Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 200 - The Actions of All Parties

Chapter 200 - The Actions of All Parties

Chapter 200 The Actions of All Parties
Xia Haixin took a gulp of whiskey and burped out a bitter breath before he said, “Who knows about her? She has been talking a lot these days and I often do not see her.”

“She’s not at home?” Xia Wan was surprised. “Where is she now?”

“What else can she do besides go shopping, beautify herself and play cards?” Xia Haixin laughed scornfully. “Forget your mother, do you expect her to come up with a way?”

Yao Lili was really not at home. She had gone to a psychiatric hospital.

“Elder brother, I’ll pick you up.” On the sickbed lay an old man with gray hair. In his slightly open mouth hung saliva, his eyes turbid, looking like he was dying…

“Mrs. Xia, your brother’s condition is not very good. We do not recommend that you take him out of the hospital.”

Yao Lili glared at the doctor grumpily. “You are not a professional hospital. My brother is ill like this now. Am I leaving him to die?”

“Your brother is suffering from kidney failure. He is impossible to get better anywhere.” The doctor said helplessly, “Moreover, he is too old to handle it.”

“I have decided to take my brother out of the hospital.” Yao Lili motioned with her hand, “You go handle the formalities for me as soon as possible. We will leave immediately.”

When the first spring rain in City S came, A Miao was finally able to go out.

“Let’s go to the hospital for an examination first, then go to the shopping mall you mentioned.” Shen Xinglan helped her get in the car. “If the doctor says you can go.”

A Miao patted her stomach with a bold face and said, “It must be all right!”

She knew her own body, and this period of time she was not as tired as she had been at first, her body was basically unresponsive.

“I heard pregnant women throw up, why didn’t you throw up?” Shen Xinglan was also baffled, so he always felt uneasy.

After careful examination, the doctor told them with a smile that the fetus was all right and had started normal development, and could live normally in the future, but vigorous activities should still not be done.

When he said this, the doctor looked at Shen Xinglan, who nodded calmly and asked a question.

“When can she do vigorous activities then?”

“…” The doctor would like to say: When the child is born.

When he saw the man’s dog-like eyes, he shrank back. “At least five… no, in seven months.”

“Why do I have no symptoms of morning sickness?” A Miao blushed and changed the subject, ignoring the shameless man beside her.

The doctor also ignored him.

“Everyone’s situation is different. Some don’t vomit and some don’t react until three months later.” She looked at A Miao with a smile. “The fetus is nearly 60 days old now. If there are any problems, you can come back!”

With the doctor’s affirmation, A Miao went to the shopping mall with confidence. Shen Xinglan held her hand tightly and avoided the crowd.

“Look over there!” A Miao poked him. “Her stomach is so big, but they’re not as nervous as you are.”

Shen Xinglan glanced at her, still holding her tightly. “She is so fat, she must be very strong.”

“Haha… she just has a big belly!”

“Here it is.” A Miao was too lazy and ignored him as she dragged the man into a shop.

At the airport, a line of people came out of the VIP passage. The woman in front was dressed in a red trench coat and leather boots. Her wavy hair followed her in a seductive arc.

“Sister Xiao Mei, is this your first time in China?” the woman who caught up from behind asked with a smiling face. “I can show you around!”

If A Miao were here, she would be surprised. Wasn’t this Xia Mei that she hadn’t seen in a long time? Behind the two of them was another familiar face, Xia Fan.

“Xiao Mei, aren’t you afraid of losing Miss Xiao?” With his hands in his pockets, Xia Fan looked a lot more mature than he had a few years ago. At first glance, he was quite attractive.

Xiao Mei took off her dark glasses. Her skin was white and her delicate facial features were very attractive.

“Let’s settle your Xia family affairs first. I have my own plans.”

Xia Hailin, who caught up, smiled and said, “Thank you this time, Miss Xiao!”

“Don’t mention it, we are only mutually benefiting.” Xiao Mei put on dark glasses and the driver pulled open the door to protect her.

Before driving away, Xiao Mei rolled down the window and said, “Mr. Xia, you’d better hurry up! Otherwise… I’ll find someone else to cooperate with.”

“Don’t worry!” Xia Hailin smiled triumphantly. “I also hope Miss Xiao can get what you want.”

Looking at the car driving away, the smile on his face gradually faded.

“Elder brother, will you really not try to pursue Xiao Mei?” Xia Mei was again envious. “What good qualifications she has!”

Xia Fan laughed scornfully. “You fool, that woman’s target is Shen Xinglan.”

When they were about to return home, Xiao Mei came to them and said that she had another 30% of Xia’s shares in her hand and asked Xia Hailin and his son to cooperate with her.

“Let’s get in the car.” Xia Hailin looked at her with a frown. “Where’s your mother?”

Xia Mei looked around. “She just said she was going to the bathroom. Ah, there she is!”

“Hurry up!” Xia Hailin impatiently opened the door to sit in first.

The woman who came at a trot dressed very well but had a small-minded face as she got in the car.

When Jiang Quanyu saw Xiao Mei coming, his face showed obvious impatience. Xiao Yue next to him smiled and said, “Was the hotel room satisfactory?”

“Satisfied.” Xiao Mei also smiled at her, but the smile obviously did not reach her eyes. “But I declined the room.”

Xiao Yue was not surprised at all. She bowed her head and said to Jiang Quanyu, “Look, I said she didn’t like staying in hotels.”

“Did you buy a house?” Jiang Quanyu had a bad feeling.

“Yes!” Xiao Mei sat down on the sofa. “A villa, you’re welcome to visit.”

Xiao Yue calmed down and poured her a glass of red wine. “Let me guess… the villas on the top of Nancheng Mountain?”

“Smart!” Xiao Mei took the glass. “I have seen them. The environment there is really good. Why don’t you consider buying?”

Jiang Quanyu’s calm face fell silent, so Xiao Yue curious asked, “That is the earliest villa area, how did you buy it?”

“There is nothing in this world that cannot be bought.” Xiao Mei looked at the red wine hanging on the side of the glass. “As long as you can afford the price…”

“This is China. I hope you can be a little more restrained.” Jiang Quanyu finally spoke. “I don’t care what you want. Remember one thing, don’t affect me. The bronze mirror jade pendant is in Shen Xinglan’s hands. If you mess with me, don’t say I didn’t give the Xiao’s face.”

Xiao Mei took a sip of red wine and her lips moved. “You mean I can’t touch the woman named A Miao?”

“I haven’t settled accounts with you for the last time.” Jiang Quanyu saw that she was so direct that he did not hide it. “A Miao is the marrow of Shen Xinglan. If you hurt her, don’t say you can’t get the bronze mirror jade pendant. I’m afraid you will be endlessly hunted down.”

Xiao Yue saw Xiao Mei’s face getting ugly and she walked to the opposite side of her and sat down gently. “Behind Shen Xinglan is a killer organization. Don’t you know that?”

“You really can endure!” Xiao Mei sniggered. “Your man protects another woman in front of you, and you still help him talk? Haha…”

Her half-sister looked like a harmless rabbit, but she was actually a vicious wasp. If you just gave her a chance, she would kill you. Since childhood, Xiao Mei had seen this woman thoroughly.

Moreover, she never admitted that Xiao Yue was her sister. She was a bastard. How could she be called her sister?

“I don’t mind if you feel better this way.” Xiao Yue still looked at her with a smile. “I just want to remind you that our aim is the bronze mirror jade pendant. If grandpa knows you are after a man…”

Xiao Mei’s face sank. “Shut up! Don’t think I don’t know what you think. You want me to make mistakes and want me to be abandoned by grandpa, ah! Damn this intention. I will use my own method to steal the bronze mirror jade pendant.”

After saying that, Xiao Mei’s head did not turn back, then she went out.

“Do you believe her?” asked Xiao Yue.

Jiang Quanyu snapped the document closed. “I’ll have people keeping a close eye on her, but you…” He could not see through the woman anymore.

“Me?” Xiao Yue touched his tie. “You should know, the person I hate most in this world is Xiao Mei. So, if she is unlucky, I will be very happy!”

Shen Xinglan sat in the living room and watched A Miao play with the newly bought item.

“Today is March 2, I’ll paste a rabbit!” In front of A Miao was a large notebook with a budding pink color and a variety of small animals painted on it.

She pasted a three-dimensional rabbit on the first page. “From today on, I will write about my pregnancy. Let’s take a picture!” She gathered together with Shen Xinglan and raised up her phone.

Shen Xinglan took the opportunity to kiss her. “Is it fun?”

“Of course!” A Miao printed the photo directly, pasted it on that page, and then pasted a three-dimensional moon. “Look, this means that the photo was taken at night.”josei

This kind of thing came from the island country, equipped with a lot of three-dimensional gadgets to decorate the diary, so expectant mothers could happily record the mood of being pregnant in October.

“As long as you like this.” As Shen Xinglan was trying to hold her to sleep, he saw Ding V push open the door and come in.

A Miao asked in surprise, “Why are you here so late?”

“Mengmeng is hungry and wants to eat pork leg noodles.” Ding V squatted down on the sofa and looked curiously at A Miao’s diary.

Shen Xinglan looked at him in a gloomy way. “Who told you to come in without knocking?”

“Mengmeng said you wouldn’t let us in if we knocked.”

A Miao: “…”

“I’m not wrong.” Wei Meng, who followed, came over and sat down. “See, he looks like that he wouldn’t let us come in.”

Ding V looked at Shen Xinglan seriously and said, “We will leave when Mengmeng is full.”

“…” He really wanted to throw them out.

“You can’t stay up all night, let’s go to bed,” said Shen Xinglan, who picked up A Miao with a dark face.

“Ah, don’t forget to ask auntie to cook noodles for Mengmeng!”

After becoming pregnant, A Miao fell asleep very quickly, and Shen Xinglan stared at the sleeping woman, thinking that if only she could get smaller, he could put A Miao in his pocket every day.

Fortunately, A Miao did not know his bizarre thoughts…

“Don’t say that we eat for nothing, I have news for you.” Wei Meng saw Shen Xinglan come downstairs, so she put down the bowl and looked at him.

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