Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 195 - Trials and Hardships Are Coming

Chapter 195 - Trials and Hardships Are Coming

Chapter 195 Trials and Hardships Are Coming
A Miao silently turned her head.

She was not always vengeful but was not too kind and benevolent. It was hard to be kind to a man who was so hateful and nearly killed her.

“Are you forcing her?”

Shen Xinglan narrowed his eyes. “Don’t think that you can smooth out the past by baking a bullet for me.”

“No… No…” Xiao Xi cried. “I’m not asking A Miao to forgive me, but just making atonement! To atone for my foolish behavior.”

Le Yi looked at the bleeding wound on his back and sighed. “What’s the point of kneeling here now? You’ll faint again later.”

“Get up. Go out.” Shen Xinglan said angrily.

Lil Xi cried bitterly, saying sorry while crying. In case of being softhearted, A Miao did not look at him all the time.

“Do you want to wake the baby?” Shen Xinglan said ghastly.

Le Yi’s mouth twitched. “Does Shen Xinglan think that an embryo can still sleep?”

“Ooo, ooo…” Lil Xi quickly covered his mouth, but still continued to sob, and looked more miserable.

A Miao finally turned around and looked at him blankly.

“Sorry, I can’t forgive you. Although you saved the Xinglan, I still can’t forget the painful experience you brought me.” A Miao smiled. “You don’t have to do that, and you’re still their brother…”

She paused, and her smile faded away. “But I hope you don’t talk to me in the future, and you’d better not appear in front of me. We are just two strangers.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than she saw Lil Xi dong fall to the ground. A Miao got a fright and saw blood all over his back.

“Alas…” Le Yi picked him up and saw A Miao’s face panic. So he quickly comforted her. “It’s okay. The wound is only cracked. I’ll take him to the next ward.”

Looking at the half-dead Lil Xi being taken away, A Miao also sighed. “Why did he torture himself like this?”

“Leave him alone.” Seeing that she sighed again, Shen Xinglan immediately touched her head. “It’s too late to repent now.”

A Miao hugged him and moved. “Yes, early know today, why at the beginning.”

“As it was said earlier, you could dislike a person, or even hate her. But none of these can justify your hurting others. You nearly killed her, and it is no use apologizing now…”

“I’ll hold you for the examination.” Shen Xinglan put a coat on her and carefully picked her up.josei

According to the recommendation of the director of obstetrics and gynecology, the fetus should not be photographed in 4-dimensional color in the first three months. So they chose the ultrasonic wave to check, and the results were very exciting!

“Mr. Shen, look!” The director showed him a strange drawing with a lot of lines. “The condition of the fetus is beginning to improve. The line was a bit weak before but can be seen clearly now.”

A Miao also approached to see it, and then looked blankly like Shen Xinglan.

“Very good!” The director smiled at them. “From now on, you can take a walk every day, but not more than an hour. It’s better to stay in bed at other times.”

“Do I have to do this all the time?” A Miao had seen other people pregnant. They were still selling vegetables in the market with a big belly.

The director wrote a note to the nurse, saying, “Of course not. After the fetus is stable, you can live normally.”

“It’s good to rest more.” Shen Xinglan wanted to hang A Miao on his body.

She was taken back to the ward, and when they passed by the garden, A Miao offered to go for a walk. Shen Xinglan thought of the doctor’s words and agreed, but he followed her everywhere and kept counting the time.

“Boss!” When they were preparing to go back, Shen I rushed over.

The Shen Xinglan raised his hand and interrupted him. “Wait a moment.”

A Miao returned to the ward and looked at him unblinkingly.

“It doesn’t matter, and I will go to see it.” Shen Xinglan bent down and kissed her, and then touched her head before turning around.

When Shen I saw him coming out, he quickly said, “Boss, the matter of our purchase of Xia family’s shares has been disclosed.”

“Who disclosed it?” Shen Xinglan’s face was gloomy.

Since last year, Shen Group had been secretly buying shares of Xia Group. It was secretive, because he was afraid that they would harass A Miao after knowing that, and prevented the Bai family and Jiang Quanyu from getting involved.

“We have found it.” Shen I lowered his head. “A manager at a lower level, who was drunk and accidentally disclosed that. The woman who accompanied him happened to be Xia Haixin’s mistress…”

Shen Xinglan raised his eyebrows. “Xia Haixin dares to keep a woman. He is not afraid of Yao Lili to make trouble with him…”

“Boss, what should we do now?” Shen I was a little worried. “The Bai family has already responded. Xia Wan joined Xia’s board of directors today and announced that the Bai family will take a stake. Now Xia’s share price has resumed.”

“Is there a reaction from Jiang Quanyu?”

“Not yet, he will return to City S next week.”

After pondering for a moment, Shen Xinglan picked up his mouth and said, “Sell them out. Sell out all of Xia’s shares in our hands.”

“Selling now?” Shen I quickly understood the intention of Shen Xinglan. “We will not wait for Jiang Quanyu…”

“When he comes back, it will be late to sell.” Shen Xinglan’s eyes flashed a shrewd light. “Sell them now.”

As soon as Shen I received instructions to leave, Shen Xinglan turned and went into the ward again.

“Resolved?” A Miao didn’t ask what it was. Since Shen Xinglan didn’t say it, she thought it had nothing to do with herself.

Shen Xinglan picked up an apple, then slowly peeled it and said, “I purchased Xia’s shares before.”

“Ah!” A Miao opened her mouth and then looked at him with coquetry. “Actually… It is not necessary…”

“Ha, ha!” The man bent his mouth and approached her. “Give me a reward.”

A Miao gave him an awkward kiss. “Did the acquisition go wrong?”

“Well.” Since Shen Xinglan knew she was smart, he told her. “The purpose of buying their shares was not for money.”

“I know!” A Miao said first, “You just want to make them suffer and think they’re going to go bankrupt and finished.”

Shen Xinglan was very glad that she felt the same way as himself. With this joy, the half-peeled apple skin was broken. He quietly threw the apple peel into the garbage and then continued to peel it.

“No one wants their property!” A Miao was holding a pillow. “My mother told me before she died that I should never have anything to do with the Xia family. She certainly didn’t want me to take any money from them.”

“Now, they are in chaos.” Shen Xinglan snorted. “Once the Bai family becomes a shareholder, it is bound to go to the board of directors to woo people, and then it will become a mess.”

A Miao suddenly approached him and said, “You didn’t wait for Jiang Hua. What’s your idea?”

“Guess!” Shen Xinglan took the opportunity to take a gentle bite on her face.

A Miao’s face wrinkled into steamed stuffed buns. After four years with Jiang Hua, she knew the man better. Likewise, she knew more about Shen Xinglan. If there was a chance, Shen Xinglan could definitely make Jiang Hua suffer.

“You are clear that he will take the same actions as you after coming back. He will buy the shares firstly and then sell them to suppress the Xia’s share price. If we wait until then, our shares will also be affected, but if we sell now, we can still make a profit!”

Shen Xinglan stared at her with twinkling eyes and suddenly gave her a hard kiss. “My wife is wonderful!”

“Oh…” A Miao was embarrassed. “I was free on the island before and learned a lot!”

However, soon Shen Xinglan was not happy. “Did Jiang Quanyu teach you?”

“Er…” A Miao rolled her eyes.

Shen Xinglan kissed her again. “I will teach you later.”

“Why do I have to learn so much?” A Miao hugged him and rubbed him with ingratiation. “It’s enough to have you!”

Her words pleased the man. Shen Xinglan gave her a piece of peeled apple. “You are now responsible for giving me a white, fat son!”

“Why not a daughter?” A Miao stared.

Perhaps every couple who wanted to be parents would have such a dialogue. Shen Xinglan immediately said, “There is a son first to protect his sister, and then can take over the company.”

A Miao thought, “You think really too far…”

“If only I had twins!” Pitifully, the doctor had already said that she had only one baby in her stomach, but she didn’t know whether it was a boy or a girl.

Shen Xinglan looked at his watch and it was almost lunchtime. “No matter boy or girl, we need to have more children.”

“…” A Miao was too tired to go on discussing this topic, then lay down for a while, and felt sleepy again.

“Take a nap and I’ll wake you up when they come.” Shen Xinglan covered her with the quilt.

Wei Meng and Ding V firstly came, and Ding V held a box in his hands.

“What is it?” Shen Xinglan stared at him with vigilance.

Wei Meng lifted the lid and pulled out a black-and-white wool ball from it.

“A pan… panda?” A Miao, who was awakened by the noise, thought she was dreaming. How could she see a living panda?

Shen Xinglan looked angry again, and he immediately wanted to stretch out and throw out the little furry thing.

“This is a national treasure.” Wei Meng stared at him. “I spent a lot of effort to sneak it out and give it to A Miao.”

Ding V nodded fiercely aside, and lifted the little furry thing for fear of being thrown out by Shen Xinglan.

God Star sneered. “Who cares what it is? A Miao is pregnant and you bring animals in. Do you want to die?”

“Shen!” Ding Wu was anxious. “The panda is not dirty.”

Of course, it was not dirty! A Miao’s eyes were shining. “Let me hold it! Let me hold it!”

“No.” Shen Xinglan stared at her. “Dirty.”

Wei Meng looked at Shen Xinglan and thought him foolish. “Pandas will live in a sterile ward in the first three months, and this one is just two months old.”

“That’s not good enough.” Shen Xinglan had no good feeling for this furry thing, and it was impossible for A Miao to get close to it.

The door was pushed open with a bang, and the sound showed that He Shishi was coming.

“A Miao! I…” She stopped talking when saw the fuzzy thing in Ding V’s hands and then jumped up screaming. “Give it to me! Let me hold it!”

The little panda was not as big as a puppy dog and went straight into the arms of He Shishi.

“Let me hold it!” A Miao was very envious and looked at Shen Xinglan imploringly.

Shen Xinglan was very unhappy, but couldn’t stand A Miao’s eyes, so he had to compromise to put this fuzzy thing in her arms by grasping its hairy neck. Seeing this, Wei Meng kept glancing at him.

“Boss…” Shen I rushed in hurriedly.

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