Get to Know about Wife Fan

Chapter 5 - Is She Going to Be the President of Her Own Fans Backup Committee?

Chapter 5 - Is She Going to Be the President of Her Own Fans Backup Committee?

Chapter 5 – Is She Going to Be the President of Her Own Fans Backup Committee?

Sheng Qiao’s fingers trembled a little. She raised her head sharply and looked at her fiercely.

Gao Meiling still smiles, takes back her mobile phone and leans back: “don’t look at me like this. If I had not spent three million yuan to rescue you from the usury, these photos would have been all over the Internet. If you want to blame, you can only blame your gambling father. “

She clenched her teeth and tried to keep calm.

Gao Meiling continued: “yes, this contract is not equal, but if you had not this contract and me, you and your disabled mother would have gone down to find your gambling father. Is twenty thousand less? No. Look at the current society. How many working people are tired every month and can’t earn so much money. “

She took a sip of tea and sighed: “I’m the one who gave you a stable and high paying job, which let you get rid of the nightmare and shadow of the past. Little Qiao, you should thank me. You can’t compare with other stars in the circle all day long. What do you take to compare with others? You aren’t born well, and you don’t have a good education background or a high IQ, I give you a charming character image of silly white sweet princess, and you can play it as a pretentious thing without education. What else do you have besides this face? “

Sheng Qiao is sitting on the sofa, shaking all over.

Gao Meiling finishes her tea and words, and threw the 20000 yuan file bag back into her arms. “Listen to sister Gao, what happened before, let it happen now. Be obedient and don’t think about leaving. ” It’s like appeasement that giving a candy with a stick. “You are not easy. Well, I’ll apply for a raise next month. The monthly salary is 30000. It’s very good.”

Sheng Qiao clenches her fist and looks at the document bag in her arms.

Gao Meiling waved to her, took the bag to the door, thought of something, turned back and said with a smile: “by the way, that Tanbi play, I’ll help you push it to tomorrow morning. Does Sister Gao treat you well? This afternoon, you can have a good rest and adjust your mind. I will let Fang Bai pick you up tomorrow morning. “

The smile in her eyes gradually faded, and then she became the powerful Gao Meiling: “Sheng Qiao, a disobedient person, has no good ending.”

The door slammed shut.

The room was quiet again, only Sheng Qiao gasped violently, one after another.

For a long time, she patted her face and closed her eyes: “Qiao Qiao, it’s OK. Calm down, calm down to find a solution. Be calm. It’s OK. “

She opened her eyes, picked up the cell phone that had been put aside, turned off the recording key, saved the recording, and put the original recording into several mailboxes respectively. After that, she went to the water dispenser and drank five glasses of water.

She froze for a moment and went to the dressing room.

The landing mirror reflected the pale girl on the opposite side. Long hair curled up in front of her chest, this face, she used to be so disgusted.

She lowered her head and bowed, and made three deep bows.

“Sheng Qiao, I’m sorry.”

For the casually attack when I didn’t know the truth, for the damage I took to you by typing down the keyboard irresponsibly, for the slander of this network running with rage.

I don’t know why you disappear, probably because you can’t bear the malice of the world. And I am one of the killers.

I will get rid of all troubles, I will let the light shine into your dark life.

She turned and walked out, picked up her cell phone and dialed a number. It took a long time for someone to answer. She took a deep breath: “Qiao Yu, I want to see you.”

The other end of the phone was inexplicable: “who are you?”

“I have some legal questions for you. Make an appointment.”

“I’m sorry, I have several cases in hand recently, and the time is quite urgent. In this way, I will arrange the colleagues of the office to connect with you first… “

“No way! I’ll just talk to you! Qiao Yu, I really need your help. I don’t believe anyone except you. “

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the phone, and finally he said: “OK, at eight o’clock in the evening…”

“In the Evening Breeze Pavilion! I’m waiting for you in Guarding Wind Pavilion. “

Evening Breeze Pavilion is near Qiao’s house. It’s a high-grade tea house that Qiao’s family used to love. It’s well concealed and well-equipped. Qiao Yu looked at the strange phone number and said, “OK, I’ll see you in the evening.”

Sheng Qiao hangs up, a little relieved.josei

After sitting on the sofa for a while, she thought of something. She opened her mobile phone address book and looked through it. She found a number with the remark “Mom” and dialed it.

The phone was answered quickly, and there was a woman’s happy voice in the receiver: “Qiao Qiao.”

Sheng Qiao’s tears fell down in a flash.

Is it because of the memory of this body?

She sniffed, “Mom, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me. The weather has turned cold recently. There are more people coming to buy insoles. The business is very good. Qiao, don’t give money to me any more. I have enough money to spend. Keep it for your own use. Buy some good ones and wear some good ones. I saw that TV play of you recently. You are thinner. Don’t starve yourself. “

“Mom, that was shot last year.”

The woman on the other end of the phone is as garrulous as any mother in the world who cares about her daughter. Hung up, Sheng Qiao thought that she has to go home to see her mother sometime.

She turned over her mobile phone address book, saw several familiar names in the entertainment circle, and probably understood the original owner’s circle of friends. But the original owner seems to have no friends in the circle all the time, and has always been unique.

Sheng Qiao has logged in to her own certified Weibo. The latest one is a selfie of the original owner half a month ago. There are quite a lot of comments, half of the water army, half of the anti-fans.

She looked it through, looked at the obscenities and sighed deeply. After thinking about it, she sent a Weibo: Little Qiao, try to be strong.

Soon there were comments:

——Playing the game together? My skills of playing Little Qiao is good.

——Even Glory of Kings’ heat is gone.

——What strength do you have? Be your fucking strong!

Sheng Qiao quit the account.

She also searched her own assistance Weibo accounts. In addition to a “Sheng Qiao Global Fans Backup Committee”, there are few other websites and assistance accounts. Clicking “Sheng Qiao Online Voting Group” , she finds that the latest one is forwarded for less than ten times.

Official Weibo’s data is better than that, but as a second-line flower, this data is really ugly.

Sheng Qiao calls Fang Bai: “Little Bai, who is operating my official Weibo? I want to talk to the president of my backup committee. “

“It’s me,” Fang Bai said.

Sheng Qiao: “…” After a long silence, “in this way, you send me the account password of official Weibo, and I will do it myself later. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Fang Bai:”???’

Is she going to be the president of her own Fans Backup Committee?

Soon Sheng Qiao received her official Weibo account password.

After logging in, she forwarded her new blog: time will prove everything, we will wait for you to grow up.

She went to the bedroom to turn on the computer, downloaded various picture-drawing softwares, and made a recruitment notice. After the picture is edited, she sends out with official Weibo account and texts: in response to the call of Qiao to become strong, official Weibo is here to recruit Qiao fan. Please read the following picture carefully.

She wants to recruit fans who really like Sheng Qiao, starts from scratch and makes the data better little by little.

During this period, she reapplied to each social app’s account, and her ID was: Little Qiao Strive to Become Stronger.

There are some applications soon in the official assistance group.

She turns on the computer and starts private chats with them one by one. As an anti-fan of the original owner before, her understanding of Sheng Qiao is comparable to that of her really fans.

After a half day of private chat review, few fans of Sheng Qiao come, but let her catch many fans of Huo Xi.

These anti-fans in fans shape!

After being busy for an afternoon, only nine people finally passed the audit and entered the assistance group.

It is really a tragedy…

However, it’s better than nothing. Sheng Qiao got up and sent a message to the group: “Hello everyone, I’m the new president of official backup committee of the Qiao Qiao’s team. From today on, I’ll work with you to make Qiao better. The accounts of the official hit, anti black and online voting groups have been withdrawn, and will be distributed to everyone according to your own situations in a short time. All of you are fans selected and strictly checked by myself to backup committee. I believe you all really like Qiao Qiao. Next, new world, new start, come on together. “

All the fans reviewed by Sheng Qiao are real fans. Hearing the official backup committee’s words, they immediately hit the chicken blood with full motivation and responded in the group.

Sheng Qiao arranges several official accounts that were taken back by her according to the jobs, ages and rest time of these nine people, and makes a document about different tasks for different official accounts.

Seeing that nine people in the group praised her work efficiency and plan, Sheng Qiao couldn’t help but exclaim that after so many years of being in fans circle and chasing stars, it finally came into use!

Deal with the backup committee. It’s getting dark. Sheng Qiao tidies up and goes out to see Qiao Yu.

* * * * *

There was a traffic jam on the road. Qiao Yu was half an hour late. When he hurried to the Evening Breeze Pavilion, the waiter led him to the Guarding Wind Pavilion. Push the door, someone is sitting cross knee, holding the pot to make tea.

Behind her is a large screen of mountains and rivers. She wears a long white dress and her long hair is tied on her chest, which complements the landscape painting.

“Sorry, there’s a bit of traffic on the way.” Qiao Yu approached and reached out politely. The woman on the bamboo mat looked up, and a face without makeup fell into his eyes.

Qiao Yu blurted out: “Sheng Qiao? Why is it being you? “

Seeing her brother standing in front of her, she could no longer recognize him as her sister, Sheng Qiao felt sad and tried to keep smiling: “why can’t it be me? Sit down. “

Qiao Yu sat down in disbelief.

That night, Sheng Qiao was crazy at Qiao’s door. He was still in a state of dread. He didn’t know the reason why the female star appeared at that time and said those strange words at his door. But today, she came back to him on her own initiative.

Qiao Yu looked at her warily: “Sheng Qiao, what are you looking for me to do?”

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