Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 197 - The Xia Family's Plot

Chapter 197 - The Xia Family's Plot

Chapter 197 The Xia Family’s Plot
The title of “The President’s Wife of Shen Group Forcing Her Grandfather to Die in Public” was so striking that it took up almost the entire page. The common people were very easy to be incited. They all accused A Miao with offensive words.

As a result, A Miao became a hateful rat crossing the street. Everyone would like to step on her to eliminate harmful things for people.

“Are you all right?” He Shishi looked cautiously at the man beside her.

A Miao felt nothing, and also laughed. “What can happen? The mouths grow on others.”

Today was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. He Shishi came to eat Glutinous Rice Ball with her. Then she and Ouyang Jin would go back together.

“Your man doesn’t seem to be okay…” He Shishi picked her chin.

Shen Xinglan sat by and peeled the apple. Just yesterday, he finally could cut out a thin, even apple peel, which could be regarded as a work of art. But his good mood was influenced by the nonsense news.

“What kind of stuffing would you like for the Glutinous Rice Ball?” A Miao poked Shen Xinglan and said, “I want to eat peanuts and sesame!”

When Shen Xinglan talked to A Miao, his expressions changed immediately and showed that everything she said was right.

“I’ll let them prepare.” He kissed A Miao, turned his head and went out with a grim face.

After Shen Xinglan went out, He Shishi relieved. “It seems that he is very angry!”

“He was framed and now furious at the mention of it.” A Miao shook her head. “The Xia family has completely offended him. Although there is no movement now, I am quite sure he is planning how to retaliate back!”

The most intolerable thing for the people with high positions was probably that things were beyond their control. For Shen Xinglan, A Miao was his bottom line. Xia Yongqiang was willing to use his own life to frame her up, which made Shen Xinglan’s anger reach its peak in an instant.

“You feel like nothing happened!” He Shishi rummaged in a big box, which she bought for A Miao.

A Miao muttered to her. “I can’t wear so many maternity clothes you bought.”

He Shishi had bought her all year round clothes, and they were all from expensive and dying brands. Let alone ten months, another ten months would be enough.

“Silly girl, even if you are pregnant, you should dress up beautifully!” He Shishi brought her a small shawl. “Although your Director Shen is always faithful to you and he cannot touch you now, so at least you should please his eyes!”

A Miao put it on obediently. “I know, but you have bought too much.”

“One new dress a day!” He Shishi went to the balcony and had a look. “Hey, the Xia family also has paid someone to lift the banners!”

A few people at the gate of the hospital were pulling a large white cloth, on which were written in thick lettering the idioms of immoral behavior and unruliness, which seemed especially just.

“I heard that Xia Yongqiang has not yet been buried!” He Shishi leaned against the door frame. “So, did they ask you to give an explanation?”

“Little Demon said he was still frozen in the morgue.” A Miao was a little angry. “I still underestimated the shamelessness of the Xia family.”

Shen Xinglan pushed the door and came in, glancing at He Shishi. “Don’t talk to her about this.”

“She is not a fool. Do you think she doesn’t know if you don’t tell her?” He Shishi glanced at him. “The doctor said everything is okay. When do you plan to leave the hospital?”

Because of this matter, the reporters flooded into the hospital like flies. Little Demon could catch reporters who disguised as various people every day. The hospital was no longer safe.

“We will be discharged after eating Glutinous Rice Ball.”

The villa had been packed up. Because A Miao was pregnant, he also modified some places.

“I don’t even want to leave under your current situation.” He Shishi gathered around A Miao, ignoring the gloomy face of Shen Xinglan, and hugged her.

A Miao smiled and stuck her face to her. “It’s okay. You go quickly and come back to accompany me!”

“Leave her now.” Shen Xinglan pulled He Shishi away rudely. “You are so fat that you have crushed her.”

“Are you blind?” He Shishi tidied up the wrinkled skirt. “I’m in such good shape. Where can you see that I’m fat?”

Shen Xinglan didn’t want to argue with her. He decided to let Ouyang Jin stay there for a long time. It was enough that he accompanied A Miao. There was nothing to do with this woman.

At the same time, the Xia family.

“Say! Who is this woman?” Yao Lili threw the photos onto Xia Haixin’s face.

The photos fell lightly on the ground, and a young and charming woman appeared in sight.

“Where did you get these photos?” Xia Haixin frowned. There were not only a woman but also him in the photos. They were hugging together very intimately.

Yao Lili frantically pushed the things on the tea table to the ground. “Xia Haixin! How dare you find a mistress outside?”

“Mom?” Xia Wan just came back and was shocked to see her mother like that.

Xia Haixin also looked angry. During this time, he had to be busy with the company and dealt with the death of Xia Yongqiang, as well as framing up Shen Xinglan and A Miao. He was exhausted and had no energy to quarrel with Yao Lili.

“Wanwan, you come back at the right moment. Look! Look at your father!” Yao Lili picked up the photos on the ground and showed them to Xia Wan one by one. Then she shouted hysterically, pointing to Xia Haixin.

“He secretly keeps a mistress! I will never forgive him. Never!”

Xia Wan frowned when she saw the photos. “Dad, are you serious?”

“Of course not!” Xia Haixin rubbed her eyebrows and said, “It was just an act according to circumstances. This time, it was she who told me the news of Shen’s acquisition of our stock.”

“Mom, you heard it!” Xia Wan pulled Yao Lili to sit down and said, “It is normal for men to have an occasional courtesy outside. Why are you so serious?”

Yao Lili looked at her incredibly. “What are you saying?”

“Mom…” A little flash appeared in Xia Wan’s eyes. “Now we have no time to deal with it! Dad said that it was a joke and it would be fine to stop seeing each other later, wouldn’t it, dad?”

Xia Haixin looked at Yao Lili angrily. “I have given her a sum of money. She has gone abroad. Where else can I see her?”

Seeing Yao Lili’s reluctance, Xia Wan couldn’t help raising her voice. “Thirty percent of the company’s shares haven’t been taken back. Everyone is so worried, but mom, you are still making such a fuss.”

“Isn’t there still seventy percent of the stock left?” Yao Lili thought she was alarmist. “What’s the matter with the small loss of stock?”josei

Xia Haixin couldn’t help snorting. “Are your brains all used for eating, drinking, or dressing up? Don’t forget that half of the 70% of the shares belong to my brother!”

“He…” Yao Lili looked blank. “Would he join forces with outsiders to hurt his families?”

Xia Wan couldn’t help rolling her eyes. “Mom, be clear. Uncle won’t deal with us with outsiders now, but as long as he can get another 30 percent, do you think Dad can still make a decision in the company?”

“Your uncle, he…” Yao Lili shook her head. “Hasn’t he always been reluctant to come back but stay in the branch office on his own initiative?”

“That’s because he had no chance!” Xia Haixin stared at her. “Stupid, he will come back as long as he has a chance.”

Xia Wan took a paper towel and handed it to Yao Lili. “In the past, there was pressure from my grandfather. Even if my uncle wanted to come back, he could only be under my father. Now my grandfather is gone, he must come back to seize power.”

“How dare he!” Yao Lili shouted, and then looked at her husband and daughter unconfidently. “That… What shall we do now?”

Xia Haixin said in a bad mood, “You just keep quiet. Don’t mess us up.”

“Dad is right!” Xia Wan patted Yao Lili’s hand and said, “I think uncle and his families will be back soon. Then the family will depend on you, mom!”

A Miao stood at the door of the villa as if she had never been here.

“Did you change the color of the outer wall?”

It was not her delusion. It was really different.

“The color of the previous walls were too dark for children.”

The villa of Shen Xinglan was left behind by his mother. The outer walls were large pieces of black stones. It looked very tall but lacked the feeling of home.

This time he changed the color into burlywood. Apart from the exterior walls, many adjustments were made in the villa. Baby room and toy room were essential.

“But mom left it for you.” A Miao knew the importance of her mother-in-law in her husband’s heart. He did not allow to change anything even the grass and trees before.

“If our mother knows that it’s for you and our children, she’ll certainly agree on it!”

“Boss…” Shen I parked his car and ran over. “We found it.”

A Miao curiously looked at them. Shen Xinglan curled his mouth and said, “Come in to talk about it.”

All the furniture in the living room had been replaced with rounded corners, and the sofa had been changed into larger and deeper ones. The room was originally only black and white but now was involved in some bright red, purple and pink.

“I like this tablecloth!” A Miao touched the pink tablecloth with sporadic floret patterns. “Did you secretly check my shopping cart?”

She lovely smiled like a little rabbit and Shen Xinglan kissed her, “Hm, you did have a lot of things in your shopping cart.”

“Hee, hee!” A Miao fell into his arms. “When I was bored, I used my cell phone to browse stuff casually. When I saw something good, I added it into my shopping cart. I didn’t have to buy them.”

Shen Xinglan touched her. Although he was not clear about the woman’s psychology, he could understand it.

“I have stewed the soup, and drink a bowl firstly?” Song Baohua joyfully came out of the kitchen. “Everything is all right, and we just wait for a baby to come out in ten months!”

A Miao touched her belly and said mischievously, “I just ate Glutinous Rice Ball and can’t have more.”

“Then I’ll put it on the fire to keep it warm it until the dinner time.” After that, Song Baohua turned back to the kitchen and said, “I’ll cut some fruit!”

A Miao turned her head, touched Shen Xinglan’s palm, and glanced at Shen I standing behind him.

“You can say now.” Shen Xinglan let Shen I come up to him.

Shen I put a piece of paper and some photos on the table.

“This is Xia Haixin’s mistress. They have known each other for more than three years. And last week, the woman went to the hospital and found herself pregnant.

A Miao was stunned, “Does Yao Lili not know?”

“This time, she should know that there is such a woman, but maybe not clear about the specific intimacy with Xia Haixin.” A crafty look flashed in Shen Xinglan’s eyes. “Xia Haixin doesn’t dare to let her know.”

“Is Yao Lili capitalizing on Xia Haixin’s vulnerable point?”

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