Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 3 - I Have Evolved. Human Beings Are Evolving Species.

Chapter 3 - I Have Evolved. Human Beings Are Evolving Species.

Chapter 3 – I Have Evolved. Human Beings Are Evolving Species.

Huo Xi nodded his head as a response and took two steps aside to make room for Sheng Qiao. She went into the elevator and looked at him blinking, as if she would suffer losses if she saw him for fewer times.

The eyebrow, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the neck, the throat knot, purr purr purr, everywhere looks good.

What is the beauty of the world can destroy the heaven and earth? Where does this fairy come from, and why does he stir up the heart of me mortal? Today’s beauty value is also online for business!

Mom! This is the man! Your daughter is going to marry him!

Sheng Qiao’s inner flattering word waves after waves, completely did not find that her present appearance had caused Huo Xi serious uncomfortable.

What was it like to look at him thoroughly and eagerly?josei

Sheng Qiao was scolded enough by Huo Xi’s fans before. She also understood what her team had done to Huo Xi, partly because she was ashamed, partly because he didn’t allow strangers to be close to him, very time she met him, she would like to run away.

Why does she become so brave today? No wonder she dared to resist Gao Meiling.

Fang Bai couldn’t see any more. He pulled Sheng Qiao’s arm and shouted, “Sister Qiao Qiao, let’s go back first. The contract has been signed, even if you don’t want to play, you have to consult with Sister Gao to see how to minimize the loss.”

Sheng Qiao finally recovered from her fantasy.

Yes, the most important thing now is how to reject that tanbi drama. Huo Xi can be seen at any time, he can’t run away.

Today, when she arrived at the company, she was going to have a good talk with Gao Meiling about the pros and cons of the tanbi play and see if it was possible to reject it. Who knows that Gao Meiling scolded her as soon as the idea was put out, and she was loudly and violently reprimanded that she was not allowed to interfere in her work plan.

Sheng Qiao used to be a mixer of fans. She knows something about the circle. Agents and artists have always been in mutually beneficial relationships. She has never heard of any agent who is so aggressive and totally manipulates artists as his own lead puppet.

She wasn’t very good-tempered either. She patted the table and went into a frenzy right away.

Gao Meiling exploded immediately. This silly white rabbit never said no to her, but now she dares to disobey her in front of the assistant and staff!

She threw the contract on Sheung Qiao’s face, with an overbearing air: “You have to play the play if you want to and if you don’t want to. You’re not qualified to talk to me about conditions!”

So Sheng Qiao dropped a sentence, “I am not acting, I will get out of the circle at the worst.” and left the door.

She didn’t expect Gao Meiling to be so strong. Looking back on Sheng Qiao’s black spots, she suddenly understood a little.

Sheng Qiao took a serious pat on Fang Bai’s shoulder: “Little Bai, you go back and say to Gao Meiling, I am very firm. Either not acting, or withdrawing, let her choose.”

Huo Xi glanced at her.

“Sister Qiao Qiao, think it over again. Some words can’t be said at random.”

Sheng Qiao hasn’t completely adapted to the new identity, she doesn’t have a concept of the so-called star halo, and she doesn’t care at all: “No, you just tell her that. What’s the difference between playing the play and being scolded out of the entertainment circle by the Internet and withdrawing from the entertainment circle by yourself?”

Fang Bai had no choice but to respond to her determined attitude. When the elevator arrived on the second floor underground, she followed Huo Xi and urged him, “You go up quickly, rest assured, I’m thinking about it.”

Fang Bai could only press the elevator up and the elevator door closed. Sister, you don’t have a car. What garage are you going to?

Sheng Qiao followed Huo Xi a long way before she realized that she had no car. Usually, she takes Fang Bai’s business car and doesn’t know what assets the original owner has. When she comes home, she has to take a good inventory.

Huo Xi went to his yellow coupe and finally turned around and asked her, “What are you doing with me?”

Sheng Qiao laughed: “Huo Xi, I don’t have a car.”

Huo Xi: “So?”

Sheng Qiao seriously said, “May I have the honor to be your co-pilot?”

Huo Xi: “No.”

Sheng Qiao held down the door as he tried to pull it open.

Huo Xi:???

Stared at by idol, Sheng Qiao shrank back in a second, she is afraid of idol’s anger, and then stepped back two steps. She asked carefully, “Huo Xi, can you take me out of the garage? I can sit in the back row. If you don’t like it, the trunk will be okay.‘’

Huo Xi stared at her for a while and got on without expression. Sheng Qiao looked at him, the engine roared, and Huo Xi rolled down the window. “Don’t go?”

“Go go go!”

She happily got on the car.

She used to know that Huo Xi had a yellow coupe. At that time, Xi Light (name of Huo Xi’s fans) dreamed every day. When would he have the chance to sit in the precious sports car of Huo Xi? If he could not sit in it, it would be good to touch it.

Unexpectedly, the dream will come true one day! She is just a model of chasing the stars!

Huo Xi drove silently, and the car quickly left the garage and gradually head down the main road. Through the rearview mirror, he saw Sheng Qiao popping under her seat like a mouse.

Huo Xi: “… What are you doing?”

Sheng Qiao: “I’m afraid I’ll be photographed and you will be scolded.”

I really thank you.



“Your home address.”

“Oh, oh.” She gives the address immediately, thinking that idol is considerate. If she is so bold to get out of the car outside, it was easy to be seen, or getting out when she gets home is safer.

Huo Xi inputs navigation, speeds up. Looking back through the rearview mirror, half of the figure was invisible. He stretched out his hand and moved the mirror down. At last he could see… In a strange gesture… Sheng Qiao lies below.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“Not tired not tired, you drive well, don’t care about me!”

Not bringing any negative news to idol is the most basic quality of fans! She doesn’t want her precious husband to gossip with any female stars, even herself!

After a while, her waist was broken, and she heard Huo Xi says, “My windows use one-way perspective film.”


“You can’t see it from the outside.”


Sheng Qiao rose silently and sat back in her seat. Huo Xi drew the corner of his lip, flashed it, and resumed his indifference, and asked her, “What are you going to do next?”

She held her face to admire the handsome posture of idol driving: “It’s OK, terminate the contract at the worst.”

Huo Xi glanced at her. “I’m afraid it’s not easy.”

“Everything in the world is separated in two ways: separate in unhappy and happy way. Gao Meiling will judge how to negotiate with me based on my surplus value. I just wait for her news at home.”

Huo Xi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The girl in the rearview mirror, with clever light in her eyes, spoke in a structured way, unlike the fool in his impression who was oppressed, foolish and weak, and needed his sympathy.

What has happened to her that change her so much? Was that what happened that night? So painful that she grew up quickly?

Huo Xi smiled and said, “You’re not the same as before.”

Sheng Qiao’s shoulder shook as if nothing had happened: “I’ve evolved. Human beings are evolving species.”


The car quickly drove into her garage. Huo Xi pulled up and whispered, “I won’t send you up. Goodbye.”

“No need to send me up. Bye-bye.” She scratched the window and glanced around, making sure there was no problem. She finally pulled the door open, paused, and turned back and asked, “Huo Xi, are you going to start rehearsing next month?”

She knows his work schedule quite well.

Huo Xi nodded.’What?’

“Come on! I’ll go to your performing tour. I’ve got a ticket!” Suddenly she slapped her head. She had no ticket. The one who got the ticket was Qiao Qiao! God knows how hard it is to grab tickets of Huo Xi’s performing tours. Are his fans all in devil’s speed?

So Sheng Qiao did not get out of the car. She sat back and coughed twice. “Well… Huo Xi, you should have tickets for your own tour?”

Huo Xi played with the steering wheel: “Of course.”

“Well… Can I buy one with you? Afraid of his refusal, she hastened to add: “I can pay five times the price, for an infield ticket, the first row is the best!”

For a long time, she heard Huo Xi ask coldly, “Am I a scalper?”

Sheng Qiao wanted to cry: “Huo Xi, please, give me a ticket.”

Huo Xi said, “Get out of the car.”

Sheng Qiao: “Not really. The grandstand is fine. If I can’t get in, I’ll cry the gymnasium to fall down and killing people is not good.”

Do you think you are Meng Jiangnv?

Huo Xi gets angry to almost laughing and turned to look at her. “Sheng Qiao, what do you want to do on my performing tour? Do you want to shoot videos and post gossip on Weibo?”

She was stunned and looked at him instantly.

The space in the car was so small, they were so close, his eyes reflected light, and his eyelashes were very clear. Every detail is the way she enlarged and depicted when she took pictures and revised them.

For a long time, she said softly, “Huo Xi, I just want to see you. I want to see every performance of yours with my own eyes.”

I’m too far away to be a friend or a lover. I’m just one of your fans. The only way I can participate in your life is to witness your every growth, to see you shine on the stage and then step by step go higher.

And I will wave the flag and shout for you, hoarse and exhaustive, at all costs.

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