Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 4 - You Don’t Be a Star, But You Have to Be a Person.

Chapter 4 - You Don’t Be a Star, But You Have to Be a Person.

Chapter 4 – You Don’t Be a Star, But You Have to Be a Person.

There is a light mint aroma in the car.

Huo Xi frowned and turned back. For a long time, he said in a low voice, “I’ll give it to you in a few days.”

“I want tickets for every show!”

“… Can you get off? “

Sheng Qiao opens the door and slips down.

Gradually the car left the garage, she stood in place and waved like a Fortune Cat, until the car completely disappeared, and finally entered the elevator with satisfaction.

After getting home, looking at the empty and cold room, the excitement faded, maladjustment sweeps the whole body.

After thinking about it, she began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets to find all the original owner’s passbooks, bank cards and contracts, and then she went to see them one by one. She didn’t know if she didn’t look. She was scared when she looked.

No car, no house, no investment, these two rooms and one hall are still rented.

Sheng Qiao went to check the balance of the bank card again and when she saw the number of fifty-three thousand, her eyes were about to fall. Her own card has ten times more than this card! How could a female star blend into this virtue?

She doesn’t have to be so poor to make a play or a variety show, does she? Besides, Sheng Qiao’s popularity is not low. Although it can’t reach the first line, she is a second-line star, and there are many itineraries every year. Is she so miserable?

What about money? Where’s all the money?

Sheng Qiao was full of questions. She turned over the materials at hand and was attracted by a contract – “Artist Signing Cooperation Letter of Star Shining Media Co., Ltd.”

Sheng Qiao took the contract and began to look through it.

One by one, page by page. At last, she can’t hold the document with shaking hands. For a long time, she slammed the document to the ground and swore.

The contract signed by the original owner and Star Shining Media actually pays salary in the way of wage system.

It is expressly stipulated in the contract that Star Shining Media shall pay Sheng Qiao with a monthly salary of 20000 yuan. In addition, Sheng Qiao shall no longer enjoy any benefits, and all income from her work shall be owned by Star Shining Media.

That is to say, Sheng Qiao works for Star Shining Media with a monthly salary of 20000. The money she earned from acting in plays, taking part in variety shows and shooting for ads all belongs to Star Shining Media, and she can’t get a penny. If she wants to terminate the contract ahead of time, she needs to pay three times of her earnings one year before the termination.

Is the original owner a pig! Signing this kind of contract, saying that she is a pig is a praise for her!

And it’s been fucking signed for 20 years?!

At this moment, there is only one idiom to describe Sheng Qiao’s mood – Fuck you.

A moment later, the phone rings. Sheng Qiao takes a look. Gao Meiling calls. She clenched her teeth and picked up the phone. The other party’s smile was loud: “Calm down, right? Want to talk? “

* * * * *

An hour later, Gao Meiling knocked on the door of Sheng Qiao’s house.

The house was just found by her when they signed the contract. She found it for Sheng Qiao and paid half a year’s rent in advance. Sheng Qiao was grateful for it. At that time, Sheng Qiao took her as the Savior, almost gave her a golden figure.josei

She manipulated Sheng Qiao for so many years, and was used to her bowing down to be a low-level yes man. Today, Sheng Qaio suddenly rose up against her. She only thought that she was under too much pressure recently, which caused her to burst out for a while.

When Sheng Qiao calms down, she will cry to beg to her.

But when the door opened and she saw the woman standing straight behind it, she bent her mouth and smiled, her eyes were calm, and when she looked at herself, she had no fear.

Gao Meiling was stunned for a moment, and Sheng Qiao laughed: “Sister Gao, come in.”

She doesn’t want to die with herself, does she? Gao Meiling is inexplicably guilty.

Two cups of tea have been made on the tea table. Sheng Qiao sits down on the side of the sofa and reaches out to ask: “Sister Gao, sit down.”

It’s so strange to be dominated by Sheng Qiao. Gao Meiling tries to suppress this discomfort, takes a seat on the sofa, takes the momentum, and tries to get back the dominance. “Little Qiao, is there a lack of money recently?”

Sheng Qiao looks at her with a smile and does not speak.

Gao Meiling takes out a bulging file bag from her bag, “take this money and use it as if I gave it to you.”

Sheng Qiao took it and opened it. She glanced at it. “Twenty thousand?” She threw the paper bag back on the tea table. “Sister Gao, are you sending the beggar?”

Gao Meiling frowned: “Little Qiao, what do you mean by that?”

Sheng Qiao clapped the signed contract at hand. “Recently, I suddenly woke up. Sister Gao, this business is not cost-effective. Everyone knows how much money I can make for the company every year. Twenty thousand a month, isn’t it a bit bullying? “

Gao Meiling stared at her for a while, and suddenly smiled, “Little Qiao, I didn’t force you to sign this contract on your head.” She sat forward and leaned forward. “You asked me to sign it.”

Sheng Qiao’s heart is thumping.

Gao Meiling looks at her with a smile: “Is it too late to say bullying now?”

Sheng Qiao reminds herself not to panic. She did not inherit the memory of the original owner, so she could only find out the reason why the original owner signed the unequal contract slowly and find out the solution.

“I didn’t know things when I was young. I admitted that I was cheated by you. But Sister Gao, if I publicize this contract, which side do you think Internet public opinion will turn to? ” Seeing Gao Meiling’s face sink down, Sheng Qiao smiles, “Who dare to sign with Star Shining Media and be your artist? I’m so miserable and tired to work for the company, but I’m going to be forced to die by the company. Which drama or program dare to invite me? “

“Sheng Qiao!”

She sighed wistfully, “why do you have to lose for both?”

Gao Meiling sneers: “Sheng Qiao, do you think you can still stay in this circle if you do this?”

Sheng Qiao put out her hand: “It’s not a big problem to not be a star. How can I starve to death in such a big world? “

Gao Meiling looks at her steadily. Sheng Qiao smiles like she doesn’t care. She doesn’t look like making a joke at all. The two faced each other for a long time, and Gao Meiling suddenly smiled.

That laugh is too insidious. It’s like a snake crawling and leaving cold traces, making people feel cold.

Sheng Qiao frowned.

Gao Meiling takes out her mobile phone and clicks something, stretches the screen in front of her, and says with a smile: “Little Qiao, you don’t be a star, but you have to be a person.”

Seeing the photo on the mobile phone, Sheng Qiao’s pupil immediately enlarges.

On the screen, it’s the nude photo of Sheng Qiao.

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