Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 198 - Seeing a Play

Chapter 198 - Seeing a Play

Chapter 198 Seeing a Play
A Miao felt strange from the beginning. Xia Haixin actually didn’t love Yao Lili, but he didn’t seem to have any mistress. And his tolerance for Yao Lili had been beyond the scope.

“I thought you wouldn’t ask.” Shen Xinglan pinched her hands. “Yao Lili is a benefactor of the Xia family.”

More than 20 years ago, the Yao family was also a big and rich family, similar to the Xia and Bai families. The Ji family at that time, on the contrary, was not as good as them.

“At that time, the entire Eastern City was still a village in the city. The government prompted a policy to develop it, so several companies wanted to make a profit from it.” Shen Xinglan laughed sarcastically.

“In order to take more projects, the Xia family not only falsely reported the company’s accounts by tax evasion, but also bribed the director responsible for bidding at that time.”

Song Baohua put down the cut fruit and A Miao pricked a strawberry and sent it into Shen Xinglan’s mouth. “Was it found?”

“Yes, it was reported by the Ji family.”

Puff! Really… No wonder people say that the great family’s gratitude and resentment were handed down from generation to generation.

Her lovely expression attracted Shen Xinglan. He bowed his head and kissed A Miao. Then he said, “It seemed that Yao Lili had just given birth to Xia Wan. It was unknown what she told the Yao family. They took the blame for the Xia family.

“Really?” A Miao looked at him inevitably. “This was going to be jailed!”

“The Yao family has fewer children, only Yao Lili, and her brother.” Shen Xinglan frowned. “I heard that her brother is a little abnormal.”

A Miao was still surprised. “Then? Did Yao Lili let her brother bear the blame? Didn’t her parents care?”

“Yao Lili’s mother died long ago, and her father never remarried. Although he had many mistresses outside, he never admitted.”josei

“Later, I didn’t know how he got AIDS,” Shen Xinglan said calmly, “I think he might want to entrust Yao Lili to the Xia family.”

Yao Lili’s father knew he wouldn’t live long. His son was a fool and his daughter had married. It was better to promise the Xia family, at least it could keep Yao Lili’s status in the Xia family.

“So Yao Lili’s brother was abandoned.” A Miao couldn’t help gripping her heart. “Because unlike normal people, he was abandoned by his relatives. Such families are so cruel!”

Shen Xinglan didn’t expect that she would be so agitated, so he quickly held her on his legs.

“Don’t think too much. They are not your relatives. They just happen to bleed the same blood as you.”

A Miao put her arms around his waist and they clung together tightly. “I know, but I still feel angry. How could there be such cold-blooded and selfish people in the world?”

“Where is Yao Lili’s brother now? Is he still alive?”

Shen Xinglan stroked her hair. “He is closed in a psychiatric hospital and is treated as a criminal. He can only stay in a small room and except for those who deliver meals, probably no one can see him.”

“Then isn’t it that he has been detained for more than 20 years?” A Miao shook her head. “It’s too cruel.”

Shen I put in a word. “It seems that he has been ill since last year, and it is estimated that he will die soon.”

“Although Yao Lili seems stupid ordinarily, she is still very smart when it comes to herself,” Shen Xinglan continued to say, “she collected a lot of evidence of the Xia family that year. Nobody knows where she hides the evidence.”

But she was silly enough to show off the evidence in front of the Xia family later, which led them to know about it. This was also the reason why Xia Yongqiang’s second son never came back.

Even if he could exclude his eldest brother Xia Haixin, when Yao Lili went mad, everyone would die.

“So, are you going to…” A Miao suddenly looked at the picture on the table.

Shen I smiled in a particularly sinister way. “This is a readymade opportunity.”

Yao Lili was unwilling to compromise.

Although she had promised Xia Wan that she would stay at home honestly, she felt angrier as thinking more. What was the purpose of giving up her families? She only wanted Xia Haixin to treat her wholeheartedly.

“Hello, have you found it?” Her face changed when she heard the address on the phone.

“Xia Haixin! You lied to me again, and that woman didn’t go abroad at all!”

This time Yao Lili didn’t make any quarrels. The next day she secretly went to the residential area on the address.

“Are you Yue Moli?”

Yue Moli had an appointment with Xia Haixin today and was stopped as soon as she got out of the car. When she saw who the person was, her face suddenly changed.

“Xia… Mrs. Xia…”

“Ah! Know me?” Yao Lili looked at her with a sneer. Though she was younger and more beautiful, she actually dared to seduce her husband!

Yue Moli took a careful step back. “Mrs. Xia often appears in magazines. I know you naturally!”

“Bitch!” Yao Lili raised her hand and gave her a slap. “In fact, you know my husband, not me. Ah? You are a bitch. How dare you seduce my husband! I’ll kill you today.”

Then she beat Yue Moli crazily. Yue Moli pushed her while protecting her stomach.

“Mrs. Xia, calm down. That’s a misunderstanding. I…”

“Bullshit!” Yao Lili kicked her in the stomach.

Yue Moli felt a twinge of pain in her lower abdomen, and at that time, she didn’t care anything. She got up and pushed Yao Lili aside. Yao Lili staggered a few steps and then held the car to stand firmly.

“Well! Do you still dare to fight back?”

At this point, there was no need to pretend. Yue Moli looked like caring nothing. “You are an old woman, and your husband came to me actively. He didn’t love you a long time ago. He said you were stupid. If I were you, I would leave him consciously instead of being shameless to stay here!”

“Wench!” Yao Lili was going to hit her again.

Yue Moli was more powerful than her. Since there was no need to disguise, she was naturally not afraid to kick her down directly.

“Ah!” Yao Lili muffled her stomach and hummed a few times, trying to get up, but Yue Moli stepped on her hair.

Yue Moli looked down at her and said, “If you have the ability, take care of your husband, or you’re ready to give way!”

Xia Haixin didn’t know that his wife and mistress were fighting, and he rushed to Yue Moli after dealing with the company.

“What’s wrong?” As soon as he entered, he said impatiently, “Didn’t I give you money? Why don’t you leave? If my wife knows about it, it’s troublesome.”

“I also want to leave!” Yue Moli smiled at him delicately, then her eyes turned red and she began to cry.

Most elder men had little resistance to women who pretend to be weak, so did Xia Haixin. Seeing a beauty crying, he could not bear to blame her, so he comforted her by holding her in his arms.

“I ask you to leave so that you can avoid trouble. I will pick you up when the company’s business is settled.”

Yue Moli leaned against him tightly and her breath haunted Xia Haixin’s neck. “But even if I come back, I can’t be with you. Your wife won’t let me go.”

“You are so attractive!” Xia Haixin’s eyes were red. He put her directly against the wall and began to take off his trousers.

Yue Moli twisted and pushed him away. “No!”

“Still angry?” Xia Haixin’s hand went into her clothes. “You can rest assured that I’ll find a way out then.”

“No…” Yue Moli kissed him and said, “I already have one. I can’t attend you.”

Xia Haixin was stunned. “… What do you mean?”

“Fool!” Yue Moli took his hand and put it on her abdomen. “I’m pregnant and have your baby!”

“Really?” Xia Haixin’s first reaction was to be happy.

To tell the truth, he had been obsessed with not having an obedient and capable successor. After all, Xia Wan had already married. His only son was useless. When he was old, did he have to hand over the company to his younger brother’s children?

“How old?” Xia Haixin soon calmed down and decided to consider it from a long-term perspective. In order to keep the child, he could not let Yao Lili know it.

Yao Lili was sitting in the garden of the community in a state of despair.

“You firstly go abroad to take care of the baby in your abdomen and give birth to a son. Then I will definitely marry you.”

Xia Haixin’s words were recalled in Yao Lili’s mind over and over again. The woman was pregnant, and he was ready to let the woman be the hostess of the Xia family…

“Mrs. Xia, that’s all I can do for you.” Standing next to her was a middle-aged man who looked at her sympathetically.

Yao Lili suddenly raised her head. “Who are you? Why did you do this?”

After she was beaten by Yue Moli, she grudgingly wandered downstairs but saw Xia Haixin coming in a hurry. Yao Lili followed her husband to the door sadly and angrily and watched him enter.

“Mrs. Xia?”

She was about to smash the door when the man stopped her.

“It’s no good for you to go in like this. Why don’t you look at this first?” The man handed her his cell phone. It was the scene what was happening inside the house.

The next picture made her down completely. If the man didn’t pull her out, she would have rushed in and killed the two people.

“Don’t look at me like that!” The man raised his camera. “I’m a reporter of the Entertainment Weekly. Monitor Yue Moli is a personal grievance between me and her. But Mr. Xia… Ha, ha.”

Yao Lili staggered and stood up.

When the man saw that she was leaving, he ran after her and said, “Mrs. Xia, would you like to buy this video? Otherwise, I’ll put it online!”

“No!” Yao Lili looked at him in panic. “Don’t let others know!”

In her life circle, there were few men who didn’t find mistresses. Several sisters who played cards with her often envied her for having a good husband who never kept a mistress outside for so many years.

If this video came out, then she would lose face.

“Ha, ha! We can discuss.” The man held out his hand and waved. “Fifty thousand.”

Yao Lili paid the money and took the video home. On the way, she resumed her spirit. “Didn’t Xia Haixin want children? OK! Then let me see which one is more important, the future of the company or the woman?”

At Shen’s villa.

“According to Yao Lili’s character, she will have a showdown with Xia Haixin immediately.”

After hearing Shen I report, A Miao began to analyze it. In recent days, the Xia family’s affairs had become an afternoon TV show. Every time Shen I told her about the progress of the affairs, she would be particularly interested in discussing with Shen Xinglan.

“Not necessarily so.” Shen Xinglan leaned against the sofa to read the document.

The days of nurturing the fetus were boring. Since the Xia family’s affair could help A Miao pass the time, he was happy to meet her need.

“I think Yao Lili will carry him into a conspiracy.” Shen Xinglan picked his eyebrows. “If you don’t believe me… how about making a bet?”

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