me to spit it out?”

You are ruthless.

The shooting content in the afternoon is still not easy, jumping and running. Anyway, the program team is going to kill you. Sheng Qiao greets Gao Meiling’s ancestors for eighteen generations.

But if you want me to lose face on the program, I will not let you do what you want, no matter how hard I am tired, or how angry I am, I will never lose my temper. So when they start editing later and want to black Sheng Qiao, they don’t find any black material.

At the end of the day’s shooting, Sheng Qiao was so tired that she didn’t want to talk. She was taken back to her room by Fang Bai for a rest.

That’s not all. The plane back home was at 1:00 in the morning. She took a nap, ate something, and went out to the airport. It was a long flight of more than ten hours.

It was more than 11 o’clock in the middle of the night after she returned home. Fang Bai had already informed the company to send a car to pick up. As a result, they waited for half an hour at the airport, and the car disappeared. Fang Bai was so angry that he shouted, “sister Qiao, I will quit when you terminate your contract. This garbage company is disgusting.”

Sheng Qiao was drowsy, standing against the pillar, and her voice was weak: “take a taxi, go to the hut directly, or you will have another trip tomorrow.”

Fang Bai took the heat to take a taxi. Sheng Qiao rubbed her temples. In the moment of leaning her head, several white lights flashed.

She doesn’t know where the reporter is hiding. She’s on camera now. She doesn’t know how she will be made fun of when the photo comes out. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone to log in to the official blog of the backup committee and posted a Weibo.

——Qiao Qiao returned home at 11:30 this evening. Shoot all day, fly back and forth for 28 hours. Hard work, our honey.

The car called by Fang Bai came soon, and the two got in and left. Hiding in the dark, the paparazzi looks at the swollen, pale, black eyed face of Sheng Qiao in the camera and can’t wait to call the editor in chief: “tomorrow’s news!”

An hour later, the car arrived at the variety house.

Usually at this time, everyone has returned to the room to have a rest. Fang Bai carries her luggage to send Sheng Qiao into the room, but the light in the living room is still on.

Lu Yihan squatted in front of the coffee table to do his homework. As soon as he saw her coming back, he dropped the paper and rushed to her excitedly: “sister little Qiao! You are back at last! “josei

Sheng Qiao touched his head and said to Fang Bai, “go back.”

Fang Bai glanced at her uneasily, and then said to Lu Yihan, “Qiao Qiao hasn’t slept much these days. Let her have a good rest tomorrow. If something goes wrong, go to the hospital in time.”

Once in the hut, the broadcast continued. Just now, the netizens who were laughing at Lu Yihan’s homework in the middle of the night found something wrong with Sheng Qiao.

She looks really tired.

The whole face was badly puffed up, with black eyes, especially pale face, and the whole person was tottering. Even the beauty is a little broken, showing fatigue and dryness.

[what did she do? She seems to get older than ten years old.]

[I saw the Weibo sent by her backup committee. It’s a terrible 28 hour long-distance flight]

[I just calculated the flight time and time gap. She has been running in tandem these days. It is estimated that her rest time will not exceed five hours]

[besides, it’s the devil show of Tour Challenge. You can imagine how tired she is]

[I cry, WTFstar shining media]

Fang Bai explained and finally left. Sheng Qiao collapsed on the sofa and felt alive.

Lu Yihan poured hot water for her. Knowing that she didn’t want to eat, he continued to squat back to the coffee table to do his homework. He played so well that his homework wasn’t done at all. Today, he received a call from his mother and was taught to write.

Sheng Qiao slows down, prepares to go upstairs to wash and sleep, sees he is biting a pen and frowning, conveniently picks up a paper and looks at it. It’s a math paper. Lu Yihan only wrote multiple choice questions. The big questions are all empty.

She looked at it for a few times and knocked on his head: “the second and sixth multiple-choice questions are wrong. Choose A for the second and C for the sixth. You can recalculate.”

Lu Yihan took a look at the test paper and said, “I was confused about these two questions.”

Sheng Qiao didn’t know if she should cry or laugh. She took his pen and sketch paper. “Let’s set f (x) equal to x a, 2 equal to 2 / 2 root sign 2a, then if a is equal to 1 for a long time, f (x) equal to 1 / x, and there are two subtractive intervals in the region, so the answer is odd function. What did you do in math class? “

Lu Yihan stares at her for a while, and a bear pounces on her and shouts, “sister little Qiao! My math homework depends on you! It’s too hard, it’s too hard to do math. “

Sheng Qiao:“…… Let me go to bed first, and then tomorrow. “

The netizens are still distressed for one second, and can’t speak in the next.

What happened? Didn’t she graduate from junior high school? Is high school math so handy?

As netizens continue to be confused, Sheng Qiao has dragged her tired body upstairs. It was a dark sleep and countless dreams. When she woke up, her muscles were sore and her arms could not be lifted.

Taking out the mobile phone, first looking at the time, 5 p.m., and then she saw the news headlines pop up on the home page.

[Sheng Qiao cosmetic sequelae exposes, shows up at the airport in the middle of the night to frighten passers-by]

The headline is photos of her at the airport last night, especially with her red carpet pictures. But surprisingly, all the comments were directed at the media.

The first hot comment with the highest number of likes lists her itinerary:

[on the 13th, she flew to Ireland at 8:00 p.m. for 14 hours. After arriving, it was 2:00 a.m. local time. According to the micro blog sent by Shen Feiyang, the resident guest of tour challenge, the recording time of the day is 5:30 a.m. That is to say, Sheng Qiao started recording after less than three hours’ sleep. I think you know how hard this program is. Yesterday at 11:30 in the morning, she returned home. It can be estimated that it was the plane around 1:00 in the morning on the 15th. Because of the time gap, she didn’t have a good rest for three days. If it’s you, can you do it? ]

[this is the departure photo of the airport. Are those who said plastic surgery blind? You go to do plastic surgery in three days? Attached is the picture. ]

[according to the information of passers-by on the same flight, little Qiao is in economy class. She’s been sitting for more than 20 hours. Star shining media is not a fucking person. ]

Sheng Qiao yawned, turned off her cell phone, and slowly got up.

She washes and changes her clothes and goes downstairs. The living room is quiet. Lu Yihan is doing his homework. Zhong Shen is playing with his mobile phone. The other three are in the dining room. Occasionally, their voices are lowered in communication.

Seeing her coming down, Zhong Shen suddenly shouted loudly: “Qiao Qiao, you wake up! Let me see. My God, you’ve had your sharp chin in the past few days. Are you tired? “

When Le Xiao and Feng Wei heard the voice, they hurried out of the kitchen and saw her with both happy and distressed expression. They saw the news early in the morning, and added Lu Yihan’s description. They knew that Sheng Qiao had suffered a lot this time. In order to let her sleep well, they couldn’t speak loudly all day.

“Qiao, we made soup for you. Everyone made a dish!” Le Xiao takes her to the kitchen. Sheng Qiao sees Huo Xi.

He was standing by the sink washing dishes in a thin black sweater. The whole person was cold and beautiful. He was covered by the kitchen light. Even his hair seemed to be shining.

Wuwuwu honey, please stop sending out charm to me. I’ve been lying flat at the bottom of the pit for a long time, and I’m not going to leave the pit in my life.

Huo Xi looked up and saw her, still in a calm look, but with a soft voice, “ready to eat.”

Sheng Qiao cheered up.

During the meal, Sheng Qiao thought of receiving Meng Xingchen. That day, after she sent a message of working abroad, Meng Xingchen only replied to her with a “OK” message, and didn’t know if they had entertained the movie emperor.

When Le Xiao heard her question, she was immediately excited: “Mr. Meng is so nice! Although we didn’t entertain well at first, he didn’t pay attention to it. Later, he helped us work together and gave us a five-star praise when he left! “

Sounds like nothing unusual. The “Moon” in the address book, she might have thought much about it.

After dinner, Sheng Qiao gave out gifts for going abroad to Ireland. She didn’t have time to buy them. She asked Fang Bai to pick them out. It’s not expensive. It’s mostly local gadgets. The last one handed to Huo Xi is a selection of Wilde’s works.

He turned it over, looked up and smiled at her. “I like him very much, thank you.” Sheng Qiao almost fainted from the smile.

The audience also didn’t expect that she remembered to bring gifts to everyone during the two-day intensive trip. What’s the misunderstanding about her low EQ?

Then they saw Lu Yihan holding the math paper and plunge it into Sheng Qiao’s arms, “sister little Qiao, help! Mathematics is a knife. It makes me die! “

Sheng Qiao can’t laugh or cry. After checking one by one, she found that the questions he can’t do are basically related to functions. After taking the calculation paper and pen, she parsed them to him one by one.


Who is the legend of low EQ and low IQ? Clubbing!

Le Xiao came to see it with a fruit tray: “Qiao Qiao, are you a good student? I can’t remember how to do these questions after graduation for so many years.”

Sheng Qiao told a small lie, “I have been tutoring in private, and I intend to take a college entrance examination.”

Le Xiao remembered that Sheng Qiao has a junior high school degree.

She clenched her fist: “come on! You are so powerful, Beijing University and Tsinghua University are no question! “

Sheng Qiao:“…… I don’t dare to.”

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