Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 196 - To Threat with Death

Chapter 196 - To Threat with Death

Chapter 196 To Threat with Death
Because Shen Group had sold a lot of stocks and it was unknown that who said that the stocks were from the Shen family, it led to the emotional instability of the company’s employees and reporters surrounded the door of the company.

“We discussed that. Boss, you have to come forward to make a statement…”

Shen Xinglan frowned, and he really should go back in this situation.

“Is there anything wrong with the company?” Ouyang Jin came out. “What the hell do those people want to do on the Spring Festival?”

Shen Xinglan turned back to the ward. A Miao was holding the little panda in her arms and gave him an absent-minded look. “If the company has something to do, you can leave!” Then she bowed her head to amuse the little panda again.

“Ha, ha!” He Shishi gloated. “We have a great time! You can go.”

Shen Xinglan curled his mouth and saw that A Miao’s attention was all on the fluffy body, so his mood was even worse.

“I’ll be back soon.” He touched A Miao’s head and pinched the hairy thing by the way.

This little move did not escape Wei Meng’s eyes. She snorted loudly.

It wasn’t long after Shen Xinglan was gone when A Miao was braiding the panda’s head, she heard chaos outside.

“What happened?”

“I will go to see.” He Shishi stood up.

Ding V followed Shen Xinglan to the company. Wei Meng sat aside, reading a book and then raised her head and lifted her glasses. “Maybe there are unexpected guests coming.”

“Where is A Miao! Ask her out!” Xia Wan had rushed to the door, and Xia Haixin stopped He Shishi from moving behind.

Wei Meng leisurely took off her glasses. “It is rare that Director Shen is absent. How can they give up this opportunity?”

A Miao was about to ask not let them in when she heard Xia Haixin scream.

“Who are you? How can you hit people?” Xia Wan cried. “Dad! Dad, how are you…”

Little Demon strode in and said, “Miss!”

“A Miao!” Xia Wan stood at the door and wanted to come in, but she dared not move when saw the cold eyes of Little Demon.

It was unknown what Little Demon did to Xia Haixin who was covering his stomach and leaning against the wall.

“A Miao… Grandpa’s here.” He struggled to stand up. “Let’s just say a few words and I will leave. If you don’t let us in today, we’ll come every day.”

He Shishi laughed loudly. “Are you threatening us? Little Demon, throw them out!”

“A Miao!” Xia Wan shouted. “The door is crowded by reporters. If you are brave enough, you can drive us out!”

Little Demon, carrying her collar, was ready to throw her out when an old man outside the door rushed in. “What do you want to do?”

A Miao was stunned by Xia Yongqiang in front of her. He had completely changed, with white hair and a lifeless face, and looked not too good.

“A Miao, I just want to talk to you. There’s no need for such a big posture.” Xia Yongqiang sat on the sofa with his crutch. “Knowing that you are supported now, we dare not do anything about you.”

Little Demon looked at her and A Miao nodded. “Five minutes, what do you want to say? Hurry up.”

“Let go of me!” Xia Wan shot Little Demon a glare and pushed her away, then helped Xia Haixin to stand aside.

Xia Yongqiang seemed to be strenuous. He coughed heavily and then made a trembling opening. “A Miao, did you let Shen Xinglan buy Xia’s stock?”

“Yeah. Any problems?” A Miao asked faintly.

She didn’t say that she didn’t know this in advance. She was with Shen Xinglan. What’s more, she was happy to make it happen.

“You say, with your conscience, which point of the Xia family is sorry for you?” Xia Wan could not help opening her mouth, but her eyes were full of unconcealed jealousy.

“Why can this bastard enjoy everything now? Even this ward is a five-star one. It is said that Shen Xinglan has invited the entire team of gold medallists from abroad to serve her.”

It was clear that she was such an ugly woman at first, and how could a man be so obsessed with her?

“Are you sure you want my explanation?” A Miao’s expression was still calm. Now the Xia family was no different from passers-by and would not affect her at all.

Xia Yongqiang took a look at Xia Wan, who was unwilling to turn around.

“We were wrong in the past!” The old man looked at her with an elder’s face, and A Miao shivered.

“But you are bleeding from the Xia family, and this will never change.” Xia Yongqiang sighed. “I brought you back to make up for my regret for your mother, so I arranged a marriage for you and wanted you to live a better life.”josei

Both the expression of A Miao and He Shishi were strange. What crazy talk was the old man making?

“You picked me up because Xia Wan didn’t want to marry Bai Youran, and you…” A Miao showed a sarcastic smile. “You thought that Shen Xinglan was competent and it was a loss to marry a useful granddaughter to the Bai family, so you brought me back to replace her.”

Xia Yongqiang shook his head like acting an idol drama. “A Miao, have you always thought so? The reason why I asked you to marry the Bai family was that I knew the Bai family would not mistreat you and Youran would be good to you.”

“But… But I didn’t expect that you fell in love with Shen Xinglan. I still didn’t know what method you used to make him hate your sister so much that he finally married you.”

He Shishi couldn’t listen more. “Hey, old man! Are you suffering from senile dementia?”

“Miss He.” Xia Yongqiang suddenly raised his voice. “This is our family matter, and I hope you not to participate.”

A Miao stopped He Shishi, who was going to beat them and looked at the old man with some amusement. “So? Were you coming here today to tell me the past quarrels?”

“I hope you can stop Shen Xinglan from selling Xia’s shares.” Xia Yongqiang suddenly changed the subject. “Of course, he can sell it to us privately,” Xia Yongqiang said.

“I’ve never seen such a shameless person!”

“Miss?” Little Demon looked at her.

It was obvious that Little Demon was asking if she wanted to throw them out.

A Miao shook her head, gave her a comforting look, and then leaned faintly on the pillow.

“For the company business, you can talk with Shen Xinglan because I have no right to change his decision.”

Both Xia Haixin and Xia Wan changed their faces. Xia Yongqiang directly fell back with one hand on his chest. The two people hurriedly held him. And Wei Meng blinked.

“Call a doctor. It seems that he’s going to die.”

Xia Yongqiang’s face turned blue and stared straight at A Miao. “You… Do you… Do you agree or not…”

“Is he forcing her?”

A Miao felt anger in her heart. “You drove my mother out of the house and sold me to make money. Now how can you come here to force me to help you?”

“You can continue to be shameless. My answer will never change,” A Miao said coldly, “let them out.”

Someone called a doctor in. Just as Little Demon was trying to drive them out, she saw Xia Yongqiang pointing at A Miao and trembly saying, “You… You… are so unfilial.”

Then he tilted his head and stopped moving.

“Dead.” Wei Meng said very calmly, just like saying that it rained today.

A Miao was shocked. The doctor hurried to lift the man onto the stretcher.

“Quick! Send him to the operating room quickly!”

Xia Haixin stumbled and followed. Xia Wan walked to the door and came back to scold at A Miao. “You are a murderer! If anything happens to Grandpa, you are the murderer! Kill your own grandfather for money!”

“Get out!” Little Demon shot her a glare, and Xia Wan ran away with a panic.

He Shishi said worriedly, “Something is wrong… It looks like they were counting death when came to you!”

“I told you he was dying.” With a blank face, Wei Meng said, “When he came in, he was like an oil lamp burning out with the last renewed vigor before death.”

A Miao frowned and was in a panic. Just as she was about to call Shen Xinglan, she saw him hurrying in.

“What’s wrong?” Seeing A Miao’s panicky little face, he lovingly held her in his arms and then asked Little Demon with a cold face.

Little Demon told him the matter. He Shishi inserted a sentence. “I think the Xia family had planned before coming here.”

“Wei Meng said Xia Yongqiang was dying when he came in. He had no reason not to know his physical condition…” A Miao regretted. “I neglected. I should not let them in.”

Shen Xinglan touched her face and said, “They deliberately make mischief. Even if you didn’t let them in, they would think of other ways to make such a mess.”

“But… Why?” A Miao didn’t understand why he risked his life to harm her? What was the intention of the Xia family?

A doctor came in with a somewhat uneasy expression. “Director Shen… He had not been saved.”

“What is the cause?” A Miao asked hastily.

“His heart disease is already very serious. Even if he lay motionless, he would not survive for a few days. And he was enraged…” The doctor said carefully, “He was dying when was sent to the operating room.”

Shen Xinglan waved him to leave, saw A Miao eagerly watching him, and didn’t feel restless any more.

“Fool!” Shen Xinglan rubbed her head. “He just wanted to save Xia’s share price. All our shares have been sold out, and he can do whatever he wants.”

Wei Meng touched the sleeping little panda and reminded them. “By the way, they will overwhelm you with public opinion.”

“Me?” A Miao pointed to herself, and then suddenly understood. “Will they say that I made my grandfather die with anger?”

She smiled angrily. “I have never had a grandpa.”

“He is dead anyway.” He Shishi stretched herself. “I ordered a hot pot and it should be here soon.”

Wei Meng stood up and said, “We will not eat and have to send the panda back.”

“So fast!” A Miao was reluctant to send the little panda back.

Shen Xinglan was very satisfied at this time and felt that Wei Meng was a little more pleasing to the eyes.

“I brought it out because its mother made an examination in the morning. The mother panda will go mad if it can’t find its own child.” Wei Meng put the sleeping little guy back into the box.

She left under the satisfied eyes of Shen Xinglan. When she walked to the door, she threw out another sentence. “If you like it, I’ll bring another animal tomorrow.”

Then she walked away in the cheerful expression of A Miao and angry expression of Shen Xinglan.

“Dad! How miserably your death!”

“Grandpa… Grandpa. Woo, woo, woo. It was our fault, and we should not let you come. Woo, woo, woo…”

Outside the door came a miserable cry. Shen I shut the door as soon as he could.

“Boss, Yao Lili was crying at the hospital gate, and reporters have known that Xia Yongqiang is dead,” Shen I complained, “she also said that our Miss made him die of anger.”

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