Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 28 - Let Your Fans Have A Good Look at Your Face

Chapter 28 - Let Your Fans Have A Good Look at Your Face

Chapter 28 – Let Your Fans Have A Good Look at Your Face

After two days in the living room, Sheng Qiao’s spirit finally came back. The beauty is restored as before, and a wave of beauty fans is attracted. The number of her micro blog fans has doubled every day, and soon exceeded 8 million.

Cha Cha sent a message to her: “president, can you let Qiao Qiao send 8 million fans’ benefits? During the rising period of career, it’s very important to fix the fans!”

Sheng Qiao thought so, and agreed.

It wasn’t long before Sheng Qiao’s microblog was updated.

Sheng Qiao: eight million welfare, show you a five kills in a row.

The following is a video of the game of King’s glory. The character A Ke operated by Sheng Qiao is like a ghost. There is no living life left where the red shadow flashed. Her operation is as fierce as a tiger. Take five kills easily.

Net friend: awesome!

Fans: the welfare of other idols’ fans is selfie, but we can only watch the cold killing game.

How can Gao Meiling see such a good thing: live variety is easy and attracts fans? So within two days, Fang Bai came to the variety house with a heavy face.

“Star Games?” Sheng Qiao thinks that the variety show is full of variety. “What project is it for me?”

“800 meters.”


She can see that Gao Meiling doesn’t give up until she dies.

Several people were angry, and the sights to Fang Bai were unfriendly. Fang Bai was extremely frustrated. He could only say: “this time, it’s not necessary to go abroad, but in the local gymnasium. Besides the competition, it’s easier.”

Sheng Qiao waved to several people: “in my physique, I’m sure to be eliminated in the preliminary competition. It’s just a walk. It’s OK.”

After a little cleaning up, Sheng Qiao went out with Fang Bai.

When she was in the car, she logged in the backup committee Weibo account and officially announced the itinerary of the Star Games. Do the fans who watch the live broadcast know? Leave messages below:

——Our goal is to be the last!

——Strive for elimination in time!

——This official Weibo is not in charge of Star Shining Media’s garbage team, is it? Can I scold it?

——Friendly army, friendly army, don’t scold don’t scold. Official Weibo is a senior fans of Qiao, which has nothing to do with Star Shining Media.

——In other words, is it time for Qiao’s assistance? All the fans went to the scene to cheer on, how sad it would be if Qiao didn’t see us.

——Qiao’s fans is too loose. We are in only recently. Let’s see the arrangement of official Weibo.

Sheng Qiao looked messages from official Weibo, which were very moving. But as fans say, Qiao’s fans is new, too loose and not concentrated, and has no cohesion. Nowadays, most of them are still passers-by fans. They have to be cultivated slowly.josei

The management group is also discussing the itinerary. She quickly established a QQ group of “Sheng Qiao Star Games” to bring Cha Cha and Qiao Mai into the group. Fortunately, both of them are from this city, which is more convenient.

“I will announce the activity group on official Weibo in a moment, and you will be responsible for organizing when Qiao’s fans enter the group. This trip is so sudden that only local fans can take part in it. Cha, did you make custom handpiece and transparent fan last time? “

“Five hundred, all done!”

“OK, I’ll send you the itinerary later. When you arrive tomorrow, you can find a striking landmark, organize it and distribute the assistance things. In addition, count the number of people who want to participate in the event, tell everyone that they don’t need to buy tickets. I’ll contact the organizer for the group tickets. It’s more convenient for you to sit together. “


“Qiao Mai, you should make a route map from the airport and high-speed railway station to the sports stadium. The subway lines and bus routes should be planned for them to prevent fans from other places from losing their way.”

“I see! I’ll go now! “

“Make a local specialty snack and scenic spot strategy by the way. Some Qiao fans want to play after participating in the activity, which is more convenient.”


Sheng Qiao thought about it and added: “recently, the number of fans has skyrocketed. I have been struggling to deal with the backup committee. Let’s plan again sometime.”

They responded one after another. From the president’s bland words, they even felt a great hotblooded power.

After handling the backup committee, Sheng Qiao sent a message to the last station lady who took the red carpet pictures, asking her if she had time to follow the trip.

Station lady readily agreed. She thought that the person she contacted was the chairman of backup committee of Sheng Qiao, and said, “your idol is really good. I’m a passer-by fans.”

Little Qiao Strive to Be Strong: really? Then this time, please take a beautiful picture of my Qiao Qiao.

“Don’t worry!”

The official Weibo officially announce Sheng Qiao’s trip, and the official Weibo of the Star Games has also released the official announcement welcome. The program team was preparing two months ago. There was no Sheng Qiao in the list of artists to be invited. It wasn’t until the day before yesterday that they were informed that they would add another Sheng Qiao.

This program was originally designed for newcomers. Newcomers have no fame and need exposure. It’s not easy to show their faces once. A Sheng Qiao is forced to enter, and the director group can only remove the newcomer who was originally scheduled to take part in the 800 meter long run.

The newcomer cried for an hour in the agent’s office after receiving the notice.

Sheng Qiao doesn’t know these things. If she does, she will also cry.

The recording is on tomorrow. Sheng Qiao rushes to the stadium. The program team has arranged the room. After a short rest, she goes to the venue rehearsal process in the evening.

Although the newcomers are new, they already have relatively mature fans circles. In the era of big data star making, the development of each circle is very fast. When Sheng Qiao came out of the hotel, there were a group of fans at the door, each holding his own help handpiece, most of which was blue. She took a look, and the name on the handpiece was Yue Shuyan.

She has an impression of the name. He is a member of an idol group with little popularity. Some time ago, the team dissolved and Yue Shuyan signed a new company.

A large number of blue light signs at the door pressed down the colors of other families.

As soon as Sheng Qiao went out, some fans couldn’t wait to ask her: “little Qiao, did you see our Shuyan? Is he going or not? “

“I don’t know. I didn’t see him.” Sheng Qiao paused and said to them, “it’s not early. It’s cold outside. You’d better go back.”

In the cold winter and the bitter wind, everyone was shivering with cold. Fans shake their heads: “we’ll wait for him to come out.”

The stubborn and expectant look in their eyes, Sheng Qiao knows better than anyone, she no longer advises, just says: “I’ll go to the venue to help you see later.”

Fans thanked her.

After entering the venue, the lights are very bright. Sheng Qiao seldom comes to the sports arena. Looking around, she feels fresh. Other artists were almost there. Sheng Qiao saw Yue Shuyan talking to people across the street. She looked down and said to Fang Bai, “you go back to the hotel and tell the fans of Yue Shuyan that he has gone.”

Fang Bai got up and answered. Sheng Qiao sat alone in her seat, and no one came to talk to her. All around is sprouting new, only she is an old sophisticate, appears to be somewhat out of place.

Fortunately, the rehearsal soon began. Sheng Qiao listened to the director’s arrangement carefully and finished her part without any mistakes. At the end, the program team arranged a unified car back to the hotel. After Sheng Qiao got in the car, she found that Yue Shuyan got on another business car.

When she arrived at the hotel, the fans were still waiting. The blue light flickered quietly in the night, until the last person in the car came down and didn’t show their idol. The expectation in their eyes turned to loss.

Sheng Qiao walked at the end and said to them, “Yue Shuyan got on another car and left.”

The fans asked, “is he back then?”

“I don’t know either.” It’s more than 10 o’clock in the evening. Sheng Qiao really loves them and feels the same: “go back quickly, and you can see him in the stadium tomorrow.”

“We agreed to pick him up from work. It’s an appointment with him.”

“Yes, yes, I missed work. I can’t miss work any more.”

In the circle of fans, the recording of artists is called going to work.

“He must have been delayed. He must be back in a moment.”

“Yes, let’s wait!”

Sheng Qiao can’t say anything more. After entering the hotel, she asked the front desk manager, “can you send hot water to the fans at the door?”

The manager nodded.

After getting on the elevator, Fang Bai took her back to her room and left. Sheng Qiao took a bath and opened QQ and found that there were more than 100 people in the activity group created in the morning.

The guests of this program are all new people, the fan base is small, so the tickets do not need to be robbed. Cha Cha has confirmed the number of people coming to the event tomorrow, collected the ticket money and transferred it to Sheng Qiao. Sheng Qiao sent it directly to Fang Bai to let him finish the ticket tonight.

After that, she logged in backup committee’s official Weibo and post today’s goodnight blog. Looking at Qiao’s fans actively leave message below, she thinks of the shivering fans in front of the hotel.

It’s more than eleven o’clock for Sheng Qiao to have a look. Push open half of the window and look down. The blue light is still flickering slightly. She sighed, got up, put on her coat, and opened the door.

As soon as she went out, she saw Yue Shuyan coming from the corridor.

The two met face to face and were both stunned. Of course, he knew Sheng Qiao. The termination event was so big that few people in the circle didn’t know it. They also talked about it privately. They were curious and excited about the rumors of taking nude photos. All of them are just budding young men, some of them despise Sheng Qiao.

However, he still obeyed the rules of the circle and said politely, “Hello, elder Sheng Qiao.”

Sheng Qiao frowned and asked him, “Where did you come in?”

“Fire fighting access,” said Yue Shuyan.

WTF, the level is not high, but the style is enough.

Sheng Qiao sneers: “do you know your fans are still waiting for you at the door?”

Yue Shuyan’s face flashed with embarrassment, and then he was a little annoyed by her sneer. No matter what predecessor she was, he said in a low voice: “I don’t know. I’ll go back to my room first if there’s nothing wrong.”

Lifting his legs to go, Sheng Qiao grabbed his arm with great force that he shook with pain.

Yue Shuyan looked back. He was about to scold and looked at a pair of cold eyes. She didn’t make up. Her hair was soft after washing. It floated lightly on her chest. Her face was white and plain, but her eyes were icy, which made people shiver.

Yue Shuyan got stuck in his throat when he wanted to swear.

“Go down now, say hello to your fans, let them go home early, and pay attention to safety.”

Yue Shuyan struggled out of her commanding voice and shook off her hand: “you’re fucking sick! My fans have nothing to do with you. They love to wait then they go to wait. It’s not me who makes them wait. “

Sheng Qiao took a look at him and suddenly smiled: “Yue Shuyan, can you believe I’ll let you go on hot search tomorrow and let your fans have a good look at your face?”

Yue Shuyan’s face turned white. He had a dinner just now. He drank a little wine and was stimulated by Sheng Qiao. Then he said something he shouldn’t have said.

If Sheng Qiao pokes out what he said, don’t worry whether fans believe it or not, it is difficult to deal with it by public relation.

He was full of anger, and thought it was really unlucky tonight. He met a crazy woman, but he had no choice. He gave her a hard look, and his voice came out of the teeth: “I know. I’ll go now.”

Turn around and hurry up the elevator.

Sheng Qiao dusts her fingers, enters the room and closes the door. She goes to the window and looks down. Soon downstairs there are cheers, blue light dark down, gradually dispersed.

She lay in bed, turned off the light, and the darkness came down.

She thought of her former self.

Those time waiting in the cold wind and running in the sun.

Fortunately, the person she loves, gentle and kind, responded to all their likes and feelings in the simplest way.

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