Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 199 - Shen Xinglan's Female Classmate

Chapter 199 - Shen Xinglan's Female Classmate

Chapter 199 Shen Xinglan’s Female Classmate
Shen Xinglan had his people continue to keep a close eye on Yao Lili, and the outside world’s reports about the Xia family and A Miao had almost reached their peak. Even the story about A Miao’s mother had been dug up.

“Send legal notices to these magazines accusing them of slander.” Shen Xinglan was sitting in his study with a bunch of assistants in front of him. Now he had moved his office into his home.

“And,” Shen Xinglan’s eyes were cold as he continued, “form a legal team immediately and engage in a lawsuit with the Xia family.”

Xia Yongqiang had not been buried yet. The Xia family cried out everywhere for A Miao to give an explanation. Shen Xinglan originally wanted to give Yao Lili some time, but now he did not want to wait.

“Boss, Jiang Quanyu is back,” Shen I said as he put down the phone.

Xiao Yue looked at the man in front of her who questioned her and said with a smile, “Do you suspect it was me?”

“Wasn’t it you?” Jiang Quanyu looked ugly with his hands tightly clenched.

He did not expect his family to stop the news until he boarded the plane and knew that A Miao had an accident.

“I am your lawful wife,” Xiao Yue said flatly. “Even if you don’t like me, you have to be tied to me. Because you did not refuse, you obeyed the orders of your elders, and I… did the same.”

“The difference is that I really like you.”

Jiang Quanyu showed no interest in Xiao Yue’s words and stared straight at her. “I’ll ask you again, did you send someone to kill A Miao?”

“Am I not clear enough?” Xiao Yue said with a smile. “Do you think it is necessary for me to offend that woman?”

“Isn’t your Xiao’s family also after the bronze mirror jade pendant? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have married into our family.” Jiang Quanyu sneered, “My men said that the people that were sent were obviously trying to capture A Miao. I couldn’t think of anyone but you.”

Xiao Yue sighed as she opened her suitcase to hang her clothes. She said, “The Xiao family was just a place for me to grow up and then they want me to repay their kindness. I am not interested in the bronze mirror jade pendant.”

She looked up at Jiang Quanyu and said, “Unless… you want it, then I will help you.”

“Was it really not you?” Jiang Quanyu naturally knew what Xiao Yue’s status was in the Xiao family, and he frowned thoughtfully.

“I know that you don’t want to be against A Miao, but if you don’t want to, it doesn’t mean others don’t want to.” Xiao Yue smiled. “Your family and the Xiao family can’t wait to snatch A Miao and threaten Shen Xinglan to hand over the bronze mirror jade pendant.”

Jiang Hua’s eyes lit up. “It was Xiao Mei!”

“I didn’t say anything!” Xiao Yue stood up and said, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Xiao Mei is coming, and her goal is more than the bronze mirror jade pendant…”

“Of course I want to get rid of that woman, but I don’t have to do it at all! Xiao Mei, I’m waiting to see how you can make a scene. It’s best that you all die. When the time comes, the bronze mirror jade pendant and Jiang Quanyu will belong to me alone!”

“Miss, your phone.” Little Demon handed the phone to A Miao.

Shen Xinglan knew from nowhere, saying that the radiation was the most dangerous when the cell phone was connected, so he would not let A Miao answer the phone. It was all transferred to her by Little Demon.

“Hello! Who is it?”

The telephone was quiet but there was a faint sound of breathing.

“Who’s there? If you don’t speak, I’m hanging up.”

After a sigh, a voice came faintly.

“A Miao… it’s me.”

A Miao recognized who it was immediately. “Jiang Hua? Are you back?”

Jiang Hua smiled and sounded somewhat helpless as he asked, “Are you all right?”

“I’m okay…” A Miao paused. “It seems that it’s you who have something to do!”

“Haha, congratulations on becoming a mother!” Jiang Quanyu’s voice finally perked up. “Can I see you when the baby is born?”

A Miao smiled and nodded. “Of course!”

Another silence.

“Jiang Hua?” A Miao thought the connection had broken up. “Are you all right?”

“About those who tried to grab you… Did Shen Xinglan say anything?” After much consideration, Jiang Hua asked, “Did he protect you?”

A Miao thought for a moment, then said, “He said it was a foreign mercenary, and that I don’t have to go out now since I have to rest at home.”

“I know,” Jiang Quanyu added, “is there any way to solve the Xia family’s problems?”

“Xinglan said to give it to him.”josei

Her words made Jiang Quanyu felt like he was stabbed in the heart. A Miao did not need him at all. She had a man whom she trusted wholeheartedly.

“It’s okay…”

Depressed and sad, Jiang Quanyu warned her, “Tell Shen Xinglan that Xiao Mei is coming. She not only had people try to grab you, but also has her participation in the Xia family. In short, you must be careful.”

“Jiang Hua…” A Miao did not know what to say.

According to their current positions, Jiang Hua should not have told her this.

The man’s laughter came from the phone. “All right, forget it, call me if you have something!”

Drip, drip, drip…

“Whose phone number is that?” Shen Xinglan took the cell phone from A Miao’s hand and threw it to Little Demon.

A Miao still had not recovered. “Jiang Hua…”

“Why is he looking for you?” Shen Xinglan’s voice had changed, and danger signs flashed through his eyes.

“…” A Miao reacted and glared at him. “He has just returned home and said hello. What more could it be?”

Shen Xinglan stared at her with an expression that said: You are trying to deceive me again.

“He said that Xiao Mei is coming and that she sent the man who came to grab me last time. She’s also involved with the Xia family.” A Miao repeated Jiang Hua’s words and then curled her lips.

“Hmph! A woman is going to come to the door.”

The breath of Shen Xinglan suddenly changed. He loved the jealous look of A Miao. He held her against his leg and gave her a kiss. “I’ve never known any woman named Xiao. It doesn’t matter to me whether she comes or not.”

“But…” Shen Xinglan’s eyes turned cold. “I suspected that the Xiao’s and Jiang’s had done this last thing, and now it seems that I was right.”

Then he said with a look of disgust, “Haha… Jiang Quanyu. They sent the killer right under his nose, and he just told you now.”

“He is reasonable even if he does not say so.” A Miao bowed her head. “I’d rather he didn’t say it.”

Shen Xinglan pursed his lips. Although he could not wait to have the opportunity to kill Jiang, now with this kind of situation, it was more insurance to keep him alive. In case one day A Miao was in danger, at least he could do something.

As for if it was shameless that had other men protect his women, Shen Xinglan had no such feeling. The most important thing was that A Miao was fine and more insurance was more reassuring.

“Shen I, investigate Xiao Mei.” Shen Xinglan thought, he really did not know when he had met that woman.

“Boss…” Shen I gave him a quick look as he continued, “did you forget? You and Xiao Mei were classmates.”

A Miao’s eyes widened. “Classmates?”

Shen Xinglan once studied abroad for two years, before he returned to take over the Ji Corp. Because he never had any contact with management work, he completed other people’s four-year degree in just two years.

“Business school!” A Miao’s mouth curled again. “The world’s first-class institution of higher learning!”

“Haha…” Shen Xinglan scratched her waist. “When you have the baby, I’ll send you to school. You can go to business school.”

A Miao snorted, “I’m not going! I don’t like managing companies.”

“That…” Shen I interrupted the two of them. “Should I continue speaking?”

“Go on,” said A Miao, pushing aside the face of Shen Xinglan. “What did your Boss and Xiao Mei do at school?”

Shen Xinglan glanced at Shen I. The latter immediately stood straight and said with a serious face, “Miss, you misunderstand. Boss doesn’t know Xiao Mei at all. It’s all nonsense from those people in the school.”

Xiao Mei was the president of the student union at that time because of her good family background and beautiful face, so she became a well-deserved school beauty queen. Shen Xinglan was famous because he was not only first in the exams, but also handsome. Over time, everyone naturally put two of them together.

“But Boss didn’t know her. He didn’t even know there was such a person as Xiao Mei.” Shen I said with a sigh, “One Christmas, many female classmates gave Boss gifts and invited him as a dance partner.”

This time around, Shen Xinglan remembered that people threw boxes at him when he was walking on the road. If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t do anything at school, he would have ripped these women’s arms off and thrown them out.

“Boss, do you remember the time when a girl invited you to dinner in the canteen? Xiao Mei just passed by, and her supporters satirized the girl for overreaching herself. They said you were Xiao Mei’s dance partner or something.”

A Miao lifted her eyelids and looked like she was watching a good show.

Shen Xinglan smiled and kissed her ear. “Don’t look at me, I have no impression.”

“What did he say then?” A Miao ignored him and asked Shen I.

He really did not say anything.

“Boss found that the female classmate ran away with her face covered. He thought this was a good method, so he nodded to Xiao Mei and left.”

“Did you promise you’d be her dance partner?” A Miao poked at Shen Xinglan’s face and said, “You still said you didn’t know her?”

Shen I said quickly, “Miss, I haven’t finished yet! Boss didn’t see Xiao Mei at all. He reckoned that this method of rejecting people was good. That’s why it came out later that Boss and Xiao Mei were together.”

“What about the ball?” A Miao still thought about it.

Shen Xinglan rubbed her head. “Of course I didn’t go. I went on a mission with Ding V.”

“Do you remember?”

“Mmm!” Shen Xinglan had a face of indifference. “I returned home soon after Christmas.”

A Miao touched her chin. “So the Xiao family thought you were a heartless rat and had left without saying goodbye, then you married me who is a thorn in their side! Gee…” She put on a show of emotion.

“After all these years, someone is still waiting for you!”

Shen I slipped away in time, leaving A Miao with her cheeks bulging out of jealousy and a happy look on Shen Xinglan’s face. Not knowing how he had coaxed her, anyway, when he held A Miao to eat, the little woman hiding in his arms even had red ears…

At the Xia family’s—

“What? My second uncle is coming back?”

Xia Wan turned around twice. “He certainly doesn’t plan to do something good when he wants to come back at this time. Dad! Will uncle seize the company?”

“Otherwise?” Xia Haixin took off his glasses irritably. “Now we have as many stocks as he does, he will not give up this opportunity.”

Xia Wan frowned and suddenly remembered that she hadn’t seen Yao Lili for a while.

“Where is my mother?”

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